
My girlfriend is a BL Writer !? (SEASON ONE)

Meet Satsuki Mariangela Fukumoto, a 20 years old college student at the Seaton Intergrated University of Naga. She’s already in her 3rd year and she’s taking a BS in Digital Illustration and Animation. But her parents were not favorable and to them, she was just nothing but a disgrace and the fact that she holds a disgusting secret which is why they don’t want her to waste her time on the hobbies that she had. And they didn’t want her talent to go to waste just because she was obsessed with her BL. As of now, she was forced to work as an intern content marketing in Wei & Hua Group. She’s one of the illustrators that they needed for the brand designs of the company. The company was owned by the soon heir, Chang Heng Wei. He’s one of the youngest heirs in this company, he’s just the same age as Satsuki. And as the heir, he needs to take his business course seriously because of his father’s wish. That’s why he’s currently taking a BS in Accountancy at Delos Rios University of Manila. Just like Satsuki he’s one of the interns too and his father has been training him in their company because once he graduates automatically he’s going to be the Vice-Chairman of the company. He was known as strict, prideful and he was really scary. Other people can’t take his attitude when they work with him so it’s quite a miracle that Satsuki can continue working with someone like him. In the morning, Satsuki appears to be an innocent and pure girl but what they didn’t know is that she’s a Fujioshi. She's a BL manga artist and writer. She fantasize about him and made him a character in her own story and she imagines him as a bottom due to his cute face.

MissNerdyGirl20 · Urban
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50 Chs


Chang Heng Knows!


I can’t believe what I just saw.

When I grabbed her things, her bag suddenly falls over the floor and I saw a few papers. And I a few sketches of me and Robert. And Robert’s hugging me? And Oliver was just laughing at me when he knew that I found out that his best friend was that weird type of girl. The nerve of him! He has the guts to laugh at me like that? Really? In that kind of situation? Damn him. So when I find out about it I had no choice but to ask them about what she did. Then Oliver tells me that she’s a BL Writer and an Editorial cartoonist who writes BL?

She’s having a part-time as a BL Comic Artist? Really? I have a lot of things that I wanted to ask her about these things. That’s why I have no choice but to take her to my home and I have to take care of her. It’s been 3 days since she’s sick. I was startled a bit when she opened her eyes and she seemed to be surprised when she saw me.

“Uh, the cutie accountant!” She shouted and I raised my eyebrows at her. Tch, does she need to be that loud? She’s something else you know. Looks like she didn’t even know where she is. Well duh, she’s in my condo. In an exclusive one. I’m not just a son of the heir of the company for nothing.

“You’re in my room. It’s been 3 days since you were sick.” I told her

She gave me her usual optimistic smile that she used to be and she put her both hands together and she smiled. Really? It’s as if she’s an innocent kid the way she acted right now that is as if she didn’t even do anything. She has the guts to smile like that after I found out her sketches about me and Robert. To think that she has those wild imaginations...I can’t believe it. If she thinks that she can just run away from me like this, then she’s wrong about that. She’ll never escape me. Too bad for her though, because I already found out everything. Too bad, I just found out her dark secret.

I got closer to her and I grabbed her head and I grabbed those sketches that I just saw earlier. “So this is how you see me..to be held by other men? Are you freaking nuts, I’m a straight man!” I shouted at her and I glared at her. She has to do a lot of explaining to me. If she thinks that she can just escape me after she used me into this kind of shit, she’s wrong about that. I will make sure that she can never escape me after what she did to me.

Her face went pale and she looked at me, “The thing is..” She said nervously and she couldn’t believe what I just said. Look at this girl, she’s guilty about what she did huh. Well, she should be. Who the hell is she anyway? For her to take me as her character in her BL story huh? Does she think that I’m a damn gay or something? She’s not getting away with this! Within these 5 months as an intern in the company, I didn’t know that she had fantasies like these. I can’t help but to feel paler the more that I think about it.

“You better explain right now Satsuki. Why do I look like I was being hugged by Robert? Robert is my best friend for a long time but to be hugged by him, that wouldn’t happen!” I shouted

“I’m sorry! Your face had the idea of a bottom character! In my eyes, you’re the cutest bottom that I have ever seen in my life that’s why I used your face as an inspiration in the BL that I’ve been doing. I’m sorry!” Satsuki said and she apologizes to me.

“I also knew that you were a straight man intern accountant..” She paused a bit.

I gave her a cold look and I raised my eyebrows on her and I glared at her, “Damn with that fantasies of yours! This is the last thing that I would see those drawings in the company. I won’t let other people know about this craziness that you have. What if the other interns saw you with those drawings? I’ll confiscate this.” I threaten her and wave those papers in front of her.

“I’m so sorry!!!” Satsuki shouted and I hit her face slightly. Tch, she’s way too loud. She had the guts to feel shy now after what she did to me? Did she use me as a gay character in that BL? Really!? She’s crazy.

