
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 27

Yesterday, a meal, Qin Li's small show of hands, to help the two German bumpkins completely open the door to the food world, from now on on the road of no return for foodies.

Qin Li woke up early in the morning, Thomas came to knock on her door and asked her what to eat that day.

Qin Li stretched a lazy waist, and said, "Have not decided."

Thomas followed her like a lapdog, begging on his knees, "Why don't you open a restaurant! I'll come here every day, oh, no, I'll give you a free handyman!"

Qin Li, "You're a doctor of physics, how dare I ask you to do that!"

Thomas, "Don't tease me, I've been overwhelmed by your cooking since yesterday. My brother's blind date is a real treasure. Please, you have to see my brother."

Who doesn't love to hear good words, Qin Li was amused by him, "That also depends on your brother's performance. As of now ..."

Thomas asked, "How?"

"Poor performance."

Thomas was anxious, "What's not good? Can't I just go talk to him and make him change?"

Qin Li listed dozens of items in one breath, "Too cold personality, not talkative, unexpected and unapproachable. Not gentle, not cute, not romantic ..."

Thomas hurriedly interrupts her, "There are two sides to every coin, if you look at it from a different angle, it's not that bad."

Qin Li, "How to change the angle?"

Thomas said, "The character is too cold and doesn't like to talk, so you won't hook up with strange women; doing things unexpectedly, such a person will bring surprises at any time, so that your life will be full of vitality. Unapproachable, this can't be helped, who made us Germans strict, everything has to be in order. He's not gentle but attentive, not cute but serious, not romantic but real."

Not waiting for him to finish his sentence, Qin Li can't help but laugh out, "You know how to weasel out for your brother, black is made white by you."

Thomas shrugged his shoulders, "Human nature is inherently complex and changeable, where would it be black or white?"

Qin Li, "You're being unreasonable."

Thomas corrects, "I'm being philosophical."

Qin Li gives in, "Fine, fine, let's call it philosophy."

Thomas deflates his mouth, not quite satisfied with her attitude.

Qin Li didn't want to circle the wagons with this guy who was always seriously talking nonsense on this kind of pointless topic, so she changed the subject and asked, "Where's your brother?"

"Went fishing by the river."

She said, "Then I'll go check it out."

Walking to the gate, she met the director, who said, "I heard you made a big meal last night?"

Qin Li modestly said, "It wasn't a big meal, it was just a home-cooked meal."

The director said, "Call us next time, this is very good material for filming."

There's nothing wrong with being able to promote profound Chinese cuisine, Qin Li smoothly said, "Whenever you're free, I'll treat everyone to an authentic Chinese meal."

The director nodded, "That's fine. I'll find a time to arrange it."

Seeing her going outside, the director asked, "Where are you going?"

"Out for a walk."

Qin Li doesn't say she's going to find Yan Sen, but the director, with his fiery eyes, immediately understands seven or eight points and turns around to order, "Have the filming crew follow."

Qin Li inexplicably blushed. Who lets a little divine interlude happen every time they shoot?


It had just rained outside, and the ground was a bit wet. At this time, a layer of smoke rose in the valley, lingering among the mountains, looking like clouds in this mountain, especially immortal.

The river water is crystal clear, radiating a glittering blue light.

A man was standing on the arch bridge on the bank, wearing a dark gray punching jacket and a duck-tongued cap on his head. Between the clouds, his figure was not very clear, hazy, and with a bit of mystery.

He held a fishing rod in his hand and placed a bucket next to him, he was fishing.

Yan Sen's waist pole stands over there, squatting at the foot of a cat, is also motionless, this person and the cat as a statue, time seems to be a fixed frame.

Suddenly, the fishing rod moved, and he did not hesitate to raise the rod, this action can be dashing to the extreme. The fishing line was lifted upward, and a small fish came out from the river, struggling in the air.

