
My Grandfather's Family Secret

So this story is all about a girl named Isabella. Her grandfather falls ill and doesn't tell her why. He keeps telling her to "go find the gem", but she doesn't know what that means. Why is her grandfather hiding something from her? What's the big deal with her family? Let's embark on an adventure together and find out.

MysteriesUntold9 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Kiara is a- a...

Malissa plunged toward us at a scarcely fast pace. Since the table she was in wasn't too far away from ours, she quickly managed to break our table and kick Brad in the face.

"Oh yay! Now we are all hurt!" Kiara said sarcastically.

"We haven't even had our orders taken!" I said with a small wince.

Malissa shot up in the air and through the roof. She was gone for only a couple of seconds before she shot back down and almost knocked me unconscious.

"I-AM-NOT-JUST-A-LITTLE-GIRL!" Malissa said between everytime she managed to kick one of us.

I gestured for Kiara and Brad to follow me out the store. We ran on to the road and quickly ran towards the Gas station to attempt to hide. As soon as we got to the Gas station Malissa popped out the restaurant door and scanned for us. I mean literally scanned. She had some kind of heat sensor attached to her wrist.

"THERE YOU ARE!" she yelled with a huge laugh and came (once again) plummeting toward us.

She came toward me, but I managed to dodge her just in time. Bad idea. Brad was behind me so instead of Malissa hitting me, she hit him instead. Brad was thrown to the ground and immediately knocked out cold.

"BRAD!" me and Kiara screamed on union.

A smirk slowly began to form on Malissa's face as she realized something.

"So.. He's important to you? Oh well. Soon you will realize that you DO NOT call me a useless little girl." Malissa yelled from the clouds and she darted down to grad Brad.

I didn't have enough time to react before Kiara screamed;


Kara's bandana that was covering her eyes suddenly exploded! Her eyes glowed orange and her skin began to turn the same color as her hair. Her ears tinted blue at the ends and her paws- wait... Paws?

I screamed as I realized what Kiara had become. A WOLF!