
Fast Food Restaurant

Albert Speer, who became the Minister of Armaments and War Production as well as the economic leader of the Nazi Germany in the original timeline, oversaw the entire war economy. He implemented a new military production system, mobilized industrialists, exploited economic potential, extensively used prisoners of war and forced foreign labor to overcome labor shortages, rapidly increased armament production, and played a significant role in the later stages of Nazi Germany's war, earning him the title of the "man who extended the lifespan of the Third Reich."

Paul Joseph Goebbels, a German politician and orator, served as the Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda during the Nazi Germany era. Skilled in public speaking, he was known as the "genius of propaganda" and the "mouthpiece of the Nazis." He staunchly defended Hitler's regime and maintained the structure of the Third Reich, earning him the reputation of the "creator of Hitler."

In this alternate timeline, as Hitler passed away early, until yesterday, there was not much interaction between them. They only knew each other to some extent.

This morning, the principal called them and informed them about their resignation procedures. They were a bit confused and decided to have a drink at a bar.

Goebbels was usually a very arrogant person, but he opened up after drinking two beers. "Have you ever met the Crown Prince?" he asked.

Speer shook his head. "I've never met him. What about you?" He was still puzzled, wondering how the Crown Prince could know someone like him, an unknown soldier, and specifically asked him to report to the palace.

"I had the privilege of meeting His Royal Highness the Crown Prince before, but Yanick, in particular, is known for not liking to appear in public. I haven't seen him. But I heard that His Highness likes to frequent certain places," Goebbels said casually.

"...," Speer nudged Goebbels with his arm, signaling him not to talk nonsense. However, Goebbels didn't care and continued, "What's the big deal? There's a saying in our country, 'Be awake to wield power, be drunk at the beauty's knees; in one's lifetime, one should be charismatic.' That's the way a man should be. One day, I would like to visit our country, climb the Great Wall, witness its grandeur with my own eyes, and experience its ancient history."

"...," Speer looked at Goebbels, who was talking confidently after just two beers, speechless. He didn't dare to let Goebbels continue his drunken antics and quickly paid the bill, pulling Goebbels out of the bar.

After seeing Goebbels off, Speer returned to his residence and rummaged through his belongings to find a stack of thick design drawings. He started carefully selecting them.

The next morning, they met at the palace and went through multiple security checks before entering the Crown Prince's office.

"Salutations to you, esteemed Crown Prince," they said respectfully, feeling a bit restrained as it was their first time meeting a member of the royal family, especially the future German Emperor.

"Mr. Speer, Mr. Goebbels, please have a seat," the Crown Prince said after a few pleasantries.

After some small talk, Speer solemnly handed over a stack of drawings. "Crown Prince, this is my design for the German Sports Stadium. This is the most perfect work I've produced after countless revisions."

"..." Looking at the stack of thick design drawings, Wilhelm was almost tempted to laugh out loud. Buddy, I do know that you have great design skills, but I don't have the extra money to build these magnificent designs right now.

But out of politeness, Wilhelm still took the design drawings, pretended to flip through a few sheets, and then spoke up. "Mr. Speer, your design is indeed impressive. However, you should also be aware of the Empire's current situation. We don't even have enough money for reparations, let alone spare funds for these large projects."

"So why did you summon me?" Speer was confused about why he was called in the first place.

Wilhelm gave an answer that Speer never expected. "I want to open a restaurant, and I want you to manage it for me."

The corners of Speer's mouth twitched slightly, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. "Forgive me for being frank, Your Highness, but my expertise is in architecture, not business management. I know nothing about commerce."

Wilhelm chuckled inwardly. He didn't need Speer to understand. He was a genius, just like Reinhardt. "It's lunchtime. Annie, go fetch two meal sets."

Annie and Ina quickly walked in, each carrying a tray, and placed them in front of the two men.

The trays contained a hamburger, two chicken legs, a corn salad, and three cups of drinks. "Please enjoy, feel free to dig in."

Speer and Goebbels exchanged glances, not understanding what was happening, but surely the prince wouldn't poison them, right? They immediately grabbed the hamburgers and began to devour them.

"How does it taste?"

They both nodded simultaneously. "Pretty good." It wasn't just flattery to the prince; the food really was excellent.

