
Portal Exploration

When Lux entered the Weapon and Armor Shop, he observed that there weren't any other customers inside.

There was only a man of small stature who seemed to be napping in a corner of the shop.

"Excuse me. Is it still open?" Lux asked as he noticed that the man didn't wake up to do any business with him, even after he made some noise when entering.

The man, seemingly still sleeping, suddenly raised his hand and pressed his SkyLimit bracelet.

A voice sounded from it, "Ronald! Ronald! Ronald!"

Lux was speechless about this, especially because after that voice from the SkyLimit bracelet sounded, some rustles could be heard from a backroom, from where a blonde young man came out.

"Y-Yes Mast- Yes, sir!" The young man had a leaf on his forehead, it was unknown from where it was, but he was probably also sleeping.

This could be seen from his eyes that could barely stay open.

"Hello, are you an employee of the shop? I'm not sure what's happening right now, but are you still open?" Lux wasn't really concerned about the small things that happened; he just wanted to buy his sister a good weapon and armor.

"A CUSTOMER!" Ronald's eyes suddenly locked onto Lux; he looked at him as one would at a beautiful girl.

'Strange dude. I should probably hurry up and leave after buying everything necessary.'

Leaving a mental note, Lux patiently waited for an answer.

"Of course, it's open! Didn't you see the sign?"

After hearing the young man's answer, Lux almost laughed out loud; it was very rare for something so strange and random to make him want to laugh, but it happened.

"I see, I see… I'm interested in a good weapon and armor made of Liquid Weil, are they still available?"

"Haha! Then you came to the right place! We have a variety of weapons and armors made of the magnificent Liquid Weil. Please give me more details of what you would like."

Finishing his words, Ronald attentively listened to Lux's requests; he made sure to get every last detail of what Nia would need or like about her equipment.

The entire conversation lasted about five minutes. This was because Lux didn't stop at only a weapon and armor; he also ordered a few other items that may come in handy.

Going back to the backroom from where he came, Ronald was now holding a variety of different things in his hand.

This made Lux look strangely at the young man, but the latter ignored his gaze completely. 'Why isn't he keeping the weapons inside his SkyLimit bracelet? I thought this was the norm… They're surely a weird bunch.'

Without explaining himself, Ronald just said, "Abyssal Dagger, Night-Rendering Armor, Black Poisonous Knife, Covering Powder, Tracking Oyster, Eyesight Improving Solution…" Ronald listed another twenty more items with weird names before finishing.

"The total price is about 12,082,930 Power Stones, but I'll make a discount for buying so much, and you'll only have to pay us 12 million Power Stones."

As Lux heard the price, he didn't frown or show signs of happiness; his poker face was still present. But a single question couldn't be answered inside his mind. 'Why do the weapons and armor feel so strange?'

Lux thought so because when Ronald wasn't paying any attention, his eyes glowed with a golden light as he scanned the items. But something blocked him in the middle.

"I accept your offer. Do you want the Power Stones here, or should I send them to your Main Branch?"

"It would be wonderful if you can have them on you, umm…? I'm sorry; I didn't ask for your name."

"Lux Apostolus. Nice to meet you, Ronald."

After getting to know each other, Lux proceeded to pour out Power Stone after Power Stone from his SkyLimit bracelet.

Luckily, the space inside a SkyLimit bracelet was usually about 100 cubic meters, so there was a lot of unused space.

And what's more, you can set your SkyLimit bracelet to get out the amount of Power Stones or items you want just by typing the number.

It was an incredible feat, one that even Lux was amazed when he first saw it.

The reason why Lux asked before if he should give Ronald the Power Stones or not was that many of these deals were made under the watch of the SkyLimit System.

So it didn't really matter if one gave the Power Stones now, or sent them to the main branch of the shop, etc.

Once someone tried to do something funny, the SkyLimit System would deem that person as a Grade 3 Offender.

Thus, a lot of trouble would follow from the organs responsible for maintaining peace and order.

There were 5 grades of offenders.

The small ones would directly get a fine on their SkyLimit bracelet for damaging public property or hurling too many curses at someone, even Grade 1 Offenders who were being searched for by the entire world for things like killing an important politician.

But anyway, it was impossible for something like that to happen to Lux. After all, he tweaked his SkyLimit bracelet a bit, so not too much information about him could be sent to the SkyLimit System.

And even if it did, he wouldn't care that much…

After the transaction was completed, Lux transferred the items to his own SkyLimit bracelet and wished Ronald a good day.

Unbeknownst to him, after he left the shop, the man who pretended to sleep the entire time raised his head, "My Lord, did you see that?"

Surprisingly, the man who seemed to be the owner of the shop addressed Ronald as 'Lord'.

"Of course. Something even tells me that he's aware of our identity, but he didn't say anything about it. Not to mention there wasn't an ounce of fear on his face."

Ronald was lost in his thoughts; meanwhile, the man seemed to be hesitating to say something.

"You can speak your thoughts out loud."

"Then I won't hold back; why did my Lord give that human the Soulless equipment?" The man could hardly swallow this thing, the Lord's father personally gifted him with the Abyssal Daggers and Night-Rendering Armor for protection.

But now, his Lord basically gave them for free.

"Investing in our future. And I think my biggest bet is that guy, Lux Apostolus…"

Saying so, Ronald backed away to his backroom, which wasn't really a backroom. Inside, there was a miniature forest, but the creepiest thing about it was the total darkness.

A normal person couldn't see more than a meter in front; in fact, even an Ability User would struggle to see the surrounding ten meters ahead…

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