
Chapter Twenty One: Action

Nick swung his binder by his side as he walked confidently up towards the main part of the quartyard. He could see Joel standing there waiting for him. Nick smiled widely as he caught Joel’s attention.

“Hey, how you doing?” Nick questioned, slapping Joel on the back. Joel smiled weakly.

“I’m doing okay. Maybe a little bit nervous,” Joel admitted.

“Aw, there's no need to be nervous, my man. He’s already into you. You just gotta go for it,” Nick explained, keeping his mischievous smile. He kept his hand on Joel’s shoulder and started to slowly push him towards where he knew Mazakin would have Ahpunch waiting. He just hoped he had given her enough time.

“You don’t have any more classes today, right?” Nick asked as the two boys walked towards the crowded mess hall. Joel shook his head.

“No and I got off work tonight, like you said. Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean if he wanted to see me, he would call,” Joel tried to suggest with a shrug.