
My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

[I am continuing the translation from chapter 82 onwards. The previous chapters can be found on this app as well in a different novel under the name "My German Empire" by "DAOIST_SUPREME".] Having crossed over into the Kaiser's heir in a haphazard manner, the protagonist is confident and ready to make his mark. When the whole of Europe shuddered under the wings of the German Air Force. When the tiger tank roared and smashed the walls of Moscow. Wilhelm stood in front of many reporters and smiled. “No one can stop the expansion of the Third Reich except God.”

Batorian · History
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372 Chs

Chapter 307 Patriots

Upon hearing Vice President Salazar's opposition, someone nearby immediately sneered, "What do you mean by openly declaring war? Gibraltar originally belongs to Spain. Those despicable British have occupied it for so many years without intending to return it. If we provide a route for the Germans, so what? If they don't want us to provide a route, let the British bastards roll out of Gibraltar, and don't forget to take those damn monkeys with them!"

The ownership of Gibraltar has always been controversial. It was once clearly part of Spanish territory but was later definitively ceded to Britain. The reason for this transfer to Britain was the War of Spanish Succession in 1701. At that time, the Habsburg dynasty of Spain became extinct, leaving the Spanish throne vacant. The Bourbon dynasty of France and the Habsburg dynasty of Austria vied for control of the Spanish throne, triggering a major war involving most European countries.

The war was essentially to curb France from swallowing Spain and monopolizing Europe again. Consequently, half of Europe formed a new grand alliance to resist France.

Britain and the Netherlands supported Archduke Charles, and their allied forces captured Gibraltar in 1704, establishing a military fortress. In 1713, the warring parties signed the Treaty of Utrecht, recognizing Philip as the King of Spain but with the condition that Gibraltar was ceded to Britain.

After occupying Gibraltar, Britain expelled the original Spanish residents and imported a large number of immigrants from Britain, Italy, North Africa, and other places, thereby completely changing the local population structure.

In 1830, Gibraltar officially became a British colony and an important naval base, with all military and political affairs managed by a governor appointed by the British royal family. In 1909, to prevent the Spanish from causing trouble across the border, Britain built military bases and airports in the neutral zone between Gibraltar and mainland Spain, erecting fences to form the current border.

However, after the death of King Philip, the Spanish government began to express dissent over Britain's occupation of Gibraltar, repeatedly claiming that Gibraltar is its inherent and indisputable territory. Occasionally, they launched grand campaigns to reclaim it. In response to Spain's actions, Britain displayed its usual arrogance. Initially adopting a direct disregard, they later, under pressure, according to a local rumor, stated that they would only withdraw troops from here when the indigenous species—Gibraltar monkeys—became extinct.

In fact, the reason the British said this was by no means using monkeys as a "shield," but rather their superstition about the extinction or survival of monkeys being directly related to the fate of the British in that place. This "superstition" originated from a life-saving favor the monkeys once bestowed upon the British stationed there during the American War of Independence.

As a result, a profound "friendship" developed between the Gibraltar monkeys and the British, leading them to believe that to maintain sovereignty over Gibraltar, it was crucial to ensure that the monkeys did not become extinct in the area.

World War II records indicate that to address the sharp decline in the monkey population, then-Prime Minister Churchill sternly ordered the Governor of Gibraltar to use all means necessary to ensure and improve the survival conditions of the monkeys in the area. The number of monkeys had to be maintained at a minimum of 24.

Subsequently, the monkeys were professionally managed and cared for by the Royal Artillery stationed in the area, receiving annual financial allocations. Simultaneously, a non-governmental organization promptly recorded the births, deaths, and illnesses of all monkeys, ready to answer inquiries from superiors up to Parliament. It can be seen that the protection of Gibraltar monkeys has evolved into a strategic mission for the UK in that region.

Today, the Mediterranean monkey population in Gibraltar is regularly maintained at around 200, so the British have no need to worry about their fate in that area.

In this context, the Spanish naturally harbor resentment towards these damn little creatures, much like their resentment towards the British. They have never given up their territorial sovereignty claims over Gibraltar, although they have not achieved their goal by the 21st century.

