
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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Chapter 50 Boss -level genetic armament, greatly improved

in   the tower of the stone man.After the voice of in the sky announced, the elite trial began.

On the gray ground in front of Lu Yuan, a stone man appeared again.

But this time the stone man is no longer ash-gray, but dark gray.

After the stone man appeared, he clenched his fists with both hands, touched his chest, then roared and stepped on the ground with one foot.


The   ground exploded and his body rushed towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan eyes slightly shrink.

"Fast speed!"

The speed of this dark gray stone man has almost reached the level of 50% tempering.

Although it is still a bit worse than Lu Yuan, it is much faster than the gray stone man in ordinary trials.

The dark gray stone man appeared in front of Lu Yuan, punched out, and hit Lu Yuan.

The fist wind howled, blowing Lu Yuan's hair.

Lu Yuan cut out the heavy sword in his hand and collided with the fist of the dark gray stone man.


Under the roar, one after another crack appeared in the fist of the dark gray stone man, and his body flew upside down.

Lu Yuan felt the power of the dark gray stone man, and felt slightly relaxed in his heart.

This attack strength is not weak, but the damage it can cause to Lu Yuan is very limited.

Fortunately, otherwise, it would be a bit difficult for him to break into deeper levels.

After confirming the strength of the dark gray stone man, Lu Yuan stepped forward with his sword, one after another slashed Danger Land and attacked the stone man, smashing his head.

"Pass the Elite Level 1 trial and get a reward: 10 drops of Stone Spirit Lu."

Lu Yuan eyes shined, there are 10 drops?

  This reward is ten times the level 1 of the normal trial.

Isn't Level 2 more?

   "Trialist XI9201, do you want to conduct the Elite Level 2 trial? If you refuse, you will leave the Shiman Tower."

"Proceed for the trial!"

Lu Yuan Agree directly.

As expected by Lu Yuan, there are 10 dark gray stone men in the Level 2 Elite Trial.

The battle strength of 10 dark gray stone men is stronger than 100 gray stone men.

It took a long time for Lu Yuan to kill them all.

"Pass the Elite Level 2 trial and get rewards: 100 drops of Moon Stone Spirit Dew, one drop of Moon Stone Essence."

"en? Is there something different?"


Lu Yuan eyes shined, looking at the sky.

A month of Stone Spirit dew appeared, and there was a drop of silver liquid in the center.

Moonstone Essence.

Lu Yuan put the Moonstone Essence in his hand and obtained the information of the Moonstone Essence.

Moonstone essence is the essence produced by Moon Stone Spirit dew tempering. The effect is similar to that of Moon Stone Spirit dew. It can increase cultivation base and heal injuries. If you use it more, you can also strengthen your own defenses.

However, the effect of Moon Stone Essence is a hundred times that of Moon Stone Spirit!

  Not only the effect of increasing cultivation base.

The healing effect of Moonstone Essence is also extremely strong, even stronger than a good healing potion.

Lu Yuan carefully put the moonstone essence away and did not use it directly.

If this thing is used when you are seriously injured, it might be able to survive.

Then Lu Yuan absorbed 100 drops of Stone Spirit Lotion.

At this moment, his tempering degree finally reached 41%.

After absorbing the Moon Stone Spirit Lu, Lu Yuan started the Elite Level 3 trial.

100 dark gray stone men appeared.

Lu Yuan spent a lot of time and finally killed them all.

Although his defensive ability was extremely strong, the dark gray stone men did not cause much damage to Lu Yuan, but 100 dark gray stone men continued to fight, and Lu Yuan still suffered serious injuries.

He used that drop of moonstone essence to maintain the peak state.

Passed the Elite Level 3 trial, this time Lu Yuan received 1000 drops of Moon Stone Spirit Dew and 10 drops of Moon Stone Essence.

Lu Yuan absorbed the Moon Stone Spirit, and the tempering degree reached 48%.

Not only that, as he absorbed more than a thousand Moon Stone Spirit Dew, Lu Yuan could clearly feel that his body became stronger under the nourishment of Moon Stone Spirit Dew.

The muscles, skeleton, and skin have become more tenacious and powerful than before.

The defense is nearly 10% stronger, and the strength and speed have also increased.

You know, this is not an improvement brought by the Lu Yuan tempering gene, but an additional improvement!

  These are all the effects brought by the Moon Stone Spirit Dew.

After the Level 3 Elite Trial, there is no higher level trial that Lu Yuan originally imagined, but the Level 4 Elite Trial.

Lu Yuan naturally chose to agree.

The opponents of the Level 4 Elite Trial are 1,000 dark gray stone men.

Even if it is a powerhouse with a 100% tempering degree with elite genes burned, it may feel weak in the face of so many dark gray stone people.

