
My Great vampire lord system

This is the story after the destruction appear on earth and human awakening their bloodline.Bit their was a ordinary boy who has not awake his bloodline and always bully by other. One day he meet a vampire which have promised him that he will give his power to him and help him to become strongest in all humanrace.In a world filled with abilities and superpowers, Aryan singha, a 16-year-old boy, is an orphan who is living his life with a little too much optimism, trying his best to get by. Due to him having no ability, he had been bullied and tortured everyday.Now that Aryan has the power to change his cruel destiny, how will he use it to get back at the world that wronged him on the road to becoming the vampire lord.

Rudra_kumar_Singh · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Changes in body

Vampire is try to fight with the mysterious power and try to escape but it was to late for him to escape he has already had trap by the mysterious power. The ancient power smile and through a cage toward the vampire and fusion with aryan soul. This is impossible he spoke slow Darkness cover his consciousness for few second aryan fall in deep darkness and vampire power grow up in the bottom of aryan. He open his eyes his eye turn red, his hair turn white and his skin turn white, his bone become stronger. suddenly he feel pain and scream in pain. As fast as the pain came as fast as it gone. He look to his hand it is as white as candle and body temperature was unexceptional low. His eye, nose, ear, toungh has increase in their capacity. increase for thirsty of blood he feel that his dry throat after drinking a 2 liter of water he sit onthe floor and try to understand want is going on. Maybe he can understand this situation. Some awake in his deep soul of him. Vampire try to capture that ancient power but that power absorb his soul. A voice came in his mind. I can't belive that you have absorb all my power. I don't known that a ancient and mysterious power present inside my soul. It came from the book. I promise I will take the Reavenage from you said vampire. I have though that this is a tempeary contract between us. You are the one who has trying to capture my body and mind. Now, the situation I will help you to fulfill all your wish until you fulfill my required of blood. Vampire saying it laugh. Aryan was surprise to see that the vampire was accept situation. Yes, I can feel you are increase my desire he sudden feel free belive that his brain was be fresh and the feeling of insecurity and fear was disappear. I am doing thing because I don't have any option I don't want mess that mysterious power brother vampire shout loudly. I think you are a small fear demon. He is tease with vampire, keep quit now you have power Now you must be able to used it. Do you mean the power getting after awakening a Bloodline, Now you will able to open power screen. A "power Screen" is very amazing every person have the power screen who has awake there " BLOODLINE". When the destruction appear on earth that change all the living thing it don't leave the human 90% of human where killed few people turn into a beast or die because of the excise flow of energy all the drop into Anarchy the world is changing in the universe a door open and powerful beast came out any thing more monster came to earth. In this endless universe a door open and powerful beast came out any thing more monster came to earth. In this endless universe a mysterious heard the cry of human and come to earth. A body which is made up of light has seen and give the human race power screen and help to awake bloodline. That mysterious said his name unlimited light. That time human have the chance to change that thing make his way through the darkness and spread his light through all over the world. Due to some reason he had not awake his bloodline. At that time he can only see his parent dieing. He hide himself in his cellar of his house very difficultly he has save his life and he has save by rescue officer after 1 month. After 20 year world difficult exite. Every country has destroyed and the people who are left has made there own country. But they don't help him and through to the lowest rank of Warrior it said rank 1 but now the thing has change. Aryan look at the holographic screen.

Name: Aryan

Bloodline: vampire

Energy power: 30

Strength: 20

Speed: 20

Hp: 100/100