
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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299 Chs

Chapter 38 Earth Palace nests

The battle skill that had dissipated on Xiye's body was restored again, and pale red appeared on his skin.

He stepped on the ground, his body rushed towards Lu Yuan in an instant, and the long sword slashed towards Lu Yuan's neck.

The giant sword flicked across the air, bringing up a gust of wind.

Lu Yuan's face condensed, and he raised his sword to greet him. Clang!

  Lu Yuan felt a lot stronger than before Juli came.

His face changed slightly, and he took two steps back.

On the other hand, West Ye did not take a step back.

Seeing this, Xi Ye showed a hideous smile.

He was coldly snorted, and long sword once again slashed towards Lu Yuan.

Waves of attacks are endless.

Lu Yuan's face changed slightly, he kept resisting the attack, and he kept backing away.

clang !

  is a collision, Lu Yuan again took a step back, close to the wall.

At this time, Xiye moved a distance to the side.

Lu Yuan heard the sharp air-splitting sound, and also felt the blazing high temperature.

What a mess!

His complexion changed, and he dodges to one side quickly.


  arrows with a black light across from the shoulder position Lu Yuan, the armor at the shoulder was torn open a hole.

Fortunately, the arrow did not hit Lu Yuan's body.

Otherwise, even with his current defense, he would still be injured.

The Fireball passed by Lu Yuan and landed on the wall behind Lu Yuan.


The Fireball burst, and the fire wave spewed with surging heat, and fell heavily on Lu Yuan's back.

Lu Yuan couldn't help taking two steps forward.

Xiye, who had avoided before, reappeared at this moment.

His cat pupil with a cold and playful color, holding the hilt with both hands, the long sword slashed towards Lu Yuan's waist.

Lu Yuan eyes shrank, the muscles of the whole body are tense, the foot step is stepped on, the body moves a certain distance horizontally.

The long sword slashed across his waist, slashing his skin, and a ray of blood spilled out.

Lu Yuan was slightly relaxed. Fortunately, I practiced the movement method before.

Otherwise, you may not be able to avoid it.

Avoiding Xiye's attack, Lu Yuan stepped back again and again.

He looked at Xiye and Jasmine and Nan Qi in the distance, and a cold and severe color appeared on his face.

A pale black potion appeared in his hand, and he raised his head to pour it down.

Ordinary defensive potion.

After drinking the medicine, Lu Yuan could clearly feel that the medicine turned into an invisible spiritual power fluctuation in his body, forming a special barrier.

He can feel that this barrier has greatly improved his defensive ability.

Normal quality defensive potions can increase defensive ability by about 20%.

How strong is Lu Yuan's defensive ability at the moment?

An increase of 20%, it becomes a tense spectrum.

The price is too high. A bottle costs 10,000 yuan.

Thinking of the price, a tinge of pain flashes in his eyes.

What's special, he worked hard for so long before, and the price of the materials he obtained was almost a little over ten thousand.

This time, it was all gone.

He looked at the people in Xiye with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

They are all to blame!

  nothing what drug use? !

Seeing Lu Yuan drank the defensive boosting potion, the expressions of the three Xiye's trio changed slightly.

"Damn it! This guy actually bought a potion!"


Jasmine in the distance called out.

Xi Ye looked at Lu Yuan, eyes flashed, nodded:


He ran in the direction of Jasmine and Nan Qi.

Lu Yuan twitched as he watched them run away.

"Thank you, the labor and management drank the potion, and the blood loss was 10,000. If you run away, then the labor and management can't be a human being?!"

He ran directly to the three of them Rushed in the direction.

This wave must not let them run away!

  just charge ahead, Lu Yuan saw three men had run thirty meters up.

I have to say that his speed is indeed inferior to that of the three.

Especially, now that the cat Swordsman and the cat archer both drank the speed potion.

Although the cat-man element warrior did not drink the potion, he was carried by the cat-man Swordsman and his speed was not slow.

Lu Yuan wants to catch up with them, I'm afraid he has to drink a good speed boosting potion.

However, it costs 50,000 bottles!

  now he has lost a 10000, and if killing those three hunters, what good things did not fall, then have to lose 50,000?

  he is a bit unacceptable.

The most important thing is that he keeps his hole card to escape when he is in danger. It is too unworthy to use it here.

But if he doesn't chase now, he is not reconciled.

He can only grit his teeth and continue to chase the three cat hunters.