After all, it takes too much spiritual power to kill so many stone men.

Where does the trainee level genetic warrior come from so much spiritual power?

1000 dark gray stone men rushed towards Lu Yuan, and the earth shook under their feet.

Lu Yuan is even a little worried about whether he will be trampled to death by them.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan found that as his tempering degree continued to improve, coupled with the Moon Stone Spirit Lu enhanced his own defensive ability.

At this moment, when running the Dark Iron Body, the Dark Grey Stoneman can't even break Lu Yuan's defense.

This makes Lu Yuan happy.

He completely ignored his own defenses, constantly swinging his sword and slashing, killing the dark gray stone men one by one.

If spiritual power is consumed too much, spiritual power will be restored by absorbing Spirit Crystal.

Lu Yuan had the feeling of falling into an ant nest at the time, and he swung his sword to numbness.

I don't know how long it took, the last dark gray stone man was killed by Lu Yuan with a sword.

The voice of in the sky sounded.

"Pass the Elite Level 4 trial and get rewards: 100 drops of Moonstone Essence, Gene Armament: Moonstone."

In front of Lu Yuan, there are 100 drops of silver The essence of the moonstone floats, and there is a moon-white meniscus stone.

A deep azure rays of light flashed on the white meniscus stone this month.

Lu Yuan's eyes were immediately attracted by the deep azure rays of light, and his face was shocked.

"Azure, is the boss-level genetic armament?!"

The general elite level genetic armament emits green rays of light, while the boss-level genetic armament is azure light mans.

You must know that elite-level genetic weapons are already extremely powerful and precious.

For example, the beetle sharp claw heavy sword in Lu Yuan's hand, even if his current tempering degree is over 40%, it is still very useful.

He killed tens of thousands of ominous beasts in the Earth Palace, but he did not get elite level genetic weapons again.

One can imagine how precious elite-level weapons are.

Didn't expect, now you actually rewarded boss-level genetic weapons? !

The   surprise came so quickly, he wondered if he was dreaming.

The rewards for level 4 elite trials are so rich!

Lu Yuan quickly put things into his hands.

Source Land brought the moonstone information into Lu Yuan's mind.

Moonstone: This is a genetic weapon belonging to the heraldic type. It only needs to be included in the genetic chain, and it does not need to be manifested to be effective.

The effect of this moonstone is to enhance the full strength of the fleshy body, and there is also a special moonstone guarding ability.

Moonstone Guardian is a guardian ability that can resist Spirit Attack and protect the spirit of the owner.

Being able to protect the spirit is a very powerful guardian system ability.

After all, this is the special ability of boss-level genetic weapons.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan feels that he may not be able to use it.

Where can a genetic warrior of trainee level be attacked by the spirit department?

  Too outrageous.

In contrast, the all-round increase in the strength of the fleshy body surprised Lu Yuan.

With a move of his mind, he wants to put the Moonstone into his body.

However, as soon as it was absorbed, Lu Yuan's body tingled a little, and he stopped quickly.

"Is this a boss-level weapon? The demand for Fleshy body is so high. Even if my tempering degree is almost 50% now, I still can't bless it."

He vomits He sighed: "I have to continue the cultivation. Fortunately, there are 100 drops of Moonstone Essence."

Lu Yuan looked towards 100 drops of silver liquid in the air and smiled.

"Let's absorb it now."

Lu Yuan began to absorb the moonstone essence.

1 drop, 10 drops, 20 drops...

The spiritual power contained in Moon Stone Essence is a hundred times that of Moon Stone Spirit Lotion. With the absorption of Lu Yuan, it gives a rich spiritual power. power fast tempering Lu Yuan's gene chain.

In the white mist in his body, the gene chain became brighter and brighter.

50%, 55%, 60%...

After Lu Yuan absorbed 71 drops of Moonstone Essence, his fleshy body showed a tingling sensation of fullness , The body can no longer absorb spiritual power.

Even the extremely mild spiritual power of Moonstone Essence cannot be absorbed indefinitely.

71 drops of Moonstone Essence, equivalent to 7100 drops of Moon Stone Spirit Lotion, is also equivalent to almost 7000 spiritual power contained in Spirit Crystal!

  If it is absorbed according to Spirit Crystal, it will take about ten days for Lu Yuan to be absorbed!

  And now, it only took a few minutes!

With    such a vast spiritual power, even if Lu Yuan burns elite-level extraordinary genes, the amount of spiritual power required by the tempering gene chain is several times higher than that of ordinary genes, and the tempering degree is still increased to 74%!

With the improvement of tempering, Lu Yuan's fleshy body is much stronger than before, and vast power surges out of Lu Yuan's body.

Far more powerful than before!