Wilhelm smiled slightly. "The taste isn't the main point. The point is that when you order at my restaurant, you can get this kind of meal in a minute. You can take it to go or eat in the restaurant. It's very convenient."

Speer was surprised. "In a minute? That fast?"

Wilhelm explained, "Because many foods can be pre-cooked in large quantities and kept warm, or they can be heated when ordered. This type of restaurant is also called fast food. Its biggest characteristic is affordability and efficiency. The price of this meal is equivalent to 0.6 hours of an ordinary worker's hourly wage."

Speer nodded thoughtfully. "If it were up to me, I would choose this kind of restaurant to save time. And the taste is good too. At 0.6 hours of work, it would definitely attract customers, especially since people in the country aren't very wealthy right now."

"So, will you help?" Wilhelm asked.

"I can give it a try, but I can only promise to do my best. I can't guarantee definite profitability. Can I ask why you chose me for this task?" He was genuinely curious. There were plenty of business management professors with doctorates at the University of Berlin. Why did the prince choose an assistant in architecture like him to manage a restaurant? It would almost make more sense if he asked him to design and construct the restaurant.

Wilhelm rubbed his nose and improvised a lie. "I went to the university yesterday and heard that your grades are excellent. I got impulsive and called you to be in charge of some buildings, but then I realized I have no money, so I had to trouble you temporarily. But don't worry, I will make sure your architectural skills will be put to good use in the future."

Speer listened to Wilhelm's confusing explanation and picked up three cups containing transparent liquids. Bubbles were constantly rising in these liquids. He drank cautiously and felt an unparalleled refreshment flowing down his throat, unable to help but praise, "This drink is really good."

The corners of Wilhelm's mouth curved slightly. It was a beverage made based on the future formula of Coca-Cola. "Try these two as well."

Speer tasted the orange-colored and black-colored liquids separately, but the black beverage gave him a familiar feeling. "Is this cola? But it doesn't quite taste like it."

"It can be said to be, or it can be said not to be. Do you think this kind of drink would sell well?"

The future formula of Coca-Cola was considered legendary. According to the company's website records, the earliest formula was written in 1919, which was half a century later than the reported year of 1866 when the morphine-addicted pharmacist John Pemberton invented the beverage's formula. Before 1919, the recipe was passed down orally.

A businessman named Ernest Woodruff led a group of investors to buy this formula. Since the 1920s, this secret formula has been locked away in a bank in Atlanta. After 86 years, The Coca-Cola Company decided to promote the secret formula as a selling point and transferred it to the company's museum in Atlanta.

Coca-Cola has always claimed that only two senior executives of the company know the formula, but the company has never disclosed their names or whereabouts. However, from an advertisement related to the formula, we learned that these two individuals are not allowed to travel on the same plane.

However, Wilhelm doubts this. He believes that Coca-Cola keeps the formula secret to increase sales through mysterious marketing and to conceal the use of cheap ingredients and substantial profits.

On the other hand, it's also a form of brand premium because even if you have the same formula and produce a drink with the same taste, it doesn't necessarily mean people will buy it. These so-called formulas could be more of a marketing gimmick, creating a sense of mystery and authenticity. It's similar to many future beverages that have almost no difference in taste, but not many people choose them.

Speer cautiously tasted the three beverages again. "Personally, I find this taste quite appealing. And there's no similar drink on the market. I think we can set up a factory to produce it in large quantities."

They say you're geniuses. "So, I'll leave the task of establishing the factory to you as well."

Speer almost choked on the drink he still had in his mouth. He didn't expect his casual remark to result in another burden.

Wilhelm looked at Speer with a smile on his face as he finished the remaining food. Internally, Wilhelm thought, in the future, you'll be in charge of wartime economy and logistics. I hope you won't disappoint me.

After they finished their meal, Wilhelm took out the materials he had prepared and detailed the operating model of this fast-food restaurant to Speer.

In the original timeline, KFC would often see the smiling face of an old man - white beard, white suit, black eyes, always dressed like this.

Wilhelm played a little prank and replaced this old man with his own "dad" Wilhelm III. He still had a white beard, white hair, white suit, black bowtie, black-framed glasses, and a smiling face. But familiar people could immediately recognize that it was Wilhelm III.

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