
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 73

It has entered September, the weather becomes cloudy and rainy, the temperature drops to more than ten degrees, there is no heating in the cabin, and a thick quilt must be covered at night.

The grass on the mountain is almost eaten by the cattle, and the three-month grazing period is almost over, and the original plan is to leave the customs next Friday. There are still ten days left, and the countdown has begun. Qin Li is both excited and nervous. Excited, the little dragon girl finally out of the tomb; The nervous thing is, there's a lot to take care of before I leave.

The milk that is milked during grazing is made into dairy products and carried down the mountain together. Clean tools and equipment before going down the mountain to prevent mold, so that they can be used again next year; The day before the mountain, collect wildflowers on the mountain, and the picture of Jesus Mary together into a wreath, put on the head of a cow as a decoration.

You scrub the cow, you dress it up, you look better than the demon, and then you return it to its rightful owner. After returning to the village, a small handover ceremony is held with songs and dances to celebrate the safe return of the herders.

In previous years these things have Yan Sen as a person to do, this year with a helper, as the saying goes, men and women with the work are not tired, so everything is going very smoothly.

Day after day, the blink of an eye to the day of the mountain.

Thomas and the other villagers went up the mountain a day earlier to take the milk down and then back to the mountain for a night's sleep. The next morning, they all took their places and worked together to drive the cattle down the mountain.

On this day, there was no rain and the sky was surprisingly clear. There are still six people, two people in groups, divided into front, middle, and back three. Toby did not come this time, probably because he was stimulated by Qinli eating crickets last time, the shadow area in his heart was too large, so that he could not recover for three months.

However, Qin Li did not deal with him, and it would be better if he did not come.

It is easier to go down the mountain road, that is, be careful not to let the cattle get too close to each other, so as not to squeeze the headwear off. People and cattle, mighty, walked for more than four hours, nearly noon, and finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The grazing festival is also an important folk festival in the Alpine region, the fifty cows come out of the mountains in full dress, the bells on their necks, the hooves kicked on the ground, there is a kind of shaking and refreshing feeling, think about it.

Qin Li felt that this scene was very rare and it was a pity not to take a picture, so he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and sent one to Yan Sen and the cattle from all directions.

Soon to the village, the road has gathered full of people, really having a little of the momentum of the sea of people. Qin Li was in a trance as if the whole town had gone out, and he had finally returned to the world.

Yan Sen told her that these people were from out of town.

At this time of year, a lot of out-of-towners come here. The village is too small to have a hotel, not to mention a farmhouse. The tourists had no choice but to stay in other villages a dozen kilometers away.

Hearing him say this, Qin Li was immediately boiling, as if hearing the sound of gold coins landing, more determined to transform the farmhouse into a farmhouse. This place itself is a paradise, can ski in winter, summer summer, can vacation in autumn, and the nearby King Lake is a scenic spot, she even believes that as long as the farm is open, there will be business.

The cattle returned safely, and the shepherds came to hug Yan Sen and thanked him for the three months of care. Old men played accordions and trombones on the grass; Children dressed in traditional clothes and dancing merrily, the small village was once as quiet as the sea but suddenly lively.

The young men of the village carried several barrels of milk wine, poured it into glasses, and competed to see who could drink it in the shortest time.

At this moment, the men, women, and children of the village all gathered around Yan Sen, singing, dancing, drinking wine, or scattering flowers... Looking at this picture, Qin Li was very proud and felt that his man was nothing but a hero. Not just her hero, but the whole village.

She stood watching for a moment, and then an old man came along. He looked at least seventy years old, his face was wrinkled, and he was leaning on a cane in one hand and carrying a glass of milk in the other.

He asked Qin Li whether to try, this is to take fresh milk with milk wine, their ancestral secret recipe, only one.

Seeing the old man look forward to a face, Qin Li had to nod. She looked in all her pockets, embarrassed that she could not find a single coin.

