
My Girlfriend is A Nine Tailed Fox

It is all about the love story between a human and a legendary nine-tailed fox. "...." All are based on my creative imaginations. If you see this on other platforms it means it is stolen. 'Plagiarism' is not allowed.

mimioff1cial · Fantasy
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6 Chs

5 Years Ago

Kai Williams has good features, exquisite facial structure with thick eye brows, pointed nose and full lips. Body full of muscles at the right places, he was like a real life Adonis. And he was currently sitting on the couch watching TV while eating popcorns.

He lives alone and often emerge himself in painting landscape and portraits. He was rich and famous but he left the city and now living in a poor town, near the forest. He also quit as a painter but he still paints on his free time.

Kai look outside and whispered to himself, "what a lovely sunset" smiled to himself and he picks up a paint brush and started painting the sunset he was witnessing.


The night comes and he slowly walk towards his room and go to sleep. In his room was a king size bed filled with paintings hanging on the wall, a walk in closet and bathroom. The room is painted with mint color which is very pleasant to the eyes.

A few minutes later after he was asleep, sweats starts forming on his forehead and he was struggling with nightmares. It's always the same dream.. yes it's a dream but it's most likely a nightmare that disturb him every night.

Kai was tossing and turning in bed as he was too engulfed in his dream. There he was sitting on the grass near there lake, it is on a very strange surrounding yet a majestic scenery. He was near a canvas with a strange painting on it. Then a voice rang in his head, it was giving him instructions, a voice of a young girl. 

"Come closer," the voice said.

"Where am I..? What is this place? It's so magnificent." he said to himself as he look around and stare at the painting. He was drawn to the painting, it was calling him. He touches the canvas. 

"Can you finish the painting, please draw 9 more tails on it" she said, and giggle softly. 

There was a force forcing him to draw on the canvas. It was a fox with 1 tail but it looks incomplete and look really alive. It has a furr as white as snow, it look really soft and shiny, that sparkles under the moonlight.

He was reluctant but his hands move on its own, pick up the brush, dip it to the paint and started drawing 9 tails, as each tails were painted, the painting would shine and it looks like it moves its tails when he was done.




Kai was panting heavily when he woke up. It was just a dream but it feels so real. 

"W-what was that?" Kai was sweating a lot.

Why is it always the same dream, he thought to himself and closes his eyes and drifted back to sleep.


(Same time after Kai's dream but it different world)


Eyes glowing like the moon, have sparkles like stars, staring intently at the crystal clear water, her lips curve into a smile. And it was that time she gained back her 9 tails because of the dream she entered and manipulated. She was merely a 7 year old girl, yet she had that noble aura.

"We will meet soon" she whispered to herself as she turned back to her fox form. 




Dream, my missing piece...

What is it? Is it Love... or Deception?

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