
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs


Lin Guodong threw a document fiercely into Qin Li's face and roared in anger, "What did you do with this contract? The unit price given to Xin Rong Food is missing a zero, do you know what this means?"

Qin Li picked up the document and looked down to flip through it, there was indeed a problem with the price. She didn't make this document, but Xiao Zhang in her group did, she was the group leader, and it was her fault if she didn't find out when a group member made a mistake, so she was dumbfounded.

"I'll go change it as soon as possible."

The more Lin Guodong thought about it the more he was afraid, if he hadn't improvised and asked his secretary to check the documents over, the consequences would have been unimaginable. One hundred thousand and one million was not just a zero on paper, when the contract was signed, who would fill in the holes?

He looked at Qin Li, angry, poked her forehead with his hand, and said in a bad mood, "If you do not have the heart to work, stay at home, do not come to drag our legs. If you don't want this rice bowl, there are plenty of people to grab it."

Qin Li pursed her lips, swallowed her grievances, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, give me another chance. I will not let you down again."

Lin Guodong huffed, "Make another mistake and get the hell out of here. Our company doesn't need drunkards!"

This sentence said heavily, these years Qin Li was diligent and hardworking, without merit there was also hard work. After all, she is not a machine, with limited energy, it is impossible to do everything. Moreover, in the enterprise to save money, the personnel can be deducted on the deduction, she is a person to do a few people's work, day and night overtime, sometimes really is not enough.

And the higher-ups ask for instructions to increase personnel, they just a sentence, you can not stand down, let the capable person on. Qin Li in this state-owned enterprise has been working for so many years, that it is not easy to have the opportunity to promote section, how willing to give up? Only one word, endure.

Seeing Qin Li holding the documents out of the office, Zhang Fen hurriedly greeted up, with a guilty face, "I'm sorry, Sister Li, it's all my fault."


Qin Li ate the lecture and was upset, but instead of transferring her anger, she calmly said, "Your ability is good, you are just careless, pay attention next time."

Seeing that she carried it for herself, Zhang Fen felt guilty and reached out to take the document, saying, "Sister Li, I will check it carefully."

Qin Li said, "Take an extra shift today to catch up on the documents. I'll stay and help you."

Just after saying this, Qin Li's cell phone rang.

It was her mother's call, the relationship between Qin Li and her family was a bit tense in these years, mainly because her parents favored her elder brother and always treated her as a money tree.

Mother's voice came from the other end, "Where?"

"At the company."

"Still not off work?"

Qin Li replied without a fuss, "Working overtime."

Qin Li's mom, "Why do you work overtime every day? You're not just trying to impress me, are you? Tonight is Hao Hao's birthday, you have to come over even if you don't have time, eat dinner or not, but bring a gift."

Hao Hao is Qin Li's older brother Qin Ming's son, five years old this year, the Qin family three generations, so the up and down on the grandson of the baby can't, froze him into a bear child.

Qin Li said, "Today really can not, I have to work overtime, the gift I will make up later."

Qin Li's mom was furious when she heard this and said, "No, you must come today. And call your husband too. What kind of son-in-law doesn't come to the house for half a year? We're all gossiping here in the neighborhood."

"Sun Yat is not available these days ..."

Qin Li's mom interrupted her before she could finish her sentence, "What do you mean you're not available? Tomorrow's the weekend, what can't you put off? Well, it's a deal. See you tonight."

Without waiting for her to respond, the phone was hung up.

Qin Li sighed and turned around just in time to meet Zhang Fen's gaze, somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing this, Zhang Fen busily said, "Sister Li, I'm sorry, it's all because I got you into trouble. Why don't you get off work first, and I'll work overtime alone to rush out."

Qin Li was uneasy, but did not dare to disobey her old mom, hesitated, and said, "Then put it on my desk when you're done, I'll come to the company in the morning to check it over."

Zhang Fen, "Okay. Sister Li, you go quickly."

Qin Li cleaned up and waited for Lin to get off work, then hurriedly left as well.

She called Sun Yi as she walked, but her cell phone had been turned off and she couldn't reach anyone, so she had to take a taxi to his company to intercept someone.

I didn't expect this interception but intercepted a junior.

She had just gotten out of the taxi when she saw Sun Yat holding the hand of a young woman, the two kissed me talking and laughing, the male handsome and the female pretty, passers-by had to turn around to look at a glance, really like a pair of lovers made in heaven.

