
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 124

Thomas followed Qin Li back to the farmhouse, walked to the door, was suddenly frightened, and cried, "How did our home come to this?"

Recently my mind has been in the hospital, no spirit to clean up the garden, so it is still full of mess, everywhere is messy, and a little scary.

Qin Li is not good, "not all thanks to that group of skinheads."

Thomas asked tentatively. "You mean Toby and Mueller?"

It had been a long time since he had been home, and Thomas had no idea what had happened recently. So Qin Li made a long story short and recounted what had happened that day.

Thomas was furious and slammed the table. "How could these people be like this? We grew up together."

Qin Li said, "The more comfortable I am here, the more jealous they are and want to drive me out of the village. Well, if you can't, you go to the extreme. It's not surprising, they are extremists."

Tobey and Muller have only one identity to Chinly, and that is the villain skinheads. But Thomas and Qin Li are different, he grew up with them, was a playmate, and there are feelings. Now, when we see them walking further and further on the road of lawlessness and lawlessness, we can hardly avoid a few sighs.

Anyway, the farmhouse has to be renovated sooner or later, so let's do it together.

Thomas walked to the third floor, and could not help but a startled, only left more than a month, before, and here greatly changed. Three of the four rooms were empty, all the furniture inside was gone, and even the eldest brother's bedroom had been moved.

He stood there and said to himself, "What's going on?"

Qin Li called downstairs, "Thomas, come and get your bed."

Thomas, like waking from a dream, threw away his luggage, turned and ran downstairs, grabbed Qin Li, and asked, "What happened to the farmhouse?" Why is there no furniture in the rooms upstairs? '

Qin Li said, "Because we are going to have a farmhouse."

Thomas was stunned for a moment, then said, "Is that why Toby and Mueller did this to my brother?"

Qin Li impatiently waved and said, "I don't know, go to the police station and ask them yourself."

Thomas suddenly shouted at her, "You, you did this to my brother. If it hadn't been for your farmhouse, they wouldn't have done anything extreme."

Qin Li laughed angrily, "According to your logic, I don't agree with you and Ma Shu Shu together, should you drive and kill her?"

Thomas was suddenly speechless.

Qin Li then became aggressive and said, "Thomas, you are still a 30-year-old man, don't be so innocent, okay?" A low EQ is not an excuse to make yourself stupid. I'm afraid your good Shushu hasn't told you yet. She pretended to be me online, said that she and Yan Sen were on a blind date, and uploaded our photos, which caused the TV station to Sue us in court. They say we are infringing and must pay them 300,000 euros."

Thomas was dumbfounded. "I can't believe this is happening. What about the 300,000 euros?"

Qin Li, "Your big brother paid for you."

Thomas, puzzled, pointed to himself and asked, "Why for me?"

Qin Li, "Although it was I who signed the contract with the TV station, I did not know about this, so I turned to Sue Ma Shushu in the name of the victim." Ma Shu Shu is in debt of 300,000 yuan, you and him are husband and wife, do you think you can get away with it?"

If Thomas can't figure it out, he's gonna be a dead end.

"Shu Shu didn't tell me, so why didn't you tell me either?" Thomas was angry that everyone kept him in the dark and made him feel like an idiot.

Qin Li said, "I wanted to say it, but your brother wouldn't let me. As to why your brother won't let you, you know him best."

At this point, she paused and then added, "After this happened, I asked Yan Sen, why do you want to help you, since you have chosen Ma Shu Shu, you have to bear such consequences." And then he said something back. He said, you are his brother, he does not help you carry, who will help you carry."

Qin Li did not want to say anything, nor did she want to insert herself too much between the two brothers, but she felt that this sentence must be told to Thomas.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Thomas could not control his emotions on the spot and cried out with a loud cry.

Yan Sen's younger brother may have been a muddle-head, neither sophisticated nor tactful, even headstrong. But the brotherly love between them is real, all the time, Yan Sen is the backbone of the family, taking care of the farm, and earning money to support the family, so that he is at ease to study outside and do research, even if it is no problem for a lifetime. Yan Sen propped up a day for him and was very kind to this brother.

Before did not know even if, now heard of Yan Sen's good intentions, Thomas's heart was both moved and ashamed, wish time could go back.

"Excuse me..."

Qin Li interrupted him, gave him a cold look, and said, "You'd better save that for your brother." If, of course, he remembers you again."

This sentence is really to his heart the most painful place to step on ah, think of just Big Brother indifferent to his appearance, Thomas is a blue thin mushroom.

He was distraught, "What if my brother can't remember me all his life?"

Look at him, a pair of pain, Qin Li suddenly realized, that the original Yan Sen abuse is not himself, but his stupid brother Ah. Miserable people, are always lucky, this is the truth. Seeing Thomas with a sad face, Qin Li suddenly felt very happy.

Qin Li said, "Your brother has done so many things for you, you should be more sensible." He doesn't approve of you and Mashuishu, because she's wrong... Well, I don't want to say bad things about people behind their backs, anyway, you know what your brother is like, you can think for yourself."

The deeper Thomas thought, the more his heart was filled with remorse, according to his logic, he felt that Yan Sen this accident, in the final analysis, was his fault. If he had not insisted on marrying Mashuishu, he would not have been in debt; If he is not in debt, Yan Sen would not have opened a farmhouse; If Yim Sen didn't have a farmhouse, the Skinheads wouldn't have messed with him. So, in the end, the culprit was him, Thomas.

