
My Girlfriends Can Kick Your Ass (And Look Good Doing It)

This novel has everything you love about harem. Harem novels are great if the girs are depenable and has their own quirks and appeal...And perfect if each of them has different tastes and different behaviors...The girls are highly skilled as title suggest but mc is unyielding .....................................................................------------------------------------------------- Haruto Kurogane's life takes an unexpected turn when he joins the debate club at his new school. Little does he know, this seemingly innocuous decision will lead him down a rabbit hole From the alluring and cunning Yumi to the stoic and observant Rei, each woman holds a piece of mystery to it Due to a sudden Dat- hanging out going wrong...Haruto has been exposed to the supernatural world and survives...After waking up from the hospital his life changes- "Join the dark side...I have million cultists " The mysterous leader emerged "Which colour is your buggati " Akira says by slapping everyone with her own money "It's not like I like you or something " Yumi during their wedding day "Ohoho Haruto you can run away from a goddess " A familar goddess known to haruto speaks "Don't worry Haruto....I will protect you...." Rei whisperes to him while caressing him. I am the bane of my own existence Mind is my body and Holy is in my blood, I have used and discarded thousand objects Neither created nor destroyed I have withstood pain to get this far Yet those conflicts will never end So, As I want, Never ending wonderful life Tags: #oyakodon#Harem #Mystery #Goddess #Assassin #Cult-leader #No NTR #No-Yuri #Proactive mc #Strongfemalelead #Supernatural #Vampires #Ghosts #Mythology #Demon #Witch #magic #system Contains 3 books Book1-ongoing Inspired by higurashi and Grisaia series from frontwing

DaoistXslFRK · Urban
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35 Chs

Ayumi rocked Recptionist shocked

In the quiet, dimly lit ambiance of the Love House, Ayumi and the main character entered hand in hand, unaware of the subtle stares that followed them from the adult couples occupying the space. The air was charged with curiosity about the young couple, whispers weaving through the room like delicate strands of gossip.

"Why is this place so silent and smells weird " Haruto asked uncertain of this foreign space

"Haru-chan...Cute " Ayumi muttured

The seasoned couples, with years of love etched into their faces, couldn't help but exchange glances as Ayumi and the main character found their way to a secluded corner. The reasons behind the stares were varied, fueled by a mix of surprise, nostalgia, and, for some, a tinge of disapproval.

Amidst the soft hum of conversations, snippets of discussions about "kids these days" floated through the room. Elderly women with discreet smirks exchanged thoughts about the audacity of the younger generation. 

"He's not dressed appropriately for this place," murmured one elderly woman, her judgmental gaze lingering on the main character's casual attire.

"Um....Should we dress for this place to be allowed " Haruto asked the receptionist while searching for them

"Not neccasarily " A young woman arrived to the counter announced told him a stoic robotic voice....As if she had no intrest in the young couple.

Amidst the soft hum of conversations, snippets of discussions about "kids these days" floated through the room. Elderly women with discreet smirks exchanged thoughts about the audacity of the younger generation. 

"He's not dressed appropriately for this place," murmured one elderly woman, her judgmental gaze lingering on the main character's casual attire.

"Um....Should we dress for this place to be allowed " Haruto asked the receptionist while searching for them

"Not neccasarily " A young woman arrived to the counter announced told him a stoic robotic voice....As if she had no intrest in the young couple.

"Cute " Haruto whispered instinctively at the receptionist....She is well-looking.....But he is on date or one night stand as he though so he didn't reply...

"Wel-" she attempted to respond, but her voice faltered under the weight of an unsettling gaze. The atmosphere around them became charged with an inexplicable tension, as if the very air had thickened with an otherworldly presence. She turned her head and noticed Ayumi, standing behind Haruto, unleashed a stare that transcended the realms of malice and horror. 

In that moment, Ayumi's usually charming and innocent demeanor morphed into something far more sinister. Her eyes widened, pupils dilated, and a twisted smile formed on her lips. 

"know yOur PlaCe mOngrel" Ayumi whispered the words unknown to her nor known to Haruto but the message is clear to the receptionist 

It was a look that would make the bravest souls shudder with discomfort. Her eyes bore into the receptionist with an intensity that sent chills down the spine of anyone who happened to witness it.

The receptionist, caught off guard by Ayumi's sudden transformation, felt a wave of unease wash over her. A chill ran down her spine as she struggled to articulate her words.

 "This place is quite interesting, don't you think? I never expected to find a place like this. I bet this would be the best night for us" Haruto turned to Ayumi and smiled at her in a heartwarming manner...There is a passion in his words which reflects his desire to spend his time with her

 "Oh, Haruto, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I thought it would be a perfect spot for us. Well despite this hotel having some PEstS"

The receptionist, thrown off by Ayumi's sudden warmth to Haruto and the peculiar hostility directed at her, was left confused

"I wanna go home," she whispered, her voice trembling with a fear that seemed to echo through the dimly lit corridors of the Love House. The receptionist, caught in the unsettling whirlwind of Ayumi's dual personas, felt a surge of terror that went beyond the ordinary discomfort of a workplace she didn't sign for.

In the hushed atmosphere, as Ayumi's unsettling smile reached new heights, the receptionist couldn't help but marvel at the enigma of Haruto. His ability to attract, or perhaps endure, such a dangerous and furious woman as his girlfriend left her in a state of bewilderment. It was as if Haruto possessed an uncanny resilience or an inexplicable allure that drew him into the orbit of a tempestuous force.

The receptionist, now viewing Haruto through a different lens, found a newfound respect for him. In the face of this formidable woman, Haruto stood unwavering

The term "Chad" echoed in her thoughts, a colloquial expression that her coworker often talked about...

