
My Girlfriend is an Ice Dragon

When the Ability Crisis began, people around the world were panicking, not knowing what to do with their supposed superpowers. But since there was no immediate threat, humanity was still slowly but surely tried to discover everything there was about these strange Abilities. Thus, strife appeared. The World Government tried to take everything, ten Families bared their fangs to the world, Academies soared out of nowhere. Lux, a normal teenager at the time, pure and innocent, was suddenly thrown in the complex game of the big powers. What was Lux's role in all of this? Beside being betrayed by his ex which was part of the ten families, and thrown away by a puppet organization belonging to the World Government, Lux finally learned his lesson. "No matter what this world needs in the future. I have my family to worry about. The rest could simply die for all I care." His personality suffered during those dark days, but not for long... Since he discovered that he was more special than everyone else. ——— Author's note: I understand that the title may be misleading, but don't focus on that. Instead, take your time to discover every secret held by our MC, and the people around him. This story should be focusing on the fantasy elements that overwhelmed the world during the Ability Crisis, which led to troublesome situations for the future generation. 100 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter 250 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter 500 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter 750 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter 1000 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter Cover generated by AI. https://discord.com/invite/UsuaRxHBj7

Zefyr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
371 Chs

Old Friends

Not looking at the window anymore, Lux turned to Nia before saying, "I just thought that I recognized someone for a second, but it seems I was mistaken."

While smiling at his sister as he grabbed her hand, Lux continued to move forward with unhurried steps.

"Ah-! Wait a bit!" Nia quickly escaped her brother's grip before looking at him straight in the eyes.

'Did she see that it was Lancelot there?' A number of thoughts passed through Lux's mind just like a calculator.

"Brother, listen to me carefully… Don't turn around, that damned bitch Amanda is there…"

Softly speaking as she gazed at her brother, Nia bit her lips. She just saw one of the people who hurt her brother in the past.

A person that she hated from the bottom of her heart. That snake who once dared to call her 'Little Nia' with so much affection.

Amanda Lapillus. Born and treated as royalty, it was only to be expected that she was also a student of the Alcaeus Academy.

What was worse though was that she also had a Special Class permit in her hand, and was currently walking toward the sibling duo…

"Oh? Lux and Little Nia, you're both here. My father already told me about you being invited into the Special Class."

"I could barely stop myself from visiting you two!"

Amanda was smiling at them like she was talking to her best friends, but the problem was, they weren't.

"You dam-" Before Nia could manage to curse Amanda to hell and back, Lux stepped in.

"I'm also glad to see you here, Amanda. It's been a while." Saying so, Lux amicably smiled at her before grabbing Nia's hands and dragging her away once again.

'Hmph, low life who tried to eat swan's meat before.'

'You won't have a life anymore after coming here, not even your oh–so powerful big sister can save you this time.'

Amanda's eyes gradually turned colder as she looked at the two of them leaving. As their friend in the past, she knew better than anyone how big the pressure on the Apostolus family was.

And everything began from a silly thing…


"Argh! Why did you stop me, brother?! I would've smashed that bitch's face…" Nia suddenly stopped shouting when she saw her brother's bright eyes, lacking any emotion whatsoever, looking forward.

There, a gorgeous red-haired girl of unparalleled beauty was slowly walking, she was surrounded by a group of dozens of people.

And Lux knew every single one of them, after all, they were his 'friends' once upon a time.

"Every bastard is here…" Nia was feeling even more disappointed that she couldn't raise a finger to beat those people up for the wrongdoings they did to her brother in the past.

"Nia." Hearing Lux's deep voice, Nia looked at him, only to be shocked a bit, when she saw that her brother wasn't fazed at all by those people.

"Please don't antagonize those…people in the future." Struggling a bit to come to terms of calling them 'people', Lux finished his sentence with a warning for Nia to hear.

He knew very well how headstrong his little sister was, but it didn't matter. Lux wouldn't want Nia to be expelled on the first day of the Academy for a stupid reason as 'revenge'.

Especially not because of beating up those human dogs for him. It just made him feel bad to see her like this, but there wasn't anything that could be done.

"B-But…!" Nia tried to oppose Lux's decision, but she was unsuccessful, as he quickly stopped her, "No buts! Just listen to your big bro for now. There exists something called karma, and it's not a joke."

'Karma?' Nia was confused now. Sometimes, this brother of hers said random things, "Brother do you really believe that karma exists? Don't be silly."

"Silly? Nia, would you have believed it if someone came 11 years ago and said that starting with next year, everyone would awaken Abilities? No, you would've said it was silly."

Saying his piece, Lux walked in the opposite direction of the red haired girl. He didn't want to meet with her, yet.

It wasn't that he was afraid or something, quite the opposite actually, Lux thought that she wasn't ready to talk to him after what happened.

"Let's go." This time, there wasn't any incident stopping the brother and sister from reaching the main building's second floor.

When they arrived there, a few other students and instructors were present.

After briefly glancing their way, most of them turned their gaze around, seemingly uninterested in anything else other than Nia's beauty.

Most of them, except one. A handsome blue haired young man.

"Lux Apostolus! The walking joke, didn't you have part of enough embarrassment before? You want more?"

The young man grinned as he approached the two, he seemed to know Lux and also hate him.

"Valentino Russell. You're here too." Lux responded calmly, not at all taunted by the other party's provocation.

"Heh, you poor shit. Really think for a second that you'll live the life here? I'm telling you, after Mark gets here, you're going to suffer, really bad."

Intentionally or not, Valentino was already in front of Lux and Nia. He seemed to be waiting for something, a reaction of some sorts from Lux after hearing the name Mark, but there was nothing.

Unfortunately for Valentino, Lux wasn't interested in anything else, other than his sisters and a special person.

Valentino was the right hand man of Mark, a born bootlicker and a hunting dog.

He was considered an oddity even by his own Russell Family.

"Not responding to my provocations anymore, huh?"

"It seems that this shit grew some guts. But don't worry, I'll make sure to bring you hell, as a token of friendship, of course."

Added Valentino to the end, as he saw some teachers and instructors glancing his way.

"Some big words there, little Tino. Better shut the fuck up, least I sleep with your sister again."

A voice suddenly laughed as he got closer…

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