

Ray traveled to a world where everyone could become a god and create their own divine domain. If you want to improve your strength, you must continue to grow the races in the God's Domain and build and expand your own God's Domain. Ray, from an ordinary family, was born inferior to the sons of the powerful. In his newly born God Realm, not only did no races be born, but there was no resource to build and expand this God Realm. Fortunately, Ray awakened the "system". From then on, a race called "Players" was born in his domain. When the races in other people's gods are still in the state of primitive tribes, they need the gods to teach them how to make fires, how to build houses, and how to cultivate. The players in Ray’s God's Domain have already built a magnificent city in the sky, and all of them have super strength. His realm eventually became the strongest supreme in this world.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY PATREON LINK: https://patreon.com/TERMINALLY_ILL?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink patreon.com/TERMINALLY_ILL

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Chapter 6: The protector of the city

Just as Ray rushed to the school.

While enjoying the magnificent scenery of the city in the early morning.In the sky.Suddenly there were ten dragons and ten elephants, and at the same time a roar like a neigh.I saw a terrifying beast that invaded from another time and space.Dragging a body that is 100,000 miles long.From a space-time crack in the air, it slowly flew out.The appearance of this alien beast is very ferocious and terrifying.The body is like a deep-sea giant whale.There are two long whiskers on the head. Nostrils spit fire.Smoke came out of his mouth, and two rows of huge and terrifying sharp teeth rose to the sky.The body is wrapped in layers of incomparably strong armor.The huge body obscures the sky and turns into a huge shadow.Covering the entire ... City.Not to mention the strength of this alien beast.Its body, if smashed from the sky.It Can destroy the entire ... City.Just when Ray stared at this terrifying beast in the sky, he was in a daze.An extremely terrifying coercion emanated from the alien beast.Countless shuttles and battleships all began to fall uncontrollably.Demigods below all gods in the entire city.All fell to the ground.In Ray huge sea of ​​consciousness, a huge wave was also turning up at this moment.The Prehistoric God Realm made a creaking sound, as if it would be crushed at any time.But somehow.Ray Prehistoric Realm finally resisted this coercion.As a new demigod, he was not crushed to the ground.at this time!A high-pitched siren sounded throughout ... City.Before waiting for Ray on the ground to react.A round of golden light suddenly appeared over ... City.The golden light around the body contained a terrifying divine might.Across hundreds of miles, it violently bombarded the body of the alien beast in the air.A huge roar shook the entire ... City.Then, from that great sun, came out an extremely powerful deity.He exuded divine might and even enveloped the entire ... City.So that the alien beast will destroy ... City.Ray often sees this god in the news.The other party is the high-level god who is responsible for guarding ... City.Under the bombardment of golden light, the alien beasts in the air let out an angry roar.This beast's body is very powerful, and he was not injured by the divine power radiated by the protector God.It saw God X not far away and let out an angry roar like a dragon.Immediately, the beast opened a bloody mouth, trying to swallow God X.But X God was not afraid.Suddenly, an incomparably vast divine domain appeared above his head.In the realm of the gods, there are ten thousand five-clawed golden dragons, soaring and flying in the sea of ​​​​clouds.Beneath the sea of ​​​​clouds, apes and eagle's roar...I don't know how many hidden, terrifying and powerful God's Domain races are hidden.This divine domain engulfed the monsters that invaded from different time and space in an instant.Ray hasn't calmed down yet.The X God in the air had disappeared without a trace.A war that was supposed to turn the world upside down and destroy the world.After the appearance of this powerful god, it instantly disappeared into nothingness.Such a strong demeanor!Made Ray feel like there are countless torrents in his chest!I can't help but sigh:One day I will also become like that...Waiting for Ray to recover from the shock.He just found out!There are only 30 minutes left before class time.Before class, he would have to go to a store near the school to buy something.If you don't hurry, you'll be really late today.Think of this.Ray immediately burst out with all his strength.The supernatural transformation method has been pushed to the extreme.With every step, he can jump out more than fifty meters.Less than 7 minutes.He arrived near the school.At this time, white mist shrouded his head.There was a fine layer of sweat all over his body.Ray didn't walk directly into the school gate.With a flash, he walked into a hidden alley near the school.In the depths of this alley, there is a sign.The book "Supplies Second-hand Store".There is also a dense line of small print below:"Sells all kinds of cultivation secrets, weapons, magic weapons, beasts, monsters and monsters' nests, puppets, special buildings, defense circles, mineral resources, etc."As if to know that Ray is coming.The door of the store opened, revealing a slightly wretched middle-aged man."Hey, early in the morning, I didn't expect this God of Wealth to come to the door.""Ray, did you bring me something good for me?"Old K asked with a sinister smile on his face."I'm here today, not to sell things to you! I'm here to buy things!"Ray said in a bad mood.Before he crossed, he was an integrated circuit engineer on Earth.After coming to this world, I studied the scientific and technological knowledge of this world.He soon learned to make a special supercomputer in "Technology God's Domain".The shop owner in front of him, K, often buys supercomputers made by him.Sold to demigods who can't afford a genuine product from the official store.Therefore, Ray and this old K are also old friends who have business dealings....