
My Ghoul

The world is not as happy it seems and people are not as happy as they seem but the world goes on with out paying them any heed , and this was how a man seemingly happy dies to starts a new life within a new and potentially more dangerous . Follow as akuma distinguish between evil and good friend and foe and the journey to find ones own Ghoul. (I am not very good at creating synopsis but I did as best I could)

ShadowRPD · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The mission and the flashbacks

[5 Years Later]

I am currently standing in the underground parking lot and you may think what I am doing here so you guys will be pleased to know I am currently doing a infiltration mission and this happens because of a bet against asuka san , so what happens was…

[Flashback 6 months back]

It was mid day and I was currently doing some sparing training with asuka san, she ran at me using her training swords and I who was holding a training gun which had paint balls.

She just started running towards me and I started shooting her with gun in both my hands but she deflected or dodged most of them and when she was just near me I just retread a few steps back and I used my powers to create two tentacles to attack her with them and when I slashed them towards her she cut through them and was going to attack me but I just created a shadow wall and them used my guns to shoot her through the wall , this was a neat trick I learns form obito's powers form naruto but then again she just jumped with in human reaction  and the next moment the sword was at my neck and seeing that I just surrenders.

Seeing that she removed the swords and then said "you have improved a lot during this 4 and a half years"

I did not reply her and just sat there thinking of how to defeat her but then I asked "you said you were going to let me do mission "

She looked like she was chocking and said "well, yes you have to beat my time in the training course to part take "

  Hearing that I was not pleased but I could guess that must have been my mothers and I started to think how I was going to beat her time "

[End of Flashback]

So it took me 6 months to defeat her records and she was surprised to but just when I was remembering that I heard asuka san voice through the ear piece "  do you remember the plan black devil "

I know black devil is a cheesy code name but what would you except form a 15 year kid.

I replied "yes I remember it headquarters , first I will secretly infiltrate the building then I will reach their server room and hack into it to steal all information and then I will have to signal you all to attack the building and if they find me I will use the emergency plan, is that correct "

THE asuka sand voice came "it is correct and don't mess up kid or your grandpa will kill everyone in the headquarters "

I could just sigh hearing that cut the comms connection and started to make my way in the building.

I just used the fire exit to reach the top floor and it was like super easy why was there CCTV cameras in the fire exit but that's fine because it was easy or me .

I reached the top floor because that was where the server room was,  actually this building is a 5 star hotel but under the control of that terrorist group we are trying o find hide outs of .

I was going through the hall way in my gear which consisted of many rooms and when I reached the end of the hallway there was a singular room which had very high tech lock.

Now most will try to hack the lock but I am a ghoul I will do it my way which is to turn into a shadow and slip into the room.

When I was inside the room I saw servers and used one terminal to try and copy paste everything onto the pen drive but when I opened it I saw there were not that much information in the servers, well this is why there was not much security here.

When it reached 90 percent the door opened, shit why does it have to be like a anime couldn't it have more realistic but oh well I just used the gun to shoot them and they died and I did not feel anything killing tem I don't know why  those main characters form anime feel guilty killing someone.

I then took the pen drive and then pressed a button which singled the main force to attack them but that's when the alarm started going and I could hear people coming here so I did what every anime mc will do I jumped for the glass windows and when I jumped I used my powers to make gliders on my back and started going towards the rendezvous point.

  I just did not take a slight thing in my plan and that was it they were going to have a snipe and oh boy did they have when I thought I was out of their range there bullets came one towards my head and two towards my heart but due to my reaction speed one bullet missed and the two hit me respectively in my stomach and shoulder and it fucking hurt though the wounds were not life threatening.

I was able to reach the rendezvous point and I could see my uncle was there, ah shit I will have to hear his lecture about my carelessness.

When I landed I could hear uncle saying "congratulations on completing the mission kid" but when he came near me and saw me bleeding, he looked like he was possessed by a demon and said in a heavy voice.

I had to coax him and he also looked at my wounds before calming down and then he started to give me first aid and It hurt as he was bandaging to tightly but I guess that's because he is a little angry at me for my carelessness .

After that we got in his car and started going towards the headquarters.