
Chapter 1

Their was a girl who's name is gala gala 7 who is an alien, and simply lost her signal from planet Capetown, when she arrived from planet Capetown to earth she saw a man who had a car accident, this man is wealthy, handsome and has a good body shape, the girl got attracted to the man because of his body and simply saved the wealthy man named fang Leng who is almost dying from a car accident.

Luckily she did saved the wealthy man from dying but lost her annunator, what is an annunator?, the use of an annunator is for the girl can return to her home, where did the annunator go?, to save the man from dying the annunator goes through the man's heart so he can be saved from dying, and the book said some people wants to kill the man but they can't just kill the man the police will investigate and they will be blamed, so they made a plan by exploding his car, luckily the girl saw the man from a car acciden, she's an alien so she can protect the man from dying and she also taught that every cars in earth explode because the car of Fang Leng got exploded because of the bad people who want to kill the wealthy man, why does her annunator goes through the man's heart? maybe they are meant for each other? find out in the next chapter.