
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 132

After the third floor was renovated, the dim and old appearance was changed, and the rooms became bright and spacious. Together with the brand-new furniture, the rooms are comparable to star hotels.

Colorado and Audemars Piguet, the two online room booking websites, are considered to be the pioneers of this industry, and are linked to several famous domestic travel websites. Not only in China, but also in other countries, it is said that 70% of the world's donkeys book rooms on these two sites.

Good to use, so the price is expensive, a year's annual fee of thousands. However, the child can't be caught without a wolf. Qin Li looked at the flat wallet, a clenched teeth, and finally paid a year's heart.

In fact, this and Tao Bao online store also have similarities, are in the online pull sources, the most important thing is the reputation and credibility. And so make a certain achievement, business naturally rolled in, but is to open this situation, some difficult.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning, who did not start from scratch, everything will always slowly on track.

Customers can not see the room, can only rely on a few photos to determine the good or bad, so the shooting is quite important. Hiring a professional to take the photos is another big expense, but Qin Li has a DSLR, so she can save it. She spent a day to visit the web pages of many five-star hotels, referring to the shooting angles of their professionals, and followed the example of the farmhouse to take a few pictures.

Qin Li also went to the Internet to learn the use of filters, the photo editing and editing, not only to look good but also not too distorted, and so on to get a satisfactory effect, have boiled white a head of black hair. However, as long as we can open, everything is worth it.

In the past, she used to send out notes or advertise on TV and newspapers, but now in the Internet age, she is on Weibo and Facebook.

People clamor to see her and Yan Sen's cute photos, but are not at all interested in her farmhouse. Qu Dani said, today's society, all rely on hype, you're too low-key like this, it doesn't hurt at all. Speaking of hype, this is really a technical job, in addition to the last time and Ma Shushu this battle, is considered to be a vote of splash, after that there is no movement. But for the moment, Qin Li doesn't have the extra money to hire a team to hype, so although she brushed the ads for a few days in a row, the effect was minimal.

Qin Li yelled every day that she wanted to chop her claws off, but every day she couldn't help but brush the backstage to see if anyone had booked a room, and as a result, every time she was struck down and disappointed. The only consolation is that at first there was absolutely no one to come to the point, her page is like a dead city. After a week or two, there were finally hits, but they were also low and screaming. No one asked, mostly because she is new tofu, no evaluation, and the price is not cheap, who dares to easily come to test the law. Normal human thinking is, the same spend almost the same price, might as well go to live in the old good reputation. In fact, this is also common sense, after all, to travel are outsiders, and even foreigners, in case of rashly rushed over, but the accommodation is not ideal, then unfamiliar to find who cry to go?

Qin Li depressed, but there is nothing to be done, it is imperative to find someone to brush her comments. After all, this site is not like Taobao, can not find professionals to brush points brush comments, can only ask around the acquaintances to help manually brush.

Yan Sen Thomas Qu Dani, even the barrister was mobilized, one person in the Internet to open an account, for her to brush a few messages.

Do not say, this brush a brush message, but also really useful, although still no one came to order, but overnight, actually more than one or two wild collection. Although people just favorite, from the room to be booked there is still a distance of eighteen thousand miles, but always is the first step.

Seeing her always holding her cell phone and moping, Yan Sen couldn't look down to come. Pulled her to go to the woods for a walk, by the way, to take a break.

Spring is particularly rainy, just after a rain, the forest is a little humid, but the air is very fresh, inhale a breath and smell the flavor of leaves and grass.

Qin Li said, "Well, what if we really can't make money? You don't blame me?"

Yan Sen, "No."

Qin Li startled, what won't? Won't make no money, or won't he blame himself? The man always talks half, leaving half and half, always asking her to guess.

Yan Sen listened to her complaint, smiled and said, "We will not blame you, and we will not lose money."

Hearing him speak with such certainty, Qin Li was curious, "How can you be so sure?"

Yan Sen said, "Because those shops on the network are like us, step by step, and what we are experiencing now, they have experienced." If they can overcome it, so can we. As long as we carry on, the future will always be better and better, don't you think?"

This bowl of chicken soup salty just right, Qin Li can not be picky, only silently dry. There are too many unknowns in the future, whether success is tomorrow, none of them know, but one thing is for sure, if you give up today, then they will never see the success of tomorrow.

Qin Li sighed and said, "But every time I brush backstage, every time I am disappointed, this kind of taste is not good."

I thought Yan Sen would let her restraint, who knew he shrugged, said, "Brush more, get used to it."

Qin Li still wants to know that they have invested all their money, but what if they really can't earn a penny? Would he and Thomas hate themselves?!

