
My Girlfriend is A Nine Tailed Fox

It is all about the love story between a human and a legendary nine-tailed fox. "...." All are based on my creative imaginations. If you see this on other platforms it means it is stolen. 'Plagiarism' is not allowed. Vote and comment to motivate me, still writing.

mimioff1cial · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Fox?? (2)

There's no other noise outside it's like that wolf howling was never there to begin with. He then look around and inspect the surroundings and noticed that there's a pond inside. And there's a faint light in the water. Many precious stone scattered around the pond, and the cave corner. He recognized some ruby, sapphire and emerald. He was in awe as he pick up one of these stone. It's a real ruby, he gasp in amazement.

"Wow I never thought there's precious stone here." He then look at the fox who's so comfortable on his lap. You're enjoying your nap aren't you, he thought. I wonder if you're female or male... then he checked it and was dumbfounded. The fox was a female!! He decided to pet it, furr so soft and smooth.

Then he leaned into a large stone and relaxes himself. I won't interrupt you from your nap lil fella. We'll just rest for a while, I'm tired of walking, he thought to himself and closes his eyes. Then he drifted into sleeping.



( some time later )

Kai woke up in an unfamiliar place, he stared at the stone ceiling and then at the cave entrance, it was dark outside. He flinched and blink his eyes, his long curly eyelashes flutter. And he stared down to his lap where it felt empty. Did the fox really leave him alone??? When did it wake up and why he doesn't feel anything, he's a light sleeper. It would have woken him up if he felt the fox move away from him.

Then he look around and noticed that there are a lot of fresh fruits near the pond and a warm bonfire near the cave entrance. I didn't notice that earlier, he thought. Who would put up a fire here? And the fruits.. it wouldn't be the fox. It would be too weird. It's not a human but a fox. He shakes his head in disbelief. What am I even thinking? A fox, can do all these? If there was someone else here then it's possible but there's none. Just me... he sighed and get up, walk towards the pond and sit down to picked up a fruit.

I can't possibly go home at this hour, it's already dark and many dangerous animals are lurking around in the dark. I might as well stay here for the night. It's getting really hot I need to dip in the pond for a while. Then he began to strip himself naked not knowing about the pair of eyes watching him admiring his body.

He let out a relief sigh as he dip himself in the water, so refreshing. I might as well enjoy my time here. It'll take me a few days to find what I was looking for.

He felt like he was being watch and he look at the cave entrance but find nothing. Maybe I was just hallucinating that someone else is here. This is the well known dangerous forest. No one would dare come here at night unless they wish to become a meal. I think I'm safe inside this cave. There are quite a few vines that covered the cave entrance. No one can see me inside.

Then he stands up and pick up his clothes. I might as well dry myself with my shirt. I really don't need it cause I'm comfortable without any shirt on while sleeping.

After he wipes himself dry, he put on his clothes.. but only his underwear and pants. He made his shirt as pillow and lay down. He makes himself comfortable before drifting off to sleep.