Perhaps the fish was too small, so it was not thrown into the bucket, but thrown to Schrödinger. Schrödinger meowed twice, took a bite of the fish, ran to the side, his tail coiled around his body, and sat down on the ground.

Yan Sen re-baited the fish and threw the hook into the river, he looked down and saw Schrödinger, who was eating with gusto not far away, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Schrödinger settled the fish in three quick bites, licking his paws clean before walking back over to Yan Sen.



It rubbed its head against his boots, Yan Sen bent down and stretched out two fingers to touch its furry head, and Schrödinger affectionately licked his hand in response.

One man and one cat by the river, no one disturbing them, this picture had an indescribable coziness.

Qin Li felt that this man was like a gust of wind in nature, sometimes gentle and sometimes rough.

When Yan Sen got up, he finally realized her presence, so he lifted the bucket and walked toward her.

At that moment, a man suddenly came out halfway.

"Hey, Darling!"

Qin Li turned his head to see that it was that stupid blonde girl, Janine, who had a one-sided feud yesterday.

What's this woman doing here?

Qin Li didn't have a good impression of this mouthy Janey.

As if she didn't see Qin Li, Janey ran towards Yan Sen in big strides, then hugged his arm and said, "I became fidgety when I saw you yesterday, so as soon as I got off work today, I came to see if you were okay."

Yan Sen didn't move to shake off her hand and said, "I'm fine."

Jianni took out a food box from her bag and handed it to him, saying, "This is the barbecue I specially made for you, it used to be your favorite food."

Jensen accepted it and said thank you.

Janni had no words to say, "Huh, you've come to fish? Planning to sell it to a restaurant?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "Keep it for myself."

Janine's eyes widened in disbelief, "Don't you never eat fish?"

Yan Sen faintly said, "Tastes change." One sentence contained all the hints.

Jianni froze in place, her eyes following his footsteps, then saw Qin Li not far away, and in a daze seemed to understand something.

The taste will change ... is that he now does not like her this type, but instead changed to be interested in Asian girls like Qin Li?

Yan Sen walked in front of Qin Li and handed her the bucket.

Qin Li looked down, there were three big fish inside, and she inexplicably said, "Give me what for?"

It's not like koi can make a wish.

Yan Sen, "The dish from yesterday, fresh live fish."

Qin Li was suddenly enlightened, yesterday she also complained that the fish market sells dead fish, and the meat is not fluffy enough fresh enough tender enough. Who knows, Yan Sen listened in, and after finishing his farm work early this morning, he came to the river to fish for a morning.

Qin Li looked at Janni behind him and asked the same question, "I thought you didn't eat fish?"

He replied simply, "Depends on who does."

This sentence gives her face, which is tantamount to praising her cooking skills in disguise, Qin Li's heart blossoms and her mood is instantly beautiful.

She takes the fish and says, "Was yesterday's dinner really that good?"

Yan Sen nods, "Impressive."

The two walked on the bridge, which was so narrow that they could barely walk two people. Qin Li was walking alongside Yan Sen, but suddenly, someone behind her ran up and bumped into her.

Qin Li was not prepared, immediately lost balance, and fell backward, behind the river. Hear the flop flop flop flop two times in a row, even people with barrels fell into the river together.

The fish in the barrel was reborn, swinging its tail, and instantly diving into the river, with no trace. But it was miserable for Qin Li.

The weather in April was already cool, plus it was snow water flowing down from the snowy mountains, the temperature was less than ten degrees. As soon as Qin Li fell, the cold river water came from all sides, instantly toppling her.

"Help, I don't know how to swim!" Qin Li was terrified, flailing in the water while screaming.

The more scared she was and the more vigorously she struggled, the more she sank. It was as if something in the river was wrapped around her feet, dragging her and not letting her float. Qin Li opened her mouth to call for help, but she choked on several mouthfuls of water at once, she suffocated her face red, and soon she didn't even have the strength to scream.

Finished, she is going to be drowned, I should have known that I should not have come to this hell of a place to meet some kind of marriage!