"What do you say Aunty " Haruto said as he used the fixed word to every strange older women he met. As if it won't get him in troublem

The receptionship is too busy staring at him to bother what he is saying that she didn't realize what she is doing but she did regret it because she indeed set a flag.

"REcptionist," Ayumi addressed her with deliberate disdain, purposefully distorting the title as if to emphasize her perceived superiority. The receptionist, now visibly distressed, stammered a response, her voice tainted with fear.

"P-please, I... I don't know what I did wrong. Forgive me," she pleaded, the words escaping her lips in a trembling whisper. The tone carried an unsettling desperation, as if the receptionist had unwittingly stepped into the path of a malevolent force.

"oMae wA moU shiNdeiru," Ayumi said with a serious tone, her eyes hollow and devoid of any lightness.

"N-N...Na....NA....NANI" The recptionist feared she set up a death flag. She realized for the first time about her coworkers saying women with boyfriends/husbands are crazy and murderous 

"Eh" Haruto, at least looks or at least silent to drama unfolding behind him, awaited the receptionist's answer. He remained unaware of Ayumi's malicious stare, his attention fixed on the practicalities of their visit.

Meanwhile, Ayumi's eerie expression persisted—a silent warning etched on her face. Her gaze, though fixated on the receptionist, seemed to transcend the physical realm, sending shivers down the spines of those unwittingly drawn into the unfolding horror.

Haruto, seemingly unfazed, casually put his arm around Ayumi." I know we are just having sex....But I hope it can be fullfilling for you....Afterall a girl like choosing me made me happy....I like that..... " Even though haruto and Ayumi romantic moments are non-existent he wishes to get know her before having sex....He took the risk of skipping steps. He know it is bad move. But he has planned to date after sex. Really strange for a guy

Little did he know that the atmosphere around them was charged with a different kind of intensity.

Ayumi, in response to Haruto's touch, became unexpectedly shy. She muttered about her wishes, a flicker of vulnerability surfacing. "I... I wish that too...." she admitted, her voice softer, revealing a side of her that seemed almost delicate.

"Don't be shy....It will be okay...I am with you " Haruto spoke reassuring her

Ayumi, as Haruto's arm encircled her, underwent a sudden transformation. The flicker of vulnerability illuminated her features, painting a portrait of unexpected shyness. Her mouth, once bearing an enigmatic smile, now softened into a gentle curve, and her eyes, usually intense, became pools of uncertainty.

Haruto, I... um, I hope tonight is special for us," she confessed, the slight fidgeting of her hands betraying a nervous energy. The usually assertive Ayumi seemed to navigate uncharted territory, expressing vulnerability in the presence of the person she held close.

"Didn't realize you had this side too...Maybe you are more innocent than I thought " Haruto told her while caressing her cheeks while holding her back....He wondered why this girl is desparate for him to have sex with her. He thought of it as prostitute romance but it has became more bizzare than that

A subtle blush crept onto Ayumi's cheeks, the delicate hue contrasting with her usual composed demeanor. Her body language shifted, with a slight lean into Haruto's touch, an unspoken gesture conveying a desire for closeness.

"I-I....I have.....prepared for.....long time but....doing it with you is more.....scary and exicting than.....I thought....Maybe w-....No.....I will do this....So I am requesting once again." As Ayumi spoke, her voice betrayed a newfound softness, a delicate quality that resonated with the sincerity of her admission. Her words, usually confident and measured, now carried a tender undertone trying to hard to form a sentence, revealing a side of her that seldom saw the light.

"I want to have s-sex with y-you...Please allow me " Ayumi asked

In this moment of vulnerability, Ayumi's hands subtly fidgeted, a nervous energy manifesting in the gentle wringing of her fingers. It was as if she grappled with the unfamiliar territory of expressing her wishes beyond the veil of her usual assertiveness.

'Awesome' The receptionist thought, as she witnessed of Ayumi's shifting personas, muttered to herself about how Ayumi behaved like a maiden one moment and a demon the next. As if he is taming a dangerous animal

"What the fuck" The receptionist, caught off guard by Ayumi's sudden transformation, felt a wave of unease wash over her. A chill ran down her spine as she struggled to articulate her words. 

Another, with a disapproving frown, commented on Ayumi's demeanor. "That girl is creepy. What's with the youth these days and their strange tastes?"

As Ayumi and the Haruto engaged in their own world, laughter and nostalgic tales unfolded around them. The older couples reminisced about the simplicity of courtship in their time, comparing it to the seemingly unconventional ways of the younger generation.

The whispers grew louder as one observant woman, leaning in conspiratorially, declared, "The boy is her type, you know. It's evident in the way she looks at him. Kids these days, no sense of subtlety."

Negative comments about the boy echoed through the room like distant thunder. "He's too casual," criticized one. "Doesn't he know the importance of dressing up for a place like this?"

"It is rather out of place for people to dress not causal than wear highly dressed clothes...Be careful dear fine sir...The young lady seems to be dangerous " Another man whose words seem to have double meaning

"Doubt it...I don't think in these days there exist a girl who would do anything for the boy she likes beside smooching him for rewards. And my point still stands it is a hotel for rich people like me " The critcisized person said

"You seem out of place for this young sir, Might you do the honor of introducing yourself " 

"Rude to ask a man before introducing yourself. I am Ethan Lockwood, I pride myself as a english man. It is nice to see fellow britisher here. " 

"I certainly don't think 'nice' is the word you are not looking for sir. And I must leave " He replied while leaving the scene

"He's not what I imagined for her," whispered an elderly man to him, shaking his head. "Kids these days, rushing into things without understanding the true meaning of commitment." As the elderly man whispered to him the man slipped out from him.

While the man ran away from ethan he dropped a card which is a rectangle shaped in 16:9 length-breadth ratio

Ethan picked up the letter and read " Baker street 221B....What the eff"