
My Ghoul

The world is not as happy it seems and people are not as happy as they seem but the world goes on with out paying them any heed , and this was how a man seemingly happy dies to starts a new life within a new and potentially more dangerous . Follow as akuma distinguish between evil and good friend and foe and the journey to find ones own Ghoul. (I am not very good at creating synopsis but I did as best I could)

ShadowRPD · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Finally safe or not

The next day came as quickly as I woke up and after getting fresh in the bathroom and yes it was a attached bathroom in my room , this escape both was actually a luxury yacht and was modified to go very speedily it had two levels and the roof where was the captain room and chifen was driving it .

Up until know I never had gotten a look of my father's friend as he had hot come to your home, he stood at an average height, around 5'9", with a lean but athletic build. His straight black hair is neatly cropped, and his almond-shaped eyes are a deep shade of brown that often reflects his emotions.

After wishing him good morning I ran to my mother's room to see if she had woken up or not, when I got there I knocked on the door and my father's voice came from inside "come in".

I came in and saw that my mother was sitting in the bed and my father was feeding her soup, when she saw me she signaled me to come closer and when I got closer to her she hugged me and said " I am sorry I couldn't protect you"

I said with a smile "you don't have to and mom did you know I unlocked my ghoul powers" I said to make the mood better

My mother asked with curiosity "so, what are you powers are they the same as me or different"

I replied with a smile" It's some kind of shadow power but I can't use it at will ". She smiled and said "you will get the hang of it in due time"

After that dad fed mom the soup and that's when I decided to ask "mom, dad said that Japan will be happy to have you back, what did he mean "

Mom scratched the back of her head and said "ah that, you know that we of Japanese descent and I used to stay in Japan and was in the ghoul police department"

I asked with a surprise" you were in the police, So that's why you could fight so well but does that mean dad you used to stay in china". He smiled and said "I used to stay in china and when I had to come to Japan for diplomatic work I met your mother"

I said while jumping" you guys met like in some anime that's cool" and when I going to ask about the kind of work you did the boat suddenly sped up and I almost fell to the ground but dad caught me and then the voice came from the comm." Ahh hachibi come to the deck fast"

When he heard that he ran while saying to not go out. After he ran out sounds of heavy machine guns could be heard. I looked towards my mother and she was not panicking and only rubbing my head to clam me down.

There were blast sounds coming from outside , I wanted to help so I told mom that I got to go to the washroom and ran from there , while running out I could hear her say something but before I could hear it I was out of the room and that's when the sound o gunshots got very loud . When I saw the opposite side I saw 2 boats chasing us very speedily and my father was firing at them and was getting return fire back, when he saw me he was looking like he saw a ghost and then shouted" what are outdoing outside akuma didn't I tell you to stay inside, I looked towards him and said I came to help.

He looked like he was about to tell me to go inside When he suddenly changed his face and told me to go in the captains area and to tell chifen to let me control the DTS , I hearing that got to the captain cabin where chifen was controlling the boat And told him to let me on the DTS system , he looked and smiled and told me to sit on a hi-tech looking chair and came towards me while keeping the boat at autopilot and asked me " Have you played a fps game before" and I replied " yes I have played many first person shooter games" .

He turned it on and then my screen turned on and I could see The boats on a camera and when I looked back I saw there were many guns which have come out sliding compartments, seeing that I got excited and took the controls which looked like a hi-tech game console and stated firing at them, And within minutes All the boats were blasted and destroyed.

After that my dad came in the deck and looked towards me with a strict face and then he sighed and smiled and hugged me and said "don't do something stupid like that, you are just a kid and you are my son"

I pouted and said "If you could fight then I could to and I was able to do this so all is well"

He then looked towards me and said with a smirk "though you will have to face your mother I will not help you there", hearing that I got scared because she can be scarier that my previous parents who used to beat me for everything and this was how my first day going to Japan was like.

[A command base some place]

"So they were able to get away out of our reach" said a very athletic middle aged man and looked at his subordinate who looked like a maniac and asked him "and where any result of that special bullet"

The manic laughed and said" that women was not seen in the test so we can assume it went well"

The man thought about something and said "ok we can start project ghoul " and smiled.

The other man hearing that smiled like a maniac and left the room leaving the man in the room alone and he was watching the holo-map in front of him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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