
My Fucked Up World Traveling System

Status: Indefinite Hiatus. We live in a world where monsters dominate the earth, causing humans to be pushed into small colonies that are barely thriving, unable to fight back with our useless weaponry. But once we were on the brink of extinction, people began obtaining magic systems, which allowed us to push back and gain some of the lost land we had once. … Three years later, in a small house on the outskirts of the New York safe zone, lived a 15-year-old boy named Alex with his aunt and uncle, since his parents were killed in a siege of monsters three years ago. Today, Alex would be awakening his system, which would allow him to become an adventurer to fight in the dungeons or the monsters in the wilderness. … They soon arrived at the ceremony, and it started shortly after with hundreds of young men and women awakening their systems with their families watching. Eventually, it became Alex’s turn, and he stepped up to the awakening stone and pressed his hand against it. [Searching for Innate System] [No innate system has been found] [Providing A Normal System To The User] [Error] [Ding! Two powerful goddesses have granted you a system] [Host has acquired the World Traveling System] [The host is the first one to receive a Universe Tier System] [Giving Rewards] [Rewards will appear in the host's status] [The host will be taken to God Space] —- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hqJrcdgr I don't own the cover; all credit go to the creator.

Reacix · Fantasy
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137 Chs

A Fiery Return

R-18 content ahead; viewers' discretion is advised.


The skies of hell were a scarlet red with pitch-black clouds floating around. No sun spread its warmth upon the land; however, the scorching lands that covered the entirety of the world sufficed as a sun, bringing an unimaginable heat to the barren land.

The sounds of souls screaming miserably in pain could be heard everywhere as Aurora kneeled there with chains bounding her to the hellish barren land. Her hair wasn't the original black but a beautiful silver, similar to the color of her hair in her Succubus form. Her head laid limp against her chest as if she had fallen asleep.

[Pen... ty quest comp—te]

Hearing a voice, Aurora was aroused awake—her void black eyes, which resembled the flames of hell, looked at the screen that appeared.

[Penalty Quest completed]

[Penalty Quest: Atone in hell for 500 years of failure to complete the sin of wrath's quest.

Status: Complete

Rewards: Lesser Divinity of Hellfire | Fire Demi-Goddess | Title: Empress of Wrath

Penalty: None

Time Limit: 500/500 years]

'Finally… I've atoned for it…'

Following the first screen, several other screens appeared before her eyes.

[Succubus stats have been unlocked]

[Adding stats accumulated during the quest to the original status]

[Adding Completed]

[All ice skills have been integrated into the newly acquired skill: Ice Manipulation]

[Aspect of Fire acquired]

[All fire skills have been integrated into the newly acquired skill: Hellfire Manipulation]

[Title: Empress of Wrath, acquired]

[Empress of Wrath: The empress who ruled over the sin of wrath]

[All Wrath skills have been integrated with the skill: Indomitable Wrath]

[Name: Aurora (Weakened)]

[Race: Demi Goddess, Succubus Empress, Snow Demi-Goddess, Fire Demi-Goddess]

[Sex: Female]

[Titles: First Universe Tier, Daughter of Chaos and Order, Empress of Lust, Submissive, Sex Demon Slayer, Creator of Neko Succubus, Incubus Genocider, Incester, Brutal Slayer, Monster Genocider, Diligent Worker, Lazy Ass, Empress of Sloth, Empress of Diligence, Gorgan Servant Slayer, Ant Genocider, Guild Master Of The Moonlight Guild, Last Snow Woman, Ascended Monster (995,574,946/1 Billion Humans Killed), Merciful, Hybrid Nymph Slayer, Ice Princess, Naga Slayer, Ogre Killer, Empress of Wrath]

[Level: 4143(Divinity Rank 1)]

[HP: 34,586,350/34,586,350 (True Value 1 Billion)]

[MP: 35,385,400/35,385,400 (True Value 10 Billion)]

[SE: 1,992,050/1,992,050]

[STR: 2,012,616 -> 2,663,435]

[VIT: 2,012,614 -> 2,663,433]

[INT: 2,013,416 -> 2,679,266]

AGI: 2,013,016 -> 2,678,864]

[DEX: 2,012,516 -> 2,663,335]

[DEF: 2,012,606 -> 2,663,425]

[CHA: 2,002,084]

[Unassigned Stat Points: 0]

[Balance: 100.52 Million USD]]

[All Stats are weakened drastically due to Order and Chaos's Punishment]

[Magic: Demonic Magic - Tier 8, Dream Manipulation - Tier 6, Sexuality Manipulation - Tier 9, Arcane Magic - Tier 6, Sloth Manipulation - Tier 1, Diligence Manipulation - Tier 2, Holy Magic - Tier 2, Cosmic Ice Magic - Tier 9, Winter Magic - Tier 8, Aspect of Fire - Tier 10]

[Magic Skills: Indomitable Sexuality, Dream Weaving, Imagination Creation, Corruption Manipulation, Hormone Manipulation, Void Shift, Void Step, Indomitable Sloth, Absolute Diligence, Balance, Blessing Inducement, Heal, Holy Voice, Purification, Ice Manipulation, Hellfire Manipulation, Indomitable Wrath]

[Active Skills: Death By Sex, Kiss of Death, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Future Sight, Succubization, Gender Transformation, Charm Mode, Mind Control, Imperceptibility]

[Passive Skills: Omni Weapon Proficiency, Regeneration, Empathy, Life Mastery, Irresistible Charm, Seductive Touch Cold Presence, Ice Healing, Ice Goddess Physique, Fire Goddess Physique]

[Arts: Dark Arts, Demonic Arts, Assassination Arts, Absolute Frozen Arts, Absolute Flame Arts]

[Perception Skills: Sexual Sight, Love Detection, Dream Observation, Dream Cognition, Dream Prediction, Danger Detection, Extrasensory Perception, Thermal Perception, Glacial Perception, Absolute Cold Sense]

[Resistance Skills: Dream Negation, Dream Resistance, Libido Resistance, Cold Immunity, Fire Immunity]

[Innate Skills: Chaos (42.9% Unlocked), Order (14.3% Unlocked), Wing Manifestation, Interbreeding, Enhanced Sex Appeal, