

MyGirl(Crazy,Beautiful,Lovely You)

Episode two

By Authoress Aria

Tyler's Pov

I woke due to the sound of my phone ringing. I yawn and picked it up.

"hello" i said sleepy.

"wakey wakey baby"Olivia said

"for crying out loud via its 7:00am in the morning"i said angrily..

"sorry babe its just i missed you a lot i just cant wait to see at school on monday" she said

"yeah me too" i rolled my eyes

"ok babe dad's calling i gotta go now" she said

"love you"she ended the call.

"arrgh!!!" i screamed

i hate it when someone wakes me up am just tolerating her because dad says she's a good singer n my fans love her.

Am Tyler Montana the famous singer in the whole america yeah money fame i got them all to top it all my dad Mr Tristan Montana is the second richest man in america so you can imagine the money.

My mom Tanya Montana is always business to with my dad both of them barely have time for me and my sister Talia she's the cutest and smartest thing I have ever met. She and nanny Matilda are they only things I care for in this world and of course my besties henry and oliver yeah,olivia my girlfriend is my best friend's twin sister but he understands.

I took in singing when I was eight it was the only thing that took my sorrows away.

"sir!' one of the maid walked into my room.

"get out" I yelled

"but..." she said

"get the fuck out don't you know,how to knock" I yelled and she left shaking.

Yeah I know am very rude and arrogant but not to the ones I love.

"ty ty" i heard a small voice calling me

"hey princess" i smiled carrying her on my laps

"did Olivia wake you up again??' she asked smirking remember when I said smartest this is it.

"yes" i said then she stretched out her hands and i gave her the money she kissed my cheek and ran off. We had a bet that I would wake up on my own but as usual I lost.

I just took my bath and wore a blue T-shirt, black jean with my white sneakers and went downstairs.

I met Talia eating toast i sat down close to her and drank my special coffee nanny always makes for me.

"wow nanny it get sweeter every time" i smiled

"thank you son" nanny matilda smiled

"so nanny wheres mom and dad" i asked

"they went on a business trip" she replied

"as usual don't they even have time to spear for their eight year old daughter and 18yr old son" i yelled angrily,

"Tyler Talia" nanny said and I looked at my sister she looked frightened. I immediately hugged her..

"shh baby its alright am sorry" i said

"promise me you wont yell again" she cried

"I promise" i said and kissed her now eat up.

I got up and grabbed my car keys

"where to tyler??' nanny asked

"for a drive nanny"i said

"ok be careful your a celebrity remember?"she said. I was about to leave when madam blocked me

"yes princess" I asked

"what are you going to get for me" she asked

"strawberry ice cream" i said

"yes!!' she jumped happily and kissed my cheeks before running to nanny.

I laughed and went to my blue sport car and started driving. I quickly called the guys

"hey tyler" they both said

"guys meet me at club 501 now" i said and drove faster.