Qin Li froze, never thought that this dog blood would happen to her. She didn't know whether she should go up and slap the two of them with a big slap, or whether she should take pictures for evidence. In short, it all came too suddenly, leaving her unable to react for a moment.

Sun Yat was four years older than Qin Li, an orphan who had been living in his cousin's house. Cousin's aunt is not good to him, so he dropped out of school at an early age and went out to work to earn money. The first time they met was in a small restaurant near the university where Qin Li studied, where Sun Yat worked as a waiter. Sun Yat's condition is not good, is a poor boy, but he is tall and handsome, and he does not talk or smile, very attractive to these freshmen girls who just entered the university, the beginning of love.

At that time, Qin Li Sun Yat almost love at first sight, but she did not dare to confess, every day to the restaurant to eat, secretly watching him. Over time, Sun Yat also found her existence, one to two, it is logical to come together.

The two began to fall in love in freshman year, and when Qin Li graduated, they entered the marriage hall. Until now she was twenty-seven, the best seven years were given to this man. When they first got married, Sun Yat-sen was so poor that he couldn't even afford to rent a decent house. Qin Li, despite the opposition of his family, does not mind him being poor, and would rather sit on his broken bike and laugh, but also not willing to sit in the BMW car and cry. Later, Sun Yat began to do aquatic business, and open restaurants and teahouses, business is getting better and better, but also bigger and bigger, mixed with the wind and water.

He spent seven years to get rid of the identity of a poor boy, becoming a big boss with a lot of money. But the seven-year itch also let the passion between the two slowly fade, and finally only left the responsibility.

Qin Li for the family to pay a lot, pregnant three times, the first pregnancy because Sun Yat's career is on the rise, there is no money and no energy to raise a child, so had to be tearfully aborted. The second was an ectopic pregnancy, which had to be aborted. The third pregnancy seven weeks, found that the fetus has no fetal heart, natural abortion. After that, the belly has not been moving. 

She also went to see a doctor, who said that because of the first abortion, she had a lot of damage to her body, and the placenta could not sit firmly in the uterus, so it was easy to conceive a baby and difficult to keep it. With two abortions, Qin Li was physically and mentally exhausted and didn't have the guts to try for a fourth.

At one point, Sun Yat-sen was so obedient to her that he didn't bring up the issue of children again. Qin Li thought that even if there is no child, they will also hold each other until old age, but did not expect ...

Looking at the two of them, her world instantly collapsed, and something in her body shattered into crumbs. She clenched her fists and shivered, her anger was like a sparkling seedling in the crater of a volcano, ready to erupt at any time.

She glared at the two of them with a deadly glare, itching to be like those videos of the original spouse catching the mistress, rushing forward to strip the woman of her clothes, then slapping her hard, letting the whole world know that this woman is a shameless mistress.

But Qin Li finally did not take this step. Because she knew that if she did, there was only one ending, and that was divorce. So, does she want a divorce?

Her heart was in turmoil, to divorce or not to divorce, it was not a question that could be given an immediate answer. There was a lot at stake, such as their joint property, the pressure exerted by public opinion, and where she would go in the future. She's twenty-eight years old, she's not particularly good-looking, she has an average job, and she can't have children, so where does she go after a divorce? This society doesn't have much tolerance for divorced and infertile women.

So what should she do? Turn a blind eye and pretend she didn't see anything? Just muddle along until she dies of old age?

For a while, Qin Li's thoughts turned a thousand times, millions of possibilities in their brain slipped through, and ultimately there was no one answer.

The two arm-in-arm people have long disappeared, only she is still standing in the same place, the light to her a little chubby figure pulled thin and long, the road is bustling with people, but let her feel the loneliness.

It was a desperate feeling of helplessness that spread out from her heart and finally took root in her entire body.

At this time, the cell phone rang again, it was still Qin Li's mother.

"Are you off work yet? When are you coming over?"

"Mom ...," Qin Li called out, and could no longer speak, tears falling down his cheeks.

Qin Li's mom asked sensitively, "What's wrong?"

Qin Li hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Mom, I want a divorce."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Qin Li's mom, "What are you talking about?"

"I can't live with Sun Yat and me anymore."