“Your sorry won’t change anything woman. You used me like your character, you got an odd imagination then. And why did you even choose me as your inspiration as your character? For goodness sake, Robert and I are just friends and I need to clear that to you maniac girl!” I hissed

She got closer to me and she suddenly held my hand. I glared at her and I gripped her face. “What do you need?”

“I know that this is crazy but can you please continue being my inspiration in my BL? Become my partner! I mean, help me with my manuscript. You’re the only last hope that I have now. If it wasn’t because of you my BL wouldn’t go on top so please help me..” She said and she got closer to me and she held my hand. And what is she even thinking? I was the one who put her on the top as a BL Writer? What’s that? Help with her manuscript? Does she think that would be easy that I would say yes and get along with it? In that crazy idea that she had? I will never say yes to this.

“And you think that I would say yes to that?” I asked her and I crossed my arms and I glared at her. She’s something else, isn’t she?

“I knew that it’s a no then.” Satsuki pouted

She stared at me once again and she got closer to me, “I know that this might be crazy but I need you as my reference as a bottom character. Maybe you knew or not but I was known as cherrymoonyaoi20. I’m an unknown BL Writer.” She said happily and I just can’t help but feel irritated because of what she said. Does she even have any idea what’s she saying right now? Doesn’t she even feel any shame because of it?

She shouldn’t even have to tell me about it!

Honestly, does she even feel any shame on it? She used to hate me so much before...I wanted to comfort her many times about it, but I didn’t know that she had her way of having her revenge on me. To think that she’d used me as a bottom character? I feel like I just wanna puke at it. And she’s the reason why this is happening.

I won’t let her get away with it. If I only knew that she will turn like this, I wouldn’t have to be so worried about her. From what I can see, I just proved that she’s not just some maniac girl. That she’s something else then. If only she’s not a girl, I would have beaten her up because of what she did to me. And why would I help her because of her stupid imaginations? She’s wrong about that. I would show her that she won’t be having her way. I’m Chang Heng Wei, the heir of the Wei & Hua Group and I’ll own this company soon once I graduated from college. And I wouldn’t say yes to a crazy intern such as her. She’s doomed.

She suddenly got serious and she wouldn’t just let my hand go. “I never expected anyone to understand my hobbies but I want to prove to anyone that even if I’m into BL, I wanted to pursue editorial cartooning. It has been my dream since then. No one could ever understand it. I wouldn’t have been your assistant anyways, I was just forced by it. My parents are against what I want. They wanted me to learn from you but I want to pursue editorial cartooning! So please help me.” Satsuki said and she bowed her head.

I had never seen her like this before. The last time that I see her like this was 5 months ago. Being my assistant is not that easy. I always wanted a perfect one. That’s why even if I knew that she didn’t have any experience as an assistant, as an intern here too, I have to teach her everything in this work. Even if she was clumsy and she always do mistakes she wanted to learn here and do everything that she can. I always admired her hard work for the company. She’s one of the best interns in content marketing. She’s quite good in her designs in digital content strategies and online platforms. Did I become too heartless? I don’t even understand. Why do I have to be this affected? Damn it.

It’s not that I’m that bad. From what I can see, looks like this BL that she’s writing is too important to her. I have never seen this side of her, for her to beg me like this so I can say that she made me turn her way. Well, she even revealed herself as a fujoshi like that easily so what can I even ask for? What the hell is happening to me? I shouldn’t be like this to her. I shouldn’t be too soft to her but I can’t help myself even if I don’t want to. She’s a fujoshi! She’s not the girl that I like. As if I’m going to fall for a fujoshi. Since I was already here then I have to know her reasons then why she made me her inspiration into her bottom character then. Damn. What did I get myself into? Is this serious?

“Is this that serious to you? For you to beg some hottie in the accounting department like me, you have guts.” I said seriously

It’s not like I’m going to say yes to this completely. I guess I must say that she has good reasons why she chooses me as her bottom character then. Damn it, did I even agree to it?

“Yes. I will do everything in this BL. I wanted you as my reference so please help me.” Satsuki said and she bowed her head. I don’t know what my reaction will be. I don’t want others to know about this.

“Then tell me, other than Oliver and Harumi, who are the others who knew about this?” I asked her and I glared.

“No one! It’s a promise.” Satsuki said and she raised her hand. Looks like she’s not even lying about it. She know that she’ll be dead if she tried to lie to me. She lit her eyes up as if she was an innocent kid or what.

“Then it means, Chang Heng you would--” Before she can say something more I quickly got close to her and I covered her mouth. I should have expected what kind of fantasies that she has. I will not say yes to her that easily. I need to know first before I said yes to her.

“For you to force me as your partner in your reference in BL, what is the reason? There must be a reason right?” I asked her and I felt that my cheeks went flustered a bit. I’m not good at these things. She better give me a good explanations for doing this kind of things.