
yes or no?

Yes, I would forgive him! I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. He told me a little bit about himself and the school. He told me the people to stay away from and it was really fun to annoy him when we went to the mall. The next day at school in science she got everything thing right even though she sucks at science on Thursday she got all A+ and one A- on math at lunch she ate a donut a cookie a turkey sandwich and a peanut butter Apple, it was good.the next day Zoe Kyle and Gabriel went to the park the coffee shop and the mall it was really fun.but then Kyle and Gabriel acted weird and we barely get to hang out so I got social media and I found out...that there dating so cool I didn't know they were gay it's really weird. then when ever I was around Zoe I felt something it was weird but it wasn't hatred it was like.... LOVE.oh no she has a boy friend I don't see him though he's nice from what I've heard but I don't like boys so I won't have a crush on him allot of boys have asked me out and of course I turned them down now they all hate me but u don't care I like Zoe. and prom was coming up and I told Kyle and Gabriel that I love Zoe and they don't know if she's lesbian straight bi or pan but they think she is bi I hope that she's bi but she might not be which is ok I just have to move on today I had ice cream tuna sandwich and a orange it was delicious and I loved it then me and Kyle went to the mall and bought a bunch of things like clothes and jewelry and hair dye for my sister Adrienne she's dying her hair black pink blue and purple she sent me a picture and I loved it then after that I dyed my tips blue and I love it I have blonde longish hair and it's so cute I also have a dog named buttercup he's brown and grey and he's adorable and I love him he's the cutest thing ever and yeah he's 1 still a puppy and I love to play with him his favorite toy is a bunny moose thing it's pretty cute and it's rough and has holes but it was cute when I bought it but it's not that cute anymore he has a lot more toys and I have a lot more pets like cats rats a snake I love them all very much. I'm 15 Zoe's 16 Gabriel's 15 and Kyle's 15 Zoe's The oldest and yeah (sorry this chapter took so long it took a little while to write)