
My Future With You

Jaz Michaella Salvador, youngest of three siblings. She is one of the most popular and idolized figures in the EU, famous not only because of her looks, but more so for her excellence with her academic studies. Even in training, she exceptionally does very good in all the lessons discussed by her professors. A consistent awardee in all the fields she tried in school. There are many who flirt but there is only one person she paid attention to. He is Steven Khirby Villanueva, the man who has long liked Jaz. For 3-4 years, he was not looking for anyone else, except his one and only Jaz. Only Jaz. But Steven and Jaz's relationship will be in turmoil with the coming of someone from the past, Khyla Allaina, Steven's alleged ex-girlfriend. The relationship gradually turns from almost perfect to blurry as misunderstanding, arguments, and fights surfaced. The fights became unbearable leading Jaz to give up. Jaze had an accident and pretended to forget all about Steven and the pains. Until the one of Jaz's most awaited moment came, when he met Rayven Paul Mendoza, a man she felt would not leave her. Rayven stayed with Jaze even through the ups and downs of her relationship, and they were inseparable. Then tragedy strucks. An illness would make Jaze push Rayven away, to spare both of them from the pain of losing on each other. Jaze's medical operation will be result to a temporary amnesia. Her memory will come back, slowly, and it may take weeks, months or years. She only remembers her family. Many things will be lost and forgotten. "The heart remembers what the mind forgets". Will Jaze remember the love she felt for Rayven? Will love be enough to stand this test? Will Rayven wait? Can love win over the odds, to a future with Jaze & Rayven?

Daoistz8H3oN · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Khyla Over Me?

Jazper's Point of View

I'm Mark Jazper Salvador, Jazmic's elder brother, and we're going to a restaurant to enjoy few snacks. While were eating, I noticed Steven focused on his phone.

"Jazper, let's not buy food. Jazmic texted me around 20 minutes ago" Steven said after I took a bite at the burger. Why will we not buy? How do we celebrate?

I wondered and thought of why don't we need to order. She can't cook and prepare because she's weak today. Jazmic and I are the only left behind because our parents are both staying at US.

But it's impossible that our housemaid will be preparing our meal because I told them not to do so. But why did Jaz told us that?

"1,565 is the total amount of meal ordered by Jaz Salvador" the delivery boy said to our maid who took Jaz's order. Why did it became that expensive?

Our maid gave the payment to the delivery boy before he drove off. After he went away, our maid immediately saw me with friends,"Jazper, why don'y you invite your friends inside. Jaz prepared something for you to celebrate your championship"

When we entered, I was astounded to find so much food that it appeared to be a party. But where has Jaz gone?

"Michaella ordered it all, a celebration of your winning the game earlier" Jaz ordered all this? Why? I really thought she was angry at us.

"Is Jaz around?" Steven asked

"Noona, kindly tell Hyung that He is the one to be in charge of what I've prepared for them" her voice sounded weak. She's still not feeling well

"Go and take dinner already, don't waste what she prepared for you" Noona Lyn said before she went back to the kitchen

"Korine, do you know about this?" I felt that Korine has nothing to do with this because she has been silent for an hour now

"Steven, why don't you place the milktea you brought for Jaz" Korine told Steven

Korine seems mysterious lately

"I should give it to her instead of placing it at the refrigerator" after Steven said that, he now went upstairs heading to Jaz's room

Steve will have to make it up for Jaz. Only Steven calls Jaz as Jazmic

I even don't know that Steven has this nickname for Jaz

I tried following Steven to see what reaction will Jaz give him but then she said,

"Why don't you have dinner first? Don't waste the food. Also, don't ever think that as my treat. By the way, congrats on winning the game"

Why did Jaz acted like this?

"I should really get out now" after Jaz went out we followed her too

"Jaz is still mad after what happened, we can't also blame her. Right?"Steven sadly said before we went down

"Noona Cass, can you let Malia and Tristan out of their cages?"Did I heard her right? Her dogs will be out for the night? This sounds exciting

And after 3 minutes, the dogs are out but only Tristan was out because Malia is going to have babies right now

I even didn't notice that Jaz was sitting at the stairs 2 steps away while holding Tristan, our dog. She still looks weak

"Jaz, do you feel better now?"no answer from her, she's still unresponsive from her

What shall we do to make Jaz okay again?

Steve's POV

Is there a celebration? Jazmic ordered this all so does it mean that she's not mad at us anymore?

I should bring the milktea at her room. I was about to open her door when she suddenly opened it first

"Why don't you eat what I've prepared for you. It can't be wasted. Don't even think I treated you all for that"

I thought we're okay already but I think I was wrong

"Here is a peace offering for you" Maybe offering you this as my sorry

"Noona Cass, kindly place this peace offering in the cooler or maybe inside the my little cooler inside my room" she said after going out of her room

Jazmic and Korine are hiding something mysterious from us but can't read what they're hiding from us

I saw Jazper followed me from Jaz's room, he was standing from behind me. We went down again when I heard her voice again

"Noona, kindly let Tristan out of the cage" dog or cat?

"Arf! Arf" soo okayy they're dogs and they're my favorite of course

I saw Jazmic sitting at the stairs while she is holding Tristan

"Jaz, are you feeling better now?" but yet she's still unresponsive

I got a text form Khyla saying that she's also not feeling well

Whom shall I choose? Wait, I have an idea

"Jazper, I'll be bringing Tristan at my room together with Eunie and Vincent" why it has to be him and not me?

"Ate Korine, I'll just go to Khyla's. She has a fever and no one will take care of her. I feel sorry" I saw the sadness in Jazmic's eyes when I said goodbye to Noona

"It's up to you. If that's what you want" Noona Korine said to me.

Jax follows Jazmic but they say they are not in the room.

"Jazper, here we are in the garden" Vincent shouted quickly. How did they get to the garden? We went out and we saw the three of them playing with the dogs. They have a dog ready. There is a husky, chihuahua, poodle and shih tzu. Whose dogs are all here?

"Jaz has the shih tzu and poodle, I have the husky and chihuahua." I was surprised when Jazper spoke next to me.

"Steven, aren't you leaving?" Drae said. They don't seem to want me here anymore.

"Hyung Jazper, let me go inside for a while. I'll just get something. Vinch come with me" said Jazmic and finally went inside.

I have no right to how I feel but why am I jealous.