At the same time he was secretly made up his mind

  such as his breakthrough after the First Rank, gene burn got to be the type of speed!

  both sides a chase a fleeing, not long before, Lu Yuan found from farther away.

The three cat hunters are already about fifty meters away from him.

In a short time, he was thrown away by twenty meters.

"Am I a tortoise?!"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but cursed himself.

The fire of the Earth Palace passage is dim, and there is darkness in the distance. If they run a long distance, Lu Yuan may not even be able to see them.

Fortunately, there is no other side road here, otherwise, I am afraid he will be thrown away by these three cat hunters now.

However, if you continue, sooner or later you will hit a fork in the road.

Sooner or later he will be thrown away.

Just when Lu Yuan looked ugly, a low growl suddenly came from a distance.

Lu Yuan eyes shined, is the voice of little Stoneman.

He saw two gravel piles in the distance, two small Stoneman stones flying towards the three cat hunters.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

However, his smile just appeared, and two consecutive Fireballs blasted on the gravel.

The two gravel piles have not been transformed into a real pile of rubble.

There is no need for Cat Swordsman and Cat Archer to take action.

The cat-man element warrior carried on his back is completely free to deal with the ominous beast encountered.

At this level of proficiency, these three cat hunters have been hunted down a lot of times.

The smile on Lu Yuan's face froze.

The little Stoneman is too good.

The current strength of these three cat hunters is not much different from that of the potion he drank.

The little Stoneman can't stop it at all.

Lu Yuan's heart chilled again.

However, Lu Yuan still did not give up the pace of chasing.

He still feels unwilling.

Maybe this road is a dead end?

Then when the time comes, how do these three bastards run?

  Lu Yuan was a little anticipation.

After running for a while, the three cat hunters are getting closer and closer to the darkness.

Nan Qi lay on Xiye's back, and a Fireball bombarded a black scorpion who wanted to sneak attack them.

He turned his head and glanced behind him.

Lu Yuan, who was more than seventy meters away, stared at them coldly.

Nan Qi was happy, grinning provocatively:

"Human! With the speed of your tortoise, you want to catch up with us?! In the next life!"

jasmine carrying a longbow, Baileyiyan Southern Qi:

  "we have not escaped it."

West leaves look cool: "I'm afraid that human hate us."

"That's no way, after all I met twice. Didn't expect his strength to improve so fast, it was obviously not easy to deal with Xiye last time."


"This guy is probably a genius."

Nan Qi is grinned, a little careless:

"What about geniuses? at worst we will meet later He just walked around. He is a guardian, so slow, can he still chase us down?"

"Well, let's escape this time and talk about it."

"Why haven't the road turned off yet..."

Jasmine frowned and said.

However, she didn't finish her words. The ground she had just stepped on suddenly cracked and a big hole appeared, and she fell down.

Not only her, Xiye next to her and Nan Qi, who is carrying Xiye on his back, also fell.

Falling down about five meters, they stepped on the ground again.

But this time, their faces are pale.

"Damn it! It's an ant nest!"

"We are too unlucky?! We encountered an ant nest?!"

In the eyes of Jasmine and Nan Qi Full of despair.

Xiye also twitched the corners of her mouth.

He looked at the two passages around him.

The passage in the ant nest does not have a torch, and the vision enhanced by the genetic warrior can only be seen at a distance of no more than five meters.

The distance is pitch black.

However, the extraordinary hearing of the genetic warrior made him hear the murmur of sound approaching quickly.

Xiye eyes shrank: "First think of a way to go up!"

"No, it's the human above! He can't wait to tear us!"

Nan Qi hastily opened the mouth and said.

Xiye's mouth twitched.

At this moment, Jasmine's face changed drastically: "Come!"

Upon hearing this, Nan Qi and Xi Ye also complexion changed.

They looked around, the dim passages on both sides, all yellow, about one meter high, ants like giant dogs crawled out from the depths of the passage.

Earth Palace sand ants.

The strength ranges from 10% to 99% tempering. It is one of the most powerful groups in the sandstone Earth Palace.

The ant nest of the sandstone Earth Palace can be said to be distributed throughout the sandstone Earth Palace.

The deep black eyes of the Earth Palace sand ants stared at the three cat hunters, and the tentacles on their heads kept shaking.

After a while, several Earth Palace sand ants screamed and rushed towards the three cat hunters frantically.