

On this verdant plain, there was a relatively big city that stood out among everything, and one could see a bustling life all over the city. This city is famed for its diversity of cultures, which is because of the location of this city was a bit special, that made it also known as the Merchant City. All the trade routes of the nearby kingdoms will convergence in this city, so merchant groups would definitely drop by this city.

Yet the life in this prosperous city was not always easy. This is true, especially for me who arrived in this city just five days ago.

"Brat! What are you doing there!?"

This old merchant's eyes were so sharp. I have waited for so long, just for the moment that this old merchant would get distracted by the other customer, yet he was still managed to catch me in action.

"What? I'm not doing anything, Are you sure your eyes still working properly?"

I tried to make an innocent face while saying that, but my hands are still holding the foods that I took from the food stall, the evidence of crime.

"You..you're that brat from yesterday!"

When this old man got closer and closer to me, I have already hidden the food in my coat and was ready to run.

"Hey! Don't run! You stole my stuff yesterday, I won't let you off!"

Yes, you are right. Currently, my life is so hard that I have to steal..cough, to borrow the food from others.

"I will definitely pay you later!"

Seeing that old man still chasing me, I could only offer him some sweet words of promise.

"Ha! Who would believe the words of a thief like you!"

Looks like this old man still insists on catching me. This is good though. It's all going exactly like my plan. And this place is already far enough from the stall.

Looking behind, that old man still chasing me and was getting closer and closer. But at this point, I hurriedly took a turn to some small deserted alley. And with a simple calculation in my mind, I cast the enhancement magic to my feet. I leapt over to the rooftop, and immediately dashed back to that old man's stall.

"Haha, you stupid old man, I have not eaten properly in these few days and I will ste..borrow some food from you. I will definitely remember your kindness, and will pay you up once I get rid of this messy situation."

With the help of enhancement magic on my feet, I quickly arrived at the food stall. I took my previously prepared leather bag out, and threw some meat and fruit into it. Once I felt that it was enough, I left a note saying "thank you for the hospitality" on the stall and then left immediately.

"I wonder what reaction that kind old man has when he read my note, hehe."

A silly grin appeared on my face.

Yes, I'm not being sarcastic. That old man is certainly kind If not, he would surely catch me in the blink of an eye. In this world where magic and legends are not a fantasy, even a mere merchant will learn one or two skills that would help him to survive in this cruel world. And enhancement magic I used previously is anything but rare. That magic is just basic magic, without much calculation needed. Though one still need a certain amount of talent in controlling mana to use magic.

Magic is not the only fantasy thing you could learn in this world. There were some other similar things like the one that used by knights. This knight's skill did not need any mana to use and purely relying on one's body potential. Thus, one could learn this through only hard work, no special talent is needed. But of course, to reach the pinnacle, talent is necessary.

While Mages use the accumulated mana in their body to use magic, knights and other similar occupations used their body's potential to convert their brute strength, to be used as a fuel called Energy. This Energy could be used to activate martial skills like enhancement skill for the leg to run faster or jump higher or even for some high-level one shoot out the energy like a laser beam is possible. The fundamental working of magic and martial skills are different.

"This place is good for eating lunch. Sigh, it's hard to be homeless."

Seeing a big dense tree, I decided to have a lunch here. This shady tree is so comfortable and the air is so clear without any pollution. This is my first time I could enjoy this ever since I arrived here. Before coming here, I could hardly find any place with a clean air anymore.

Filling my stomach until it hurt, I could only express my satisfaction with a loud burp.

"Huh I can't afford to be lazy while I don't even have a home."

This leather bag was the only useful thing I have right now, so I took it to the pond not far away and washed it clean. This bag was not anything special, just something I managed to make while I still have not arrived in this city. After I washed it, I didn't wait for it to dry.

"What to do now?"

To be honest, I don't have any plan. What I need the most right now is money. Thus, I have to make a plan to earn some money. Unfortunately, if it was that easy to earn money, I wouldn't be living in the street these past few days.

I pondering about what to do next while I strolling through the city. To make money, I brainstormed what I could offer to exchange for money. This is only logical, a trade-off is the basic of economy after all.

"What I have right now is only a bit of magic. Could I make money with this simple enhancement magic?"

I only learnt magic recently, and the enhancement magic I used previously is the only magic I could use perfectly. It's not that I couldn't use any other type of magic, it's just that my mana capacity is too lacking to sustain any larger magic.

Having not found any feasible plan yet, I unknowingly and unintentionally arrived at the main street, where merchants usually open their stalls to start their businesses. Upon realizing this, I wanted to run away as fast as possible, because that old man's stall was here as well! If he saw me, who knows whether he would chase me crazily like before, or even kill me upon sight.

When I was about to cast my enhancement magic, I noticed that there were many people gathered at one familiar place. My curiosity can't be suppressed as always and then without much hesitation, I headed there to see what was happening. Hehe, I couldn't miss this kind of excitement.

Three young men could be seen while I still on the outside of the circle of people. I could vaguely see a disdained look on their face.

"Excuse me, excuse me."

I squeeze my way out and when I arrived in the inner circle of people, I could finally see there was another man with tattered clothes all over his body, kneeling on the ground. Blood could be seen seeping out of the corner of his lips. That man's face was almost unrecognizable, but somehow I could still recognize him. I know this man!

"Old man!"

Fortunately, I could still control my voice. If they heard me, wouldn't I become their target as well? Escaped from calamity, I heave a sigh of relief.

I calmed myself and start analyzing the situation. I asked the man beside me, and learnt that they were a group of thugs that always intentionally looking for trouble. I guessed that these thugs took and ate the fruit on that old man's stall and didn't pay, since one of them still had a half-bitten apple on his hand. The old man was furious and scolded them, but they were pretended to not hear anything. Eventually, the old man couldn't take it anymore and punched one of them in the face. At this moment, the old man had already fallen to their trap. And the rest could be seen now.

"Old man, look at big brother's swollen face. You know it isn't cheap to treat this right?"

Said one of the two young men that stood behind the one who he called as big brother haughtily. He used a mocking tone that makes one want to punch him right on his face really bad.

Actually, the old man didn't punch him very hard, it's just a warning punch. But before he could even react, the two other young men suddenly attacked him.

"Shameless! I've never seen anyone this shameless before.."

"Sigh, little brother over there, you are too young and too inexperienced. But even for me, his shamelessness could easily be on top of the list.."

"They beat up that old man, and still have the cheek to ask for compensation money.."

All kind of reactions from the crowd could be heard. As for me, this kind of scam is too common, especially in that country. But, looking from the crowd reactions, it seemed like this kind of scam was already considered very shameless.


The old man gritted his teeth out of anger, but he knew that he couldn't do anything. But when I'm looking to those eyes of his, I could see that there was a resolute gaze of a cornered army, the one that ready for die for their pride.

This old man is not weak, but facing three of them simultaneously was beyond his limit. Time was tight, if I didn't do anything, there might be casualty. I was still hesitating when suddenly a light of idea struck my mind.

"Wait, isn't this an opportunity?"

When I realized that this was a great opportunity, my mind was instinctively started schem..planning for the next step. Yes of course I have no ill intentions so the word scheming seems a bit off.

I made up my mind and immediately do the preparation. Once I have done, I took a single ordinary rock from the ground and threw it directly to the face of their big brother.

"What the hell! Who!"

Who would not angry being hit in the face? Moreover, it was a sneak attack.

"Sigh, youth these days only know how to yell loudly.."

Shaking my head while assuming a wise man pose, I walk to the center, between the old man and these young men.


Clearly, he was surprised why did I here helping him. Little did he know that I just take advantage of the situation because if this goes well, I certain that I would be profited. While I was actually feeling a bit guilty because I stole his food, but that was not enough to make me act recklessly like this. Hell! It could cost me my life!

"Rest assured old man, leave these bunch of craps to me."

I was intentionally insulting and provoking them.

"You brat, you actually dare to insult us right before my face!"

It seems like he really was infuriated, not even bother about my sudden appearance.

"humph, despicable scums like you doesn't worth my respect."

Haha, acting haughtily like this actually felt very good? Now I know why people here like to act haughtily.


Looking to the way he gripped his fist crazily, I realized that I'm going too far. I could feel killing intent surged before me. It made me frightened but I didn't show it, how could not? This is my first time directly facing people to fight. But it's still within my expectation.

Suddenly while I was still thinking for my next provocative line, he charged at me with a roar. I could see a bulking muscle on his arm. That was a sign enhancement martial skill being used. Looking from his battle style, I guess that he is a Fighter.

"Tiger Fist!"

Tiger image could be seen coiling around his arm. I could feel chill runs down my spine. I couldn't stop my knees shivering. Damn it, this is too scary!



The previously charging man suddenly knocked up to the air then fell to the ground. This happened in an instant that nobody could expect such thing would happens. At this moment it was a total silent, nobody could process what happened and their eyes and mouth were wide agape.

"Big Brother! Bastard what did you do!"

Seeing their big brother was passed out, they shoot an angry roar at me. As for me, I could only heave a sigh of relief. I still had a doubt before, but fortunately, that hit was strong enough to knock him out. The surprise element took a very important role, otherwise, that attack would not even hit him. That was a close one.

"What? I'm not doing anything. He just flew like that, maybe he was bored."

I shrugged my shoulder and trying my best to act dumb.

"Ridiculous! I will kill you!"

The both of them rushed forward at the same time. But before they could reach me, a loud voice could be heard from not too far away.


When I heard this voice, I knew it was over. When the two remaining thugs heard this voice, they stopped attacking me and immediately flee with their Big Brother still unconscious.

"Old man are you alright? Town Security is here."

I helped him to stand up and supported him to sit on the bench in his stall. Not too long after, Town Security arrived in the scene. There were 5 of them wearing the same armor and sword could be seen hanging around their waist.

This Merchant City was like its name, the city that dominated by merchants, almost all the resident here were merchants. A lot of merchants doing a trade between many kingdoms, thus naturally there were many rare and valuable goods here. To ensure the safety of merchants, Town Security was established.

"what is happened here?"

Asked the one that walked in the most front of the Town Security, apparently, he was the leader of the group. He was still in his twenty and has a good face feature.

"Nothing, only a bunch of thugs attacked this old man. They are trying to scam him."

"Looking from his wound, it could easily be healed. Take this."

He threw a pill to me. This pill looks nothing, but I know this is a medical pill for effective for minor physical injury, not anything special though. Usually, Town Security would not give a pill like this, but this young leader seemed felt a little responsible.

Naturally, I wouldn't reject this pill as I don't even have any money on me. "Thank You."

He only nods and said "Lately there were many similar cases, this is getting more and more frequent. I will try to investigate this. You don't need to worry. Men, let's go!"

"Brat, you..why?"

"I owed you much. It's nothing. Eat this pill. Where is your home? I will take you there"

He nods and swallows the pill whole, then told me where his house is. This time, my words were sincere, it's not because I wanted to make him owe me a favour or anything. Yes, it certainly wasn't that, I am a morally good person after all.

"Brat what is your name?"

"My name is Harry Po..I mean my name is Reynard, you could call me Reyn."

This foreign world where Magic and Legends were not a fantasy is too much different from my previous world. Violence is everywhere. This world is too wild for me who is unfamiliar with supernatural power. Damned god, why you even sent me to this messy world?

hello fellow daoist. I would really appreciate if you guys could point out the grammar mistakes in the comment section!

special thanks to "APositiveReader" for helping me with my grammatical error.

selamat membaca~

Inhumanecreators' thoughts