Qin Li's mom, "You two quarreled again? Didn't I tell you to let him be? You're such a big man, why do you act like a child and don't let us worry about you at all? Let's talk about it when we get back. Right, don't forget to buy gifts. Don't forget to buy a gift. Hao Hao wants that Lego puzzle toy, bring it back later."

The cell phone hung up, and there was only a busy signal on the other side of the phone.

Qin Li stood blankly for a while until the tears on her face were dried by the wind, she picked herself up and went to the mall to buy Lego.


Qin father Qin Li's mother loves face, Hao Hao's birthday wine set in a high-end restaurant, a total of three tables, in addition to relatives neighbors, and some kindergarten teachers and students.

Qin Li the time, birthday wine was eaten almost, Hao Hao saw the gift, squealed, Lego toys, and even a thank you did not.

Sister-in-law glanced at the price on the box, pretending to go to the money, "This set of toys to two thousand eighteen ah? It's so expensive! How can I let my sister-in-law break the bank."

Before Qin Li could open her mouth, she was blocked by Qin Li's mother, saying, "What's to return, it's just over two thousand dollars, it's a little bit of her aunt's heart."

Liu Xiaojuan was just making a show, and when she heard her mother-in-law say that, she naturally retracted her hand from holding the money.

When the neighbors saw this, they said enviously, "Your Li Li loves her nephew, and she's willing to buy such an expensive toy."

Qin Li's mother proudly said, "Of course, our Qin Li married a good man. You don't know how good my son-in-law is at making money! He earns at least 100,000 dollars a month, and he even bought a house for our Li Li, what is the price of a house in S city now? Several million dollars! This year, he said he would buy me and the old man a big Ben, hey, we are almost into the coffin, but also buy what car ah?"

Neighbors chimed in, "Yeah. The car is not affordable, but also need to learn to drive license, so why not give cash."

"That's right. So he gave us a bank card, saying he wanted to buy a house for Hao Hao to get married."

"How old is Hoho? He's already thinking of getting married."

Qin Li's mom, "Nowadays, society is under great pressure, no house, no car to marry a wife, we Hao Hao can't lose at the starting line, this hardware and software should be grasped."

Sun Yat has not gone to her mother's home for half a year and did not give any bank card, this is all Qin Li's mother's wishful thinking blind blow. Qin Li's mother previously disagreed with the two to talk about friends, because Sun Yat is a poor boy, and then Sun Yat developed, and she began to tout this son-in-law.

Qin Li's mom bragged about no boundaries, Qin Li really couldn't listen to it and found an excuse to bail out, anyway, she brought the gifts, the people also appeared, and the courtesies arrived.

"Mom, there are still things in the unit, I'll leave first."

Qin Li's mom pulled her back and said, "Wait, you go and buy the bill for this meal."

Qin Li pointed at herself, "I'll buy it? Hao Hao set up birthday drinks, shouldn't Big Brother pay for the bill?"

"It's not like you don't know what's going on in your big brother's family, so what's wrong with you being the younger sister and treating a guest?"

Every time they go out, it's Qin Li who pays the bill, who makes her financial conditions better than them? She was already used to it.

Usually, it's not a problem, but today Qin Li was in a bad mood, so she spoke back, "No money then don't come to this kind of big hotel."

When Qin Li's mom heard this, she exploded, "What's wrong with this child of yours? Can't you see that you invited Hao Hao's classmates and teachers, if you don't go up in class, Hao Hao will be bullied in kindergarten in the future!"

This is not the first time Qin Li has heard this, so she decided to shut up, anyway, her mother's crooked reasoning, she will never be able to talk to her.

After paying the bill, Qin Li's mom chased after her again, saying, "Hey, don't leave in a hurry, I still have something to say to you."

Qin Li had to stand still, and asked, "Mom, you say."

Qin Li's mom said, "You see the house prices have been rising in the past few years, raising children to prevent old age is not as good as buying a house for old age, your brother and sister-in-law have been living with us two old people, and it's even if they didn't have children before, but it's not convenient for them to have children now. So we plan to buy a suite and live separately from them."

Speaking here, Qin Li's mom secretly glanced at Qin Li, saw that she did not open her mouth to object, and then said, "Why don't you stick us with a little money?"

Qin Li, "How much?"

Qin Li's mom gritted her teeth, "Three million."