Although Vice President Salazar was not particularly in favor of providing a route, most people agreed to facilitate the route, and Head of State Arias finally made the decision to provide a route to Germany.

That night, in the secret chamber of the Head of State's mansion.

Several high-ranking officials led by Arias, the German envoy, and Salazar, who had strongly opposed during the day, secretly gathered together.

Throughout Spain, except for these few people, no one could imagine that Salazar, who usually opposed and contradicted Head of State Arias at every turn, was actually on the same side.

Of course, there had to be dissenting voices. If dissent and questioning were not allowed openly, they would only grow louder and more substantial in private.

So, it was better for these dissenting voices to come from their own ranks.

The German envoy handed out a stack of letters and several exquisite small boxes, distributing them to everyone. "Ladies and gentlemen, these are personal letters and medals from His Highness. His Highness asked me to convey to you that the Empire and the people will not forget your dedication."

Holding the letters and medals, Arias, with tears in his eyes, said excitedly, "Please convey to His Highness that we will strive for the Empire for the rest of our lives."

Any country is not short of loyal and steadfast patriots, and these individuals are among the best of them. For the sake of their beloved homeland and fellow countrymen, they resolutely journey to foreign lands, abandoning the surnames passed down through generations and severing ties with their flesh and blood relatives. They assume another's identity, living a life where they walk on gun muzzles and dance on the tips of knives. Even in death, unable to return to their hometowns, they harbor no resentment, willingly dedicating their entire lives to their beloved homeland.

The Minister of Defense inquired, "Shall we declare war on the United Kingdom?"

The envoy shook his head. "Not for now." Looking at Salazar, he continued, "You will 'secretly' meet with the British ambassador later and inform him about our route arrangement. Tell the British ambassador that you can guarantee Spain is merely borrowing the route and will not declare war on the British Empire. However, the British Empire needs to provide a sum of money. This will allow you to contact like-minded opposition forces to prevent Spain from being drawn into the war, understand? It's best to have them pay in gold, and if there's no gold, then in dollars. Even if they want food or minerals, don't ask for pounds; after all, tons of German-made pounds are flooding the British market now, and in the future, pounds will be as worthless as scrap paper."

Wilhelm knew that the UK would definitely pay this money. In the original timeline during World War II, MI6 bribed senior Spanish military officials, shipbuilders, and other relevant personnel, with a total amount reaching 200 million USD.

In June 1940, British Ambassador Samuel Hoare urgently requested the government to immediately provide the first bribe of 1 million USD, stating, "If there is any delay, Spain will change its neutral stance and support Germany. The situation is extremely urgent, and I cannot provide specific details now." Hoare also claimed that this 1 million USD would play a decisive role in Spain's vote on whether to support Nazi Germany.

The envoy continued his instructions. "Remind him again and let the British Empire buy Spain's tungsten mines at a high price, preventing them from flowing into Germany. Tungsten is currently priced at $100 per ton, right? Multiply it by ten, make them buy it at $1,000 per ton."

"Tenfold?" The people present widened their eyes instantly. "Can Britain agree?" British people aren't fools; would they act as this scapegoat?

The envoy smiled faintly. "Just tell them that Germany has agreed to raise the price. Ask them if the lives of British Empire soldiers are more important or if money is more important."


The envoy looked at the Minister of Defense. "Strengthen the training of the military. His Highness hopes to have at least 500,000 soldiers ready when the time comes."

The Minister of Defense stood tall, confident. "Please convey to His Highness that I guarantee the dispatch of one million elite soldiers. Currently, the population of mainland Spain is around 25 million, and with the experience of the civil war in recent years, mustering one million elite soldiers is not difficult."

In fact, Spain during World War II was not weak. Its national strength in Europe ranked sixth, following Germany, the Soviet Union, the UK, France, and Italy. However, its neighbors were too formidable, appearing as if they had been buffed. Also, due to Spain's lack of involvement in World War II, this seemingly powerful nation became an inconspicuous third-rate player.