Qin Li listened to him finish, very speechless, maybe physics to a certain extent, Luo Ji's thinking is not ordinary people can understand.

Well, whatever, as long as he stops treating Yan Sen as a class enemy to ruin his love.

Thomas seemed to remember something and said, "Where did our family get $300,000?"

Qin Li said, "Yan Sen sold the land left by your ancestors."

Thomas could not help but cry out, "That is the last of the von Walden fiefdom."

Qin Li with a few lines of mocking tunnel, "Unfortunately did not save."

Thomas tapped his chest and said, "It's all me, it's all my fault!"

Qin Li saw him shaking his head and feet in the eyes, there was not much sympathy in his heart, not only no sympathy, but also said in the side, "If you had known why you should have started today, I hope this 30 almighty let you learn a lesson."

It's a terrible price to pay for somehow taking on such a big debt and making him a black sheep. I regret what I did, but it's done, and it can't be undone.

Qin Li saw that he did not speak, and said, "Without the income from this lease, we are very tight, and now the ranch is depressed." If you don't want to sell this farmhouse..."

Before the words were finished, Thomas interrupted him, and he firmly said, "Not for sale!" This is our home."

Qin Li continued, "Then you must find a way to make money, a month's expenditure is five thousand euros, and our current income is only three thousand, beyond our means." Farming is our only way out."

What's more, with the arson and the car accident, the police are taking it seriously, and the skinheads need to cool down. With no skinheads on their side and the villagers' sympathy for them, no one should object to their farming. It's kind of a blessing and a curse.

Thomas was silent, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Qin Li glanced at him, to tell the truth, she did not take him seriously, because she felt that Thomas was no longer qualified to say no.

After a few minutes, Thomas said, "Le, do you insist on having a farmhouse?"

Qin Li nodded, "If you are willing, I will divide the income from the farmhouse into three parts." If you don't want to, then we'll buy the farmhouse, the leased land sold is worth 300,000, you and Yan Sen each half, which is 150,000 each. But he wrote off your $300,000 debt, and if the appraiser says the farmhouse is worth $600,000, you two split $300,000 each, and after the $150,000 you owe him, Yan Sen gives you another $150,000, and he owns the farmhouse. After that, you can continue to live here, but only you, your wife, and your children will not have residency rights."

Thomas was very upset at this and asked, "Is that what Big Brother meant?"

Qin Li nodded, "Of course, he has amnesia now." If anything, it will be after his memory returns."

"Thomas said." I choose the former."

In other words, Thomas is not willing to split the family, which is also expected in Qin Li.

Thomas added, "Can the farmhouse wait?"

Qin Li thought he wanted to do something, but did not think he was that way, "Wait for me and Ma Shu Shu's divorce."

This sentence is out of her expectations, Thomas has been a silly white sweet in feelings, by Ma Shu Shu coaxed round and round, the last time also indiscriminately called to accuse himself of robbing Ma Shu Shu Weibo account.

Now he suddenly made a 360-degree change, but Qin Li was a little confused, and asked, "You want to divorce her?"

Thomas smiled wryly, "Her current condition is not three hundred thousand, and even if there is, it is estimated that it will not be paid." We have already given her three hundred thousand. There is no need to give her more money in the future."

Because they are husband and wife, half of the money earned by Thomas belongs to Mashoshu, it is difficult to predict whether the farmhouse will lose or win, if it loses, it will be nothing if it makes money. Thomas bears the unfilial descendants of the name and was spurned by the family, she Ma Shu Shu good, in the end, someone for her debt, and money to earn, the benefits are her account, and then generous people will be unhappy. Besides, she did it herself, so why does everyone have to go down with her?

One of the most important reasons was that Qin Li felt uncomfortable when he heard that Ma had posed as her online, saying that he was on a blind date with Yan Sen. She has been comparing Yan Sen to herself, making him dress like Yan Sen, styling his hair like Yan Sen, and forcing him to go to the gym every day, insisting that he get eight abs. Originally, these are not worth mentioning, but now once there is a gap and dissatisfaction, those small things that are laughed at are put into infinity.

Thomas may be a fool, but he is not a human being, he is also resentful and jealous, so he decides to correct his mistake, and the only way to correct his mistake, is to divorce her.

Qin Li did not expect that he enlightened, very sigh. But when I thought about it, it seemed normal. Thomas was an emotional man by nature, married on the spur of the moment, and divorced on the spur of the moment. However, as long as he has this consciousness in his mind, he should be praised.

Ma Shu Shu is not so easy to get rid of people, as the saying goes, please God is easy to send God is difficult, if she insists on not divorcing. A procedural separation would take a year or two, but her farmhouse wouldn't take that long.

"There is another way to make this quick."

Qin Li asked, "What is it?"

Thomas, "I turned myself into the immigration office and told the authorities that our marriage was a sham to help her stay in Germany."

Qin Li, "...

That's a tough move.

Ma Shushu's Weibo account will be shut down after he finally makes it popular. She managed to stay in Germany, and now that Thomas is putting things right again, Qin Li can almost see her miserable future.

But all this is her own choice, the cycle of cause and effect, no matter how to struggle, will eventually go where they should go, take their way. So, character determines destiny.