
My Ghost: Out for Revenge

MJ an innocent girl goes under series of torture through out her early twenties. One day she got kidnapped and died. Her spirit comes back to haunt her murderers and she wont rest until she takes her revenge.

Blaq_Sensual · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


'What?' I asked as Justin stared at me disappointed.


' You mean the fight, right?' I asked pulling off the left leg skate, Stacey didn't let me to. He nodded and I sighed putting on my boots.

' Of course, Melissa!' He said and helped me put my skates in my bag.

'She started it! She pushed me off the bench!' I yelled out.

' Like this?' He asked as he shoved me off the bench and I narrowed my gaze at him. Has he gone mad? I asked myself.

'What the heck!?' I asked as I did a Chinese-get-up.

'Fight with me!' he suddenly said getting up and using my hand to hit him. I pulled my hand away as a confused expression played on my face. 'Do you see? Two wrongs don't make a right!' He pointed out and kicked snow on him.

'But two rights don't make a wrong.' I told him. She cheated and I did as well, which was wrong but she fought for her rights of been cheated and so did I which makes it right. Then he held my chin and made me stare into his eyes, he used his thumb and index finger to press my cheeks together.

'Hahaha! You look so cute when i do this.' He smiled.

'CUTE!? I'm not cute! Don't call me that!' I said pointing my index finger at him.

'You are such cutie in anyway! Pissed off, happy, excited and sad.' He teased and I pushed him away.

'You look cute too!' I sarcastically said as I rubbed snow all over his face.

'Very funny!' He removed the snow from his face. His lips had turned slightly purple, I made him cold. Gees!MJ do you wanna kill him?

'You lips....' I said touching my lips to indicate the problem. He touched lips and I am sure it was cold from the way he stared at me. He glared at me and I inhaled deeply before bringing out a lip balm from my bag. I gave it to him but he just sat back down.

'Apply it Dumbo!' I shouted.

''Melissa you know my hands are cold because I'm not putting on mittens like you, so you apply it.' He said and I just shook my head and collected the balm back. I pulled off one of my mitten and dip my finger inside and started applying on his lips. His lips were soft, a bit plump and peach coloured. I couldn't take my eyes off it and a part wanted to kiss it badly.

'Do you wanna kiss it?' He asked and I flinched backwards looking at him. "Geezers! Did he read my thoughts?' I asked myself and I my cheeks burn red. He let out a throaty chuckle and caressed my cheeks with his cold hands, then my stomach let out a loud growl.

' I'm hungry!' I said rubbing my stomach. Then he motioned for me to head to the restaurant but I felt too dirty and went back to the hotel with him behind me. I entered my room and took a quick hot shower. After my bath I wore a black turtleneck sweater and black leggings. I wore a red leather jacket and a red striped black bobble hat with a black boot and black mitten. I came out of my room to see Justin in a black crow-neck sweater and black cargo-pants with black trainers and a black beanie. He looked breathtaking and extremely gorgeous. He was far better than cute.

'Stop staring and let's go and eat. I'm famished!' He said as he caught me staring. We walked towards the restaurant when Jace and Stacey walked up to us. They were wearing matching outfits and I was very sure it was all Stacey's idea.

'Hey guys, are you going to eat at the restaurant?' She asked clinging onto Jace and for some reasons I didn't get bothered anymore.

'Of course not we are heading to 'Can't you see we are walking towards the restaurant or do you need glasses for it?' restaurant.' I ironically spoke.

'Yeah right!' She said glaring at me.

' Let's go girls!' Jace said obstructing a fight that was about to start and we walked into the restaurant. We sat on the same table and I looked at the menu.

'What would you like to have?' A waiter said and we all have our orders. in a few minutes our food was presented before us. I ordered spaghetti and meatballs, Jace ordered shrimps and prime ribs, Justin ordered fried chips, grilled chicken and shawarma and Stacey acting all tush ordered a bowl of salad and orange juice.

'Why did you ordered this?' I asked.

'Because I trying to eat healthy and maintain weight not like you.' She insulted.

'So you already know you are fat?' I said and Jace and Justin let out a slight chuckle. You know there are some insults you give to people that doesn't really go well. I'm a slimmer than Stacey and more prompt yet she gives me empty insults.

' I'm not fat, I just don't wanna grow fat like your mum.' She said and I my fork hanged midway as I was about to eat. I stared at her and Jace was nudging her to take back her words but it was already late I was now very furious. I will usually cry if this kind of thing happened but those sexual assault incidents had opened my eyes. I carried the cup of wine Justin was drinking and splashed it on her face. She gasped in surprise, shock and anger. She never knew I would acct like this. I got up carried my plate of spaghetti and meatballs and plastered it on her fine blonde hair she always boast about. I held her by her hair and dragged her outside the restaurant and threw her on the ground.