Yan Sen bad under the trap, "If so, I have a way."

Qin Li silly drill set, "what method?"

Yan Sen smiled, "With body promise, flesh reward me."

Qin Li turned his mouth to smoke, "I thought you said you want to pay for your brothers."

This turn Yan Sen face black, "thought dirty."

Qin Li patted him on the face and laughed loudly, "This crooked melon crack date, buy one get one free, I don't want."

I'm talking about Thomas, of course.

Yan Sen saw her smiling heartily, and did not mind that her brother was damaged on a sentence or two.

As long as he did not brush the background, Qin Li's mood became very happy, jumping behind Xiaohei, suddenly the foot clicked, it seemed to crush something.

She lifted her foot and saw that it was a snail she had crushed.

Qin Li cried, "Hey, isn't this the French snail I ate last time?"

Yan Sen nodded, "That's right."

Qin Li looked around and found many such snails piled up on the ground, probably because it had just rained, so the nest went out.

When Qin Li saw it, he was suddenly energized and asked, "Do you have a plastic bag with you?"

Yan Sen, "Just a bag with dog poop in it."

There are free clean small bags on the street, which are specially provided for the shovel officials to walk their dogs. Qin Li hurriedly held out his hand and said, "Give me one."

Qin Li did not know how his cooking tasted, so he did not dare to pick up more, filled a small bag, about 30, and went home to taste fresh.

Qin Li breathed a sigh of relief, "It's so nice here, except for money, you can pick up everything." We pick snails in spring, mushrooms in autumn, and crabs by the river. Next time we'll try our luck and see if we can catch crayfish."

Yan Sen looked at her cheerful appearance, can not help but laugh, "you should show your ingredients in the fan circle, to ensure that it can cause a big sensation."

Qin Li laughed, "Snails should be nothing, don't the French also eat them?" I think I still have more in common with the French, foie gras, snails, fish eggs... It is your arsenic and my honey."

Yan Sen scratched her nose and said, "My German has improved, and I can still use words."

After walking around the woods with Little Black, they returned to the farmhouse and saw that she was carrying a bag in her hand. Thomas came up curious to see what was going on.

As a result, when I opened it, I saw a bag of snails inside, and I was disgusted.

"What are you catching so many snails for?"

Yan Sen quipped, "Keep it at home as a pet."

Thomas believed it and said, "Really? It's not enough to have cats and dogs and chickens and ducks, you have to have snails."

Qin Li reached out and patted him on the forehead, "Do you believe anything your brother says?"

Thomas called, touching his forehead where she patted him. "What's for dinner tonight? I'm so hungry!"

Qin Li looked calm, "stir-fried snails."

Thomas yelled. "No way!"

Qin Li snorted, "Who says not."

Too high-grade French snail, Qin Li is not to do, and she personally feel that cream will feel greasy. Chinese people still like the Chinese way of eating, put Onions, ginger and garlic, and then put a handful of chili, a dish of authentic spicy snails so out.

Red pepper green onion dotted with yellow and white snails, the color is very beautiful, and then drizzled a spoonful of sesame oil out of the pot, it is truly delicious.

The smell was too tempting, and Thomas became entangled again, whether to challenge or not?

A total of 30 caught, fried after such a plate, most of them are shells, Qin Li does not care what the brothers think, she can't wait to eat.

And the taste of the screws, especially after a stir-fry, salty, spicy enough, fresh attractive, more than the full force of the cream snail ground gas.

Seeing Yan Sen eating one, Thomas was also a little irrepressible and asked, "How is it?" Does it taste okay? Is it like snot?"

Qin Li said, "Why do you ask? You will know if you eat one yourself."

Thomas picked one up with chopsticks, put it in his bowl, and struggled for a long time before he picked it out. Put it to the mouth and put it down, put it down and pick it up, so repeated several times, still did not eat the meat.

Qin Li said, "Eat it, the poison won't kill you."

It was hard to imagine that this disgusting thing could be delicious, but he did not want to be said to be a coward by Qin Li, so he put his heart in a horizontal, one into his mouth.

It's not as gross as he expected, but it's chewy and much better than cricket. The main reason is that the taste of Qin Li is well adjusted, salty and suitable, and spicy enough, so that he can not tell what he is eating.

Thomas decided to eat another one, slowly tasting the flesh of the snail, but when he reached out his chopsticks to pick it up, the plate was sadly empty except for a pile of missing snail shells.

Thomas sighed, "When will our family eat without such a mess?"

Yan Sen calmly added, "When we have lost all our teeth."

Thomas, "..."