
My Girlfriend calls herself a God

"So, The rumors were indeed true. The famous teen actress, Zhang Yuxi aka Liz, transfigured herself after debuting as a singer." "If it weren't for that rare birthmark, I wouldn't have believed she is the same chubby teen actress, Liz. Did she got herself plastic surgery?" --- After disappearing for a year, Zhang Yuxi finally returned to China, as a singer and a total transfigured self. The reason behind her change? She said she got merely inspired but Is that really the truth? Her history begins from more than hundred year ago when she was the chosen one to get her hands on the Divine power. However, She lost something valuable to her in the midway. Using the body of her subordinate's granddaughter, She strives to dominate over her powers and regain it back. But, Of Course, That won't be easy to do as there are many lurking in the dark who would love to see her doom to fail. On her journey as a 17 year old teen girl, She has many interesting encounters, which includes the Male Lead. Even a god like existence like her craves for love. Watch them slowly and gradually falling for eachother. Will Shen Xiu Ying be able to get what she wants? Or, Be played by those who wants her failure? Or Will she have a different ending? --- Note: The book cover doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owner.

Miso_magar · Fantasy
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112 Chs


*Tick Tock* *Tick Tock*

The sound of the Big Pendulum Antique wall clock could be heard in the quiet dark room.

A girl, sitting in the wooden rocking chair, was staring at the second hand of the clock as it ticked each second.

As time elapsed, her heart rate and breathing hastened, her throat became dry, back was drenched in sweat. Her fragile fair fingers quivered slightly as they rested on the armchair.

There were only five minutes left before midnight.

Eventually, the girl moved. She stood up from the chair and approached the mirror which was right beneath the clock.

The room was dark but due to the dim light coming from the small window, she could vaguely see her reflection in the mirror. In the reflected mirror, she saw a ravishing face but her skin complexion was ghastly pale.

She could see the deep fear in those dark eyes. She opened her mouth and began to speak. Her soft murmurs rang in the silent room.

"It's soon going to be midnight. The day I have been looking forward to...The day when my fate is supposed to be changed...The day when the mystery will finally be uncovered...The day when he will-"

* Ding Ding Ding *

The sound of the antique clock striking twelve chimed continuously in the room.

As soon as she heard the sound, her heart skipped a beat. Before she could do anything, the sound of the clock abruptly stopped chiming.

She lifted her head to peer at the clock, only to see that the clock's hands were stuck exactly at 12: 00.

She looked around her; the other clocks were also stuck at twelve. Her gaze landed outside the small window, the sight before she made her gasp in disbelief.

The usual falling snow was now staying still in the mid-air.

"Wh-What is happening? T-Time has stopped." She stuttered as she began to panic.

Just then, she heard a series of deafening lightning & thundering. It was so loud and bright, which made her crouch down and cover her ears.

After the continuous loud thunderbolts slowly faded away, she slowly put her hands down and opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was the clock's ticking sound in the silent room.

Instinctively, she glanced at the window "It's snowing again. What in the world is happening?"

"Glad you came by yourself, Xiu Ying! " A deep genderless voice rang out from behind her.

Shen Xiu Ying's back stiffened. Her breathing hastened. She could feel an overwhelming pressure descending upon her. She wanted to stand up but her legs felt weak. Her body was trembling as her heart thumped rapidly.

"Xiu Ying, you must've been waiting for this moment all along, preparing yourself for the worst. Now, that is happening. Why are you curled up in fear like that?" The voice got louder, the aura became denser.

Clenching her trembling fist, Xiu Ying shut her eyes, stood up and tardily turned around. *Gulp* She finally opened her fluttering eyes.

Her dark eyes widen as she caught sight of something that she could never forget in her life.

Hi, This is my first novel. As i am an amateur author, I still have a lot to improve. I hope you like it, If you do, please add to library. Thank you.


Some might be confused with Female lead's names later as she have a lot. Here let me make it clear.

Shen Xiu Ying - Her real name , The Deity's name

Zhang Yuxi - The name of girl whom she is taking over, the granddaughter of Zhang Chen.

Liz - Her professional name used to represent her in showbiz.

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