The old man held down her hand and shook his head. "You are the savior of our village," he said. "I thank you so much that I don't take your money."

Qin Li was flattered and pointed to himself, "Me? A savior? Why?"

The old man said, "Most of today's young people can't bear to be lonely, it is rare to have a child-like Yan Sen who is calm and likes quiet, so every year he goes up the mountain and works for us." We were relieved to leave the herd with him, but he's got a restless wife. Ever since the news of his divorce from Janie spread in the village, we had become nervous, fearing that he would be so devastated that he would give up herding in the hills. In that case, our centuries-old tradition would be a thing of the past, but now I'm relieved to see you're willing to go with him to the mountains. I must toast to you for the continuation of the cultural tradition here."

After hearing this, Qin Li couldn't help feeling guilty. In the last few days on the mountain, she looked forward to coming down almost every day and vowed several times in her heart that she would never go there next year. But hearing the old man say this, she wavered again, feeling that she was also very great. She thought thickly that if Yan Sen was a hero, then she was the savior who saved the hero. Ha-ha.

The old man and Qin Li again read a few words, the Qin Li kua light, and repeatedly stressed that Yan Sen is a good person, give up who can not give up. Qin Li was this consumption old man who sprayed a face of saliva and embarrassed to refuse, could only pretend to laugh at one side.

Urging Qin Li to drink the milk wine, the old man asked for the glass, patted Qin Li on the shoulder by the way, and then turned and left.

Looking at the old man stumbling back, Qin Li has mixed feelings, the original sacrifice can save the whole village ah.

After watching the villagers' cultural performance for a while, she felt tired of standing all the time and wanted to find a place to sit. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he ran into a person. Looking up, he found that it was Janie.

Janie with a black face and bulging eyes stared hard at her, just like a haunting evil ghost, forcefully startled Qin Li.

Seeing this woman, the original good mood suddenly disappeared. Shouldn't she recuse herself under the circumstances? How dare you join in the fun?

Janie's under a grounding order to stay five feet away from Yan Sen, but this is a public place, and it's gonna be a little hard to get that grounding order to work.

Qin Li thinks this woman is really stupid, there is no cure, do not want to have a direct intersection with her, cold face to go elsewhere.

Seeing Qin Li ignore themselves, Jane is unwilling to catch up again, a pull her way, "You are very proud now is it?" But it's only three months, there's still a long time to come..."

Qin Li threw down his arm, and shook off her hand, slightly impatient, "I and Yan Sen's future don't need you to worry about, you'd better take care of yourself."

Her attitude made Janie so angry that she burst into a hysterical cry, "What are you trying to do, think I don't know? Isn't that the piece of forest land rented by Yan Sen's family? I Pooh, obviously is a vain smelly female watch, but also disguised himself as a pure girl, Yan Sen fooled around. You wait, I will reveal you to everyone."

Forest land lease, Qin Li does not know, she is not interested. Although the clear is clear, this crazy woman's mouth does not choose words to slander himself, it is really painful. The speaker is not interested, the listener is interested, if it reaches Yan Sen's ears, I think she has some bad intentions.

Seeing her frown, Janie knew that her words had worked and laughed viciously, "Do you want to be good with Yan Sen?" Wishful thinking. I curse you... Aaargh!"

In the middle of her sentence, suddenly a bucket of cold water fell from the sky, drenching Janie from head to toe. It's only September, but it's cool enough. Qin Li, standing next to her, also splashed a few drops, and the smell of milk rushed into her nose, which should be the milk wine the old man used to greet her just now.

A whole bucket of creme fraiche, wet and sticky, that's not a good feeling.

Qin Li looked up and saw Ma Shushu standing on the opposite side, still carrying an empty bucket in his hand, obviously what she had done just now.

When Jane was doused, she immediately screamed like a pig and turned her head to see who had done it. Mashuishu was quick to react, and before Janie could see him, he put the empty barrel over her head and pushed her hard from behind. Take advantage of her stumbling, pull Qin Li turned and ran. In the refugee camp, watching the women fight every day, Ma Shushu also learned a trick or two.

