
My Girlfriend Left me Because my D&{k is Too Big!

Okichi Inpo just got his life turned upside down because of a video. The captain of his club pranked him with a Viagra pill hidden in a lunch box, and whilst he was trying to cover his situation a group of senior students were doing a live stream of the school, and they caught him and his problem in 4K HD. How much is this going to affect his life from now on? For starters his girlfriend left him because she was scared of his seize.

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19 Chs

Dreams and Nightmares.

What am I going to do?

My life is over now!

I have put myself into a huge problem once again. This morning I woke up in heaven, I woke up hugging my lovely Agatta. Her scent was still as lovely as always, I could smell her hair and the softness of her body absorbed me and wasn't willing to let go. All the horniness I felt yesterday went away, now only the wholesomeness remaint, I was hugging her from behind with no ulterior motives, because for us to wake up like that was not a chance or just a one night thing, no, for us it was meant to be, at that very moment I felt that my entire porpoise in life was to hold her and love her for the eternity.

Then she started to move a bit, indicating to me that she was about to wake up. I loosen a bit of the strength I was putting into hugging her, but I didn't let go at all. She then fully opened her eyes and turned to face me.

"Good morning." I said to her.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" She asked.

"I just had the best night of my entire life."

"Well, it's the same for me."

"Yeah? Well, I have the feeling that this is nothing but the start of many more nights like this one."

We both smiled and she even laughed for a second. Everything was just perfect, if anyone would have seen us like that they would have thought that we were already married. But then I remembered that I had a sensation like this just the day before, not only I had a dream of us being already married, I also tried to shag Agatta in the morning because I confused my dreams with reality. So I had to make sure that situation wasn't a dream.

I raised my hand and let it hit my face as hard as I could. It hurt. So that was definitely not a dream. Unfortunately, I made Agatta worry about my well being first thing in the morning, and that's not a good way to start the day.

"EEHH?!" She asked, rightfully worried. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"Yes… yes I'm ok."

"You are lying! Why did you hit yourself in the face?"

"It's nothing, I just-" I was about to make an excuse to change the subject, however I remembered that I promised myself not to do that stuff anymore. So I just answered honestly: "I did something bad to you yesterday, while you were making lunch, and that was because I had a dream that felt so real that when I woke up I thought that I was still on that dream. That's why I did that to you. I'm sorry."

She returned to the position in which she was sleeping, probably angry, and it was completely understandable, I did something horrible after all. However she said something completely opposite of what I was expecting her to say.

"Y-y-you don't have to be that harsh, it wasn't t-t-that bad."

"You are wrong Agatta, it was horrible!" I answered.

I knew she was just trying to be nice with me and try to leave behind what happened. But it was impossible for me to let that go without facing consequences.

"I promise you I won't ever do anything like that ever again!"

"No!" She replied, turning towards me once more. "You can do that again, I don't mind."


As I asked her face turned bright red and, before she could gave me time to assimilate what she just said, she stood up quickly and said:

"Ah, look at the time, I will prepare breakfast right now or we will get late to school."

That's right, we must hurry, and now that she mentions breakfast, I'm really hungry. So I also got up as fast as I could and answered:

"You're right. I'll help you do it!"

I don't cook often, but I do know the basics of the kitchen, my mother has taught them to me. We made breakfast, we sat down and we ate, once again I complimented Agatta's cooking skills, then we also made some bento to take to school. I washed the dishes once more and then we packed everything and took our way to school. Once we stepped outside he heard a little noise, it wasn't clear enough for someone to know what it was about, however, Agatta and I knew exactly what it was, since it was coming from my parents house. We both got equally embarrassed by the situation, because even if we didn't say a word about it we knew exactly what was going on over there.

On our way to the station we walked silently, there might be other things we could talk about, but I think we both knew that at some point the conversation was going to lead that way. Or so I thought.

"It seems they were still busy, right?" Agatta asked me.

Now that was something that I would never have thought I would hear her say so openly, I didn't know what to answer so I just started babbling. She rightfully guessed that I had nothing to add to that so she changed the subject right away.

"Ah, but surely summer is almost here right? The days are getting hotter and hotter."

"Eh? Ah, yes, they surely are." I responded.

"I surely want to eat some ice cream, even right now in the morning."