She glanced towards the shore in despair, and in her last image, before she lost consciousness, she only saw Yan Sen forcefully shaking off Jian Ni and jumping down in her direction without hesitation.

After he jumped into the water, he found that Qin Li's feet were entangled in the water plants, and he cursed his bad luck. Seeing that she had already gone into a brief shock due to suffocation, in the heat of the moment, he brought his mouth up. Using his tongue to open her mouth, he put oxygen to go.

After the oxygen was delivered, his lungs couldn't hold out a bit, so he hastily surfaced, changed his breath quickly, and dove down again. Fortunately, he had this habit of carrying a knife with him, which helped him a lot in this moment of crisis. The sharp blade broke the water plants in a flash, and without delay, he held Qin Li's waist and lifted her out of the river.

Yan Sen circled her with one hand and paddled towards the shore with the other. Fortunately, the filming crew is nearby, a look at the seed is not right, have rushed up to support, seven hands and feet to pull up the two. Yan Sen is on shore, immediately to do first aid measures, and to press the chest and artificial respiration.



Qin Li spat out a mouthful of water and came to her senses, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw his mouth pressed against her mouth, his hand touching her breasts, she let out a yelp and pushed him away to make way backward.

Jensen stumbled when she pushed him and couldn't squat, so he sat on his butt on the floor. Seeing that she was in good spirits, he was relieved at the same time, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, teasingly saying, "With this much strength, it seems that you can't die."

Thinking back to that scene just now, expecting that it was him who saved her, Qin Li was a bit embarrassed and hurriedly lowered her voice to a sound of thanks.

A gust of spring wind blew, Qin Li sneezed, and a few big old men in the filming crew were quite gentlemanly, seeing this, they immediately took off the clothes they were wearing and draped them over her.

She wrapped her clothes tightly and sighed, "The fish is gone."

Yan Sen said, "Fortunately, the life is still there."

Qin Li said, "How did I fall into the water just now?"

Yan Sen said, "Someone pushed you."

Qin Li immediately thought of Jenny, in fact, she also suspected that it was her, but did not see with their own eyes, there is no evidence is not good to talk nonsense. Now when she heard him say that, she immediately screamed, "She's murder."

Qin Li was just saying a casual remark, who knew that Yan Sen picked up on it with a serious face, "Yes, you can prosecute her. So, do you want to prosecute her?"

"Will she go to jail?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

Seeing Qin Li's face of disappointment, he added, "But you will be compensated for your financial losses."

Qin Li ohs, "I'm going to sue her."

Yan Sen's cell phone was wet, so he had to ask the show to call the police for them.

Upon hearing that the police were coming, and knowing that she was in trouble, Jianni started to get scared. Running to Qin Li, she pulls her down and says, "I was just joking with you."

Qin Li slapped her hand away, and said, "The joke is not this way, if only you and I today, I drowned."

Jianni said, "Don't you just want money, I'll give it to you. You make a price."

Qin Li felt that this woman was incredible he did something wrong, but also had no repentance, so he turned his face, and did not want to care about her.



Seeing that she didn't say anything, Janine reached out to grab her again, "Say it, what do you want? Oh, I know, you're saving up to make things bad for me right, if the police take me away, I'll be out of a job, you're too vicious!"

The more Qin Li heard, the angrier she got, she couldn't help but argue for herself, "When you pushed me into the water, why didn't you think I would drown?"

Jianni rationalized, "How do I know you don't know how to swim?"

Qin Li laughed coldly, "After all, it's all my fault."

Jianni, "It's not my fault anyway!"

Seeing her and Janine arguing, Yan Sen pulls Qin Li and says, "Stop it."

Qin Li gave him a blank look and said in bad humor, "It's all your fault!"

Yan Sen's face was innocent, he was fishing properly, it was the two of them who came to the door by themselves, causing him to fish for nothing, working for nothing all morning, and now he has to be blamed for it. This pot he does not back ah!