Two people ran back to the farmhouse, seeing no one behind, just slow panic. Just think of Janie that tragic situation, Qin Li only feels relief.

"Who is this wicked woman?"

For Qin Li, Janie is foreign aggression, and Ma Shu Shu is internal concern, at the critical moment, it is possible to put down internal concern and deal with foreign enemies.

"This woman's name is Janie, Yan Sen's ex-wife."

Ma Shu Shu ah a voice, a look of surprise, "Yan Sen such a quiet person, how can marry a woman of that character as a wife?"

Qin Li shrugged. Yan Sen didn't talk much about the past, so she didn't know much about it. All she knows is that he and his ex-wife were a couple, that his father died in an avalanche, and that his mother ran off with someone.

Ma Shu Shu can not dig out what gossip, said, "For this kind of neuropathy, don't mention it, give her some color to let her know that she is afraid, and you will be far away, or you will be bullied next time."

Qin Li shook his head, "Her brother is a skinhead, a big man, I can not provoke him." Besides, as you said, she's a psychopath. Isn't it cheap to be serious with a man who is sick in the head? Besides, I know Janie. She's the kind of person you jump up and down at."

Ma Shushu nodded and followed her saying, "That is also true." She gets restless if you don't take her seriously."

Qin Li looked at Ma Shu Shu, saw her spring face, and before leaving the gloomy gray was completely different, like a new general. It seems that she has adjusted herself and put the unhappy incident behind her.

Seeing Qin Li with a drop of milk wine on her face, Ma Shu Shu took out a napkin from her bag and asked her without any words, "How are you doing in the mountains these three months?"

Qin Li, "It's just like that, living like a hermit."

Listen to Qin Li such a metaphor, Ma Shu Shu immediately appeared in front of a bitter haha picture, his face could not help floating a look of sympathy.

"How do you survive every day without electricity or the Internet? I wouldn't last a day."

Speaking of this, Qin Li also felt complacent, so that Yan Sen this handsome pot, not everyone can hold. First of all, we must endure loneliness.

Ma Shushu took a look at Qin Li, felt that the prelude had said enough, then carefully cut to the theme, and said, "By the way, Sister Li, there is one thing I want to tell you."

Qin Li asked, "What is it?"

"You won't be mad that I borrowed your computer while you were away?"

Qin Li has two notebooks, one with the mountain, the other thrown in the farmhouse, is old, and there is nothing inside, sometimes used to surf the Internet, and Thomas used to play games. So, it's not a big deal.

Seeing that she was not reassured, Ma Shushu relieved a little and asked, "Are you still going back to celebrate?"

Qin Li shook his head, "After walking all day, I want to wash and go to bed early."

Ma Shu Shu immediately nodded, gallantly, "Then you take out the dirty clothes, and I help you wash."

Qin Li said, "No, I'll wash it myself tomorrow."

Ma Shushu, "are washing machine, do not need me to do it, you leave it alone, have a good sleep."

Since she was willing to work, Qin Li was impolite. She went back to her room, took a hot bath, and washed her hair.

The little dragon girl who does not eat fireworks or forget it will be a big Philistine who can eat meat online at any time! I had just cleaned myself up and was about to go to bed for a while when the phone rang.

She picked it up and glanced at the screen, which showed an unfamiliar number, starting with 0086, calling from China.

Qin Li felt very strange, came to Germany, and did not tell anyone, even her brother did not have her phone number. She sent photos in the circle of friends, all the first Qin Ming to shield, lest he see the heart sour, ran to the front of parents.

So who the hell is this?

Qin Li with curiosity, pressed the answer key, she had not had time to speak, the phone had come from the end of the urgent call, and the eardrum was buzzing.

"Li Li, is that you?"

This female voice is too familiar to Qin Li, in addition to her unreasonable mother, who will be there.