"Y-yeah, I can use some ice cream too…"

Who am I kidding? I still can't believe how this conversation started. It's simply something that will stick with me for the rest of the day.

"Hey, even if it's hot…" Said Agatta, interrupting my thoughts. "Do you want to hold hands until we get to the station?"

"Yes!" I immediately said.

I gladly took on your offer, anytime, anywhere, it's never too hot for me to not want to hold her hand, so I don't care about anything else, I'll gladly do it. I grabbed her hand and immediately my face got a giant smile for me to show to the world. What was I thinking before she said that? I don't remember. Well, if I can't remember it then it wasn't important.

But suddenly a thought came to my mind, it wasn't anything bad, I was just suddenly wanted to do something, like those occasions in which you suddenly want to eat something sweet or things like that, so with a straight face I asked Agatta:

"Hey Agatta…"

"What is it?"

"Do you want to go on a date with me this saturday?"

And that is why I'm now panicking. Yeah, maybe my life is not fully over, but I really don't know what to do. Why? Because she accepted it, and although at first it made me so happy that she accepted it I now realize that I don't have an idea of how dates work. I don't know what are you supposed to do, where are you supposed to go or even what are you supposed to wear. So I just basically asked her in the spur of the moment, but now that I think about it I realized that I am more of an inept in love matters than I thought I was. I need help, and I better get it quick.

So, once the lunch bell rang I hurried outside the classroom and went upstairs to the second year classrooms to look for the help I needed from the only person I think might give me good advice. Imu Sume.

Luckily I found her as soon as I got up the stairs.

"Imu-san!" I called her.

"Eh? Ah, it's you Dick-kun."

I was just about to correct her, but since I was going to ask for her help I realized it would be better for me not to.

"Listen, I need your help urgently."

"What happened?"

"It's just that… I invited Agatta on a date on the weekend, but I don't know how dates work, so I was hoping you can tell me the basics."

She stared at me for a few seconds, then she laughed at me.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you two guys are too funny."

"I don't mind if you laugh at me, but please just help me."

"Don't be like that Dick-kun you know we're cool like that. But I'm sorry, I can't help you there big guy."

"Eh? Why?" I asked. I was almost sure that she was going to help me, so she rejecting me was surely a surprise, and the most unwelcome one.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a busy woman you know, I have other things I must attend to, so sorry once again."

I collapsed to the ground. My only hope was lost, now I was condemned to a failure on a date with Agatta, and after seeing how much of a failure I am, she is going to leave me now for good.

The rest of the day I spent it feeling down and wondering about my options. At the end of the day, when it was time for practice, Tsuji came to meet me at our classroom.

"Master, are you coming to practice?"

"Yes, I am." I answered.

"Are you okay, sir? You seem to have lost some courage."

"I'm okay, it's just…" Then I realized that maybe not all hope was lost. Maybe he was able to help me. "Wait, actually, this is something maybe you can help me with Shi-kun!"

"Well, then speak your mind master, if I can be useful to you then I will give it my everything."

His face had a giant smile and his voice had all the confidence in the world. I regained all hopes seeing this and knew that everything was going to be okay.

"I need to plan a date with my girlfriend!" I told him.

And as I said this his face lost all the confidence, his simple was turned upside down making now a sad face and all my hopes were once again shattered.

"I am sorry, master. That is maybe one of the few topics I have no knowledge from. However, they say that two heads think better than one, right? So you know what will think better than our two heads? All the heads of the men's swimming club!"

I honestly don't know if that is going to be true, but at this point I'll take any help I could get.

"Okay, let's do that!" I answered.

Writer's Note: Hello everyone, thanks for all the support you have given to this series. The uploading time for the episodes has taken more time since the last two weeks and I would like to apologize and offer an explanation for it. I am joining the MyAnimeList x Honeyfeed Writing Contest for this year, so I'm going to divide my time working with this series and the one I'm submitting to the contest.. My entrance will be named "She Reads me Like a Book" . It will also be a Slice of Life RomCom, but without the horny stuff that is present here in this series, so if you would like to read it you will be able to check it at honeyfeed.fm/u/19116/novels from June 1st onwards. Check it out if you like and if you want to help me out during this contest please vote for it in the MyAnimeList App from October 30th to November 30th.

Thank you once again and I hope you check out my next project.

Yours Truly.