
Azure Sea Lord

"Ah! So you haven't heard any stories about me?" Erwin said.

Placing his hand on his chin as he looked down at the sand the warrior continued to think aloud.

"Well, that makes sense. You're new to the academy."

Sighing, Erwin gave a smile and looked at Luke.

"I can't control my strength completely, so students avoid that part of the beach so they don't get hurt hahahaha"

This line surprised Luke, who was interested to know Erwin's power.

"Could you give me a demonstration?"

"Well, it's not really a problem. Just take care of yourself hahahaha"

"Sure" Luke spoke, as he took a few steps back.

"I had already finished my warm up anyway" Erwin said, as he stuck his spear in front of him, into the sand on the beach.

Erwin closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh. When he opened his eyes, suddenly his alégre demeanor changed to a serious face of determination. His eyes were now closed, staring at the spear in front of him.