
Chapter 497: Close Your Eyes

Liu Chen and Liu Ruyan dived underwater, their bodies entangling beneath the surface.

Liu Ruyan, not skilled in swimming, was supported by Liu Chen as he kissed her to pass breath to her.

The hot spring wasn't deep, with a flat and smooth bottom. Liu Ruyan, unaccustomed to the sensation of water, panicked internally despite Liu Chen's assistance in breathing, struggling uncontrollably.

With her feet flailing about on the floor, she must have hit something; a dull thud sounded, and bubbles began to rise endlessly from the bottom of the spring.

Gurgle gurgle, the large bubbles ascended from the depths, floating up to the surface.

Liu Chen paused for a moment, turning his head to observe the scene. He swam over with Liu Ruyan, and when they parted the thick aquatic plants, a door surprisingly appeared on the bottom of the hot spring.

Liu Chen, driven by curiosity, pulled Liu Ruyan in with him.