

Ray traveled to a world where everyone could become a god and create their own divine domain. If you want to improve your strength, you must continue to grow the races in the God's Domain and build and expand your own God's Domain. Ray, from an ordinary family, was born inferior to the sons of the powerful. In his newly born God Realm, not only did no races be born, but there was no resource to build and expand this God Realm. Fortunately, Ray awakened the "system". From then on, a race called "Players" was born in his domain. When the races in other people's gods are still in the state of primitive tribes, they need the gods to teach them how to make fires, how to build houses, and how to cultivate. The players in Ray’s God's Domain have already built a magnificent city in the sky, and all of them have super strength. His realm eventually became the strongest supreme in this world.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY PATREON LINK: https://patreon.com/TERMINALLY_ILL?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink patreon.com/TERMINALLY_ILL

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18 Chs

CH 10: Disdain for The killing god

I saw W talking about B.

Full of admiration and longing!

Ray smiled.

In the past, like W he regarded B as his idol and goal.

But now he is a transmigrator.

He has a system that can make him cheat his way through.

There are countless resources and countless players on the planet that can be leveraged.

A traverser who explosively enhances his realm strength.

Ray is naturally impossible to be just content to be someone like B.

His goal is to be in this world.

That is truly supreme, the most powerful deity who can cross all realms and control the fate of hundreds of millions of beings.

Just when Ray and W were chatting in a low voice.

Among the students.

Suddenly a boy's roar sounded:

"The spaceship of the God of Death is here!"

Ray turned his head and looked at the sky.

Sure enough, over the western horizon, there was a black streamer.

Lightning shot towards the school.

The last second it looked like a little black spot.

But in the blink of an eye, it has become a small black spaceship.

Suspended over the school playground.

The spaceship is streamlined throughout.

The shell is a layer of crystal clear metal.

It can be described in one word, flawless.

Just by looking at it, you can know that the manufacturing materials of this spaceship are extraordinary!

"It's the 'Black Jade Spaceship'! One of the world's most advanced armed spaceship!"

"The defense and combat power of this spaceship is comparable to that of a god who has just entered the realm of the gods!"

After Ray saw the spaceship, a piece of information automatically popped into his mind.

And, one of the previous dreams of this body.

It is to be able to have a "black jade spaceship" of its own!

But it's a pity.

The lowest equipped "Black Jade Spaceship" has a market price of nearly 100 million Divine Crystals.

At this price, even many wealthy families cannot afford it.

"Poor boy" like Ray.

There is no chance to even take a close look at this "black jade spaceship"!

Not to mention owning one of these ships!

On the playground of C Middle School, thousands of students looked at them with incomparable admiration.

In mid-air, the incomparably expensive black jade spaceship suddenly disappeared!


A young god with a stern face and features like a knife and axe.

Appeared in the place where the black jade spaceship disappeared.

He used his majestic divine power to hold himself in the air.

Slowly landed on the playground.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was staring at this man.

I saw him wearing a black trench coat!

The lower body is wearing white trousers and black leather shoes!

The fabric texture of this suit is like the top magic weapon in many gods.

Ambilight, divine light.

At first glance, it is not ordinary clothes, it should be a defensive artifact.

And this young god.

From time to time there was an awe-inspiring murderous aura.

The expression on his face is obviously a smile, but it gives everyone a cold feeling!

The deity did not manifest his realm at this time.

But everyone present seemed to see behind him.

A bloody, terrifying Shura battlefield appeared.

I can even hear it faintly...

The roars and footsteps of the tens of thousands of troops fighting!

As far as this god can see, even a strong man like the principal Z.

They all lowered their heads slightly, not daring to look at B!

Needless to say, this person is undoubtedly the killing god B!

"The real god is indeed majestic and domineering!"

Ray muttered to himself.

"Last year's college entrance examination, only 3 students from our C Middle School were admitted to the 'Top Ten'!"

"The Y Affiliated Middle School in J City next door has 11 students admitted to the 'Top Ten'!"

"C and Y have been old rivals for many years. The subordinate high school was suppressed by the other's subordinate high school, and they couldn't raise their heads!

"Even with Q, his face is dull!"

"This time B came to our school and was sent back by Q Sect!"

"Specially instructing those students in the 'key classes' to sprint for the college entrance examination!"

W's voice was full of jealousy.

After all, the killing god B personally directed such good deeds.

Only "Key Class" students can enjoy it.

These "ordinary class" useless firewood must have no chance to enjoy it.

Ray also sighed secretly when he heard this.

The "Top Ten Divine Universities" are the ten institutions of higher learning with the deepest heritage, the most abundant resources, and the most gods in the world.

It is the ultimate dream of countless high school students.

However, it is almost impossible for students in ordinary classes to be admitted to the "Top Ten Gods University".

Their final destination is often an ordinary university.

Ordinary universities cultivate, not gods and powerhouses at all.

Instead, it is specially responsible for cultivating professional and technical personnel in the middle and lower classes of society.

No matter how talented the students are, no matter how hard they work, they may even encounter many adventures.

The probability of being able to condense the godhead is not more than one in ten thousand.

The top ten deity universities are backed by numerous deity sects.

Specializes in training powerful gods.

As long as you are admitted to the top ten gods university, you will definitely be able to gather the godhead.

Even in the future, it may be possible to become a child god, a true god powerhouse.

Of course, it is different from other students in ordinary classes.

Ray is backed by players from the entire Earth and in the future many other time and space.

Therefore, he firmly believes that he will definitely be able to be admitted to the "Top Ten Gods University"!

Regarding the fact that the key class can get the guidance of the killing god B.

He didn't take it too seriously.

Just glanced at the killing god B a few times, and ignored this matter.

He lowered his head and thought about how to transform his realm after school.

In order to let the earth players who are about to enter his realm.

According to his plan, he can madly improve his strength.

At the same time, take the initiative to help him build and develop God's Domain.

In turn, the development level of his God's Domain has improved by leaps and bounds.

Of course, the killing god B didn't know.

In the playground, there are students who "disdain" his guidance!

Of course, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't take it to heart.

Because the gap between these students and him is too great.

Even bigger than the difference between a pebble and Giant tree that has made it's roots towards the world.

How can humans care about the thoughts of ants!

B simply chatted with the principal, Z.

Later, Z announced that today's morning exercise had ended early.

B went straight to the pride of heaven in the key class.

Take them out of the playground and go to the dedicated gym at the back of the school.

Instruct the students of these key classes on how to use divine power and how to quickly develop the divine realm.

The students in the parallel class and the ordinary class were all looking at the students in the key class with envy.

Get together in twos and threes, complaining about the school's injustice.

Head to your classroom and start today's lesson!


The book passed the vetting process so here you go another chapter updated. Also i am once again reminding you i do not have any good naming sense so um if you could recommend some names that would be very great. Thank u and bye

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