
My Gene System

In the current year, scientists in America succeeded to transfer the monster's genes into the normal body of humans. Just to stop the monsters from invading the world. "Mutant" was called to a normal person who decided to accept the monster's genes. Being a mutant will grant you an exceptional power that the ordinary human couldn't do. Riku Hirota, his the son of the wealthy businessman Akio Hirota. At the age of five, Riku was decided to become a mutant to take back his mother. In his awakening, something had happened that caused him to transmigrate to the other world. Where he could experience that he never experienced in his entire life. What will you do if you receive the monster's genes? And this gene could copy other genes? ****** Tags: Dungeon, Evolution, Sword and Magic, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Late romance, War, Another World. ****** The photo is not mine, I just found it on google.

Jigx · Fantasy
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176 Chs


Riku initially assumed that he would inherit power from his father's genes due to their identical faces and bodies. However, he actually received a gift from his mother's genes.

[Dark Crow awakened <First Evolution>]

But all the things faded away as he granted for more.

What the heck is this?


It was a game.

Riku concluded the meaning of the [You've been granted] in the mana plate was the game system.

Riku was confident in this assumption, as it aligned with the RPG system he had encountered in the past. If this premise held true, he wouldn't need to utilize the mana plate to assess his abilities, as the screen would automatically display them for him.

Name: Riku Hirota

Race: Humanl

Level: 1

Title: [Genes King]

Evolution: 1st level

Mana pool: 15

Fitness: 10

Gene: [Dark Crow]


• [Fly] - Utilizing the power of the Dark Crow, you gain the ability to fly. Cost: 8 Mana.

• [Manifest] - Through the consumption of blood, you can replicate someone's genetic powers. Cost: 9 Mana.

• [Target] - Leveraging the sharp eyes of the Dark Crow, you can observe your opponent from a distance. When <Land >-based, you can view within a 150-meter radius, revealing all resources; when in the <Sky >, this range expands to 300 meters, double the base range. Cost: 10 Mana.

He pondered the connection between the Dark Crow and vampires, noting its willingness to consume blood for gene replication.

Riku let out a sigh, questioning why he lacked an offensive skill that could aid him in defeating the monster.

Shit? Flying skill? What if there was another monster that has the ability to fly, how I can supposedly defeat it?

Riku had received training from Haru with the initial goal of becoming a mutant. However, a significant challenge emerged: the monster possessed extraordinary strength and an immense mana pool. Without a finishing blow or attack skill, he faced the risk of being easily overpowered.

"Stop complaining, Riku. My mother's genes grant me some of the rarest skills available," he muttered to himself, while meticulously assessing the situation.

Yet, it was difficult to fathom that he had earned a title upon awakening his genes. Typically, mutants needed to reach level 3 or level 4 before being granted a title. Perhaps his [Manifest skill] ability played a role, allowing him to acquire additional genes when utilized.

With the [Genes King] ability, he could discern which genes were worth copying.

Indeed, it's plausible that the dark crow genes inherited from his mother were the primary reason behind his acquisition of this unique ability.

Riku intended to close the screen and search for an escape from this unfamiliar forest. "I must keep moving; I can't return home if I keep hesitating," he thought to himself.


He came to a halt as he once again heard the unfamiliar sound in his head. "What on earth? Did the screen just open?"

[Path to Gene Kinghood!]

[A Quest has arrived! Would you like to open the quest? Yes/No]

There was no doubt now, Riku was undeniably bestowed with a game system. A quest? This was his first encounter with it outside of a game.

He slowly stroked his chin, contemplating whether he should undertake this type of quest. In the game "XR Online," accepting and finishing quests rewarded players with experience and various benefits outlined within the quest. The crucial query now was: what level of difficulty did this particular quest entail?

Accepting the quest might lead to a dangerous predicament, but what choice did he have? If this was the path to becoming a more powerful mutant...

Popularity? Wealth? Those things held little appeal for him. As the son of a prosperous businessman, he was already accustomed to attention and had access to advertisements and projects. It was evident that he was quite popular.

After a brief period of careful consideration, he made up his mind to accept the quest. Mentally, he uttered the word "Yes."

Immediately, another screen materialized before him, revealing his very first quest presented by the system.

[Quest accepted!]

[First hunt! Killed 3 any type of monsters!]


+21 experience

+3 mana pool

+4 fitness

+2 skill points

•Name: Riku Hirota

•Mutant level 1 0%

During his time playing XR Online, skill points (SP) were utilized to unlock new skills or enhance existing ones, often aligned with one's chosen class. However, now that this was reality, he speculated that the skill he'd unlock by expending skill points would likely be influenced by his dark crow genes.

"Hmm... Accepting the quest would aid my journey toward becoming a more formidable mutant. Yet, the rewards seem inadequate for the task, considering my current stats. Moreover, achieving level 2 mutant status requires acquiring 100 experience points, which appears to be quite challenging."

Riku let out another deep sigh, feeling helpless to alter the situation. He closed the screen tabs and raised his head, pondering his next steps.

The thought of using the Fly skill crossed Riku's mind, but he quickly dismissed it as an impractical choice given his circumstances. With a mere 15 mana pool at his disposal, he realized he only had one opportunity to activate the [Fly] skill, as it required 8 mana pool. He recognized that, in a critical moment against a formidable adversary, he lacked any skill to make a quick escape.

Surveying his surroundings, Riku dismissed the idea of choosing either side path due to their dense coverage of vines and bushes. He concluded that a direct route ahead was the wiser option, allowing him to anticipate potential approaching monsters more easily.

"My objective is to grow stronger and ultimately find a way back home. I'm certain that everyone back there is concerned about me and actively searching."

Throughout his entire life, he had always strived to avoid causing frustration or worry for others. Resolute in his determination, he pressed forward along the direct path, maintaining a vigilant eye on any potential locations where a monster might appear.

Beneath the radiant yellow sun, half an hour had swiftly gone by, and fortunately, he hadn't come across any signs of monsters within this unfamiliar forest.

Things were finally working in his favor. If this trend persisted, he might be able to navigate through this area without engaging in any battles against monsters.


However, troubles often arise when one starts feeling at ease. Suddenly, a suspicious sound emanated from behind him, prompting Riku to swiftly turn his gaze in that direction. There stood a monster noticeably taller than him, instantly catching his attention.


The creature possessed jet-black fur, razor-sharp claws, and a fierce, predatory gaze. It was undoubtedly a level 1 monster in this realm.

"F*ck!" Riku exclaimed in surprise, his initial reaction being to swiftly roll to the ground, narrowly evading the monster's attacking claws as they swiped over him.

"Tibbers? Seriously? In this place?" Riku questioned incredulously, unable to believe the unexpected appearance of the monster from his past gaming experiences.