
My Girlfriends Can Kick Your Ass (And Look Good Doing It)

This novel has everything you love about harem. Harem novels are great if the girs are depenable and has their own quirks and appeal...And perfect if each of them has different tastes and different behaviors...The girls are highly skilled as title suggest but mc is unyielding .....................................................................------------------------------------------------- Haruto Kurogane's life takes an unexpected turn when he joins the debate club at his new school. Little does he know, this seemingly innocuous decision will lead him down a rabbit hole From the alluring and cunning Yumi to the stoic and observant Rei, each woman holds a piece of mystery to it Due to a sudden Dat- hanging out going wrong...Haruto has been exposed to the supernatural world and survives...After waking up from the hospital his life changes- "Join the dark side...I have million cultists " The mysterous leader emerged "Which colour is your buggati " Akira says by slapping everyone with her own money "It's not like I like you or something " Yumi during their wedding day "Ohoho Haruto you can run away from a goddess " A familar goddess known to haruto speaks "Don't worry Haruto....I will protect you...." Rei whisperes to him while caressing him. I am the bane of my own existence Mind is my body and Holy is in my blood, I have used and discarded thousand objects Neither created nor destroyed I have withstood pain to get this far Yet those conflicts will never end So, As I want, Never ending wonderful life Tags: #oyakodon#Harem #Mystery #Goddess #Assassin #Cult-leader #No NTR #No-Yuri #Proactive mc #Strongfemalelead #Supernatural #Vampires #Ghosts #Mythology #Demon #Witch #magic #system Contains 3 books Book1-ongoing Inspired by higurashi and Grisaia series from frontwing

DaoistXslFRK · Urban
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35 Chs

Childhood memory-1

In their small primary school world, Haruto and Kei were like two separate planets. Kei, the brainiac of the class, was the star everyone admired, including the teachers. She was always serious about her studies, and people rarely heard her talk to others.

Haruto, on the other hand, was more of a background character. He didn't stand out much and kinda kept to himself.

One day, Haruto decided to break the ice. After class, he nervously approached Kei.

"Hey, Kei. I've never seen you talking to anyone. Do you not like talking?"

Kei, usually so quiet, looked at him and said, "...."

"What is '.....'. Is it some kind of girl code I don't understand " Before he could get any answer, Kei left the scene without him realizing. Haruto was left standing there, wondering if he just stumbled upon the biggest secret of girl language.

The next day, Haruto, still intrigued by Kei, decided to try another approach. As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, he cautiously walked up to her in the classroom.

He spotted Kei sitting at her desk, engrossed in a book. Gathering his courage, he approached her from behind and gave a playful tug on her hair.

"Kei, you're so focused on your books. You should pay attention to people around you too!" Haruto grinned, not expecting the consequences.

Startled by the unexpected pull, Kei lost her balance and fell forward. As she steadied herself, she felt an unfamiliar warmth in her chest, a sensation that puzzled her. Haruto, realizing he might have gone too far, quickly apologized, "Sorry, Kei! I didn't mean to startle you."

Little did they know, this seemingly trivial incident marked the beginning of a subtle change in their relationship. His spontaneous act created a crack in her stoic exterior, allowing emotions to seep in. The feeling of being noticed, albeit in an unconventional way, left a lasting impression on Kei.

Following the unexpected incident, Haruto observed Kei's initial surprise turn into a small, genuine smile. "What's your name? "

"H-Haruto" Haruto blushed while startled to see her making that warm expression for the first time....He thought of her as a robot who is plotting world domination secretly posing as student like the anime villian he admired. The girl made him curious...enough for him to approach her but now he is the one hesistating.

As Kei smiled, she twirled a strand of her hair with her fingers, a subtle gesture that hinted at a newfound playfulness. "Haruto, right? That's a nice name," she said in a softer, more melodic tone.

Haruto, trying to supress his state, replied with a grin, "Yeah... that's me. And, you know, you sound different now. Like, more girly."

Kei giggled, a sound so rare that even she seemed surprised. "Well, I am a girl, silly. You just never took the time to notice." Haruto, caught off guard, couldn't help but appreciate the transformation he unknowingly set in motion.

Haruto is surprised to see her giggling.....It was the first time anyone saw the girl giggling and showing smile...He is happy that girl is giggling.....he found it cute.....The serious all-know-it kei smiled....He felt proud of himself

After Haruto replied with his name, Kei's newfound girlishness continued to blossom. She playfully teased him, "Haruto, what kind of guy pulls a girl's hair just to gain her attention?" Her tone was light, carrying a hint of amusement.

Haruto, slightly embarrassed, scratched his head, "I didn't mean to startle you. It was just... um, spontaneous."

Kei, still twirling that strand of hair, smiled, "Well, it worked. Now we know each other's names. Let's be friends okay..."

As Haruto and Kei spent more time together, a pattern emerged. Haruto, with his free-spirited nature, often found himself breaking the rules, pushing the limits of their structured environment. Kei, ever the voice of reason, couldn't help but reprimand him.

One day, Haruto decided to skip a class and explore the forbidden rooftop. Kei, discovering his rebellious act, couldn't resist scolding him. "Haruto, rules exist for a reason. Skipping classes is a very bad thing."

Haruto, undeterred, grinned, "Come on, Kei, no worries! It's just one class."

Kei, appearing lawful in her approach, couldn't fathom his carefree attitude. "Rules are meant to be followed. There's a reason for them," she responded sternly.

During a school project where students were assigned to create a collaborative artwork, Kei, as expected, took charge to ensure perfection. Each student had a specific task, and Kei meticulously assigned roles based on their strengths.

As the project progressed, Haruto found himself assigned a task that didn't align with his artistic abilities. Confused and slightly frustrated, he approached Kei.

"Kei, I'm not really good at this. Can I switch with someone else?" he asked.

Kei, with a stern yet composed expression, responded, "Haruto, we each have our strengths. This is your assigned role, and we need everyone to contribute their best."

While Haruto struggled with his task , a noticeable distress crept over him. His puzzled expression didn't go unnoticed by Kei, who, at the tender age of 9, found his distress oddly fascinating.

In her little world, Kei's reaction was unexpectedly mature and a tad mischievous. She approached Haruto, her eyes glinting with wonder, and with a tone that blended childish innocence and a hint of cruelty, she said, "Haruto, struggling a bit, huh? How cute~?"

Years had passed since the primary school days, and the once-innocent Kei had evolved into a more complex individual. Middle school brought new challenges and changes, and Kei found herself caught in the crossroads of her own evolution.

Despite her initial attachment to Haruto, their paths had diverged over the years. Kei, with her keen intellect and strategic mind, excelled academically and socially. She became a respected figure among her peers, admired for her leadership skills and ability to navigate the complexities of teenage life.

Haruto, on the other hand, took a different route. He faced his own set of challenges, struggling to find his place in a world that seemed increasingly demanding. The connection that had started in primary school lingered as a distant memory, overshadowed by the realities of adolescence.

Kei, now a conflicted teenager, found herself torn between the person she had become and the traces of innocence from her past

In the bustling hallways of their middle school, Kei found herself caught in the ebb and flow of students rushing to their next classes. The once familiar figure of Haruto, now a slightly awkward teenager, stood out amidst the crowd. Kei, with her keen eyes, couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in him. He has grown more tall and is has become strong at rapid rate compared to her

One day, as they passed each other between classes, Haruto glanced in Kei's direction, a casual smile playing on his lips. The brief exchange triggered an unexpected surge in Kei's heart rate. She felt a flutter within, an involuntary reaction to the presence of someone who had once held a special place in her life.

Trying to maintain her composed exterior, Kei continued walking, her steps measured and purposeful. As she navigated the social dynamics of the school, she found herself stealing glances at Haruto from afar. The heightened awareness of his every move made her uneasy.

In the cafeteria, where social hierarchies were subtly defined, Kei observed Haruto from her strategic vantage point. The internal turmoil she experienced was reflected in the delicate balancing act of her actions. She interacted with others, effortlessly blending into the leadership role she had crafted for herself, yet her eyes involuntarily sought out Haruto, searching for that familiar connection.

Amidst the cacophony of adolescent emotions, Kei grappled with conflicting desires.

In the midst of the stormy sea of teenage emotions, Kei found herself caught in a tempest of conflicting desires. The very idea of approaching Haruto set off a wild rollercoaster of butterflies in her stomach. However, a strange, unexplainable weakness seemed to engulf her whenever she drew near him. It was an odd sensation, both suffocating and unsettling, leaving her grappling with the true nature of her emotions.

But Kei, true to the determined traits passed down from her formidable mother, refused to be paralyzed by uncertainty. With a boldness befitting her lineage, she resolved to take matters into her own hands. Guided by the unwavering belief that one should always pursue what they desire, Kei extended a courageous invitation to Haruto.

Under the guise of shared academic ambitions, Kei proposed they tackle entrance exams together, aspiring to secure spots in the prestigious top academy. Cloaked in the common pursuit of educational goals, her intention was clear – to spend more time with Haruto and, in the process, unravel the mysteries of the emotions swirling within her.

 "I wonder why I feel like I could explode when I am near haruto-kun......Mom said no males before marriage but........"

Kei said as she didn't have proper understanding of her feelings....as her mother let her know herself as she didn't bother explaining why and simply said 'don't be close to boys before marriage' .

Kei's mother is a english teacher with a strict moral code of behaviour which is considered acceptable and which is not....She made Kei follow in her footsteps with the intention so she could become a great scholar..........

And what happened after

that was a


Disturbed her mind.....

Made her feel......


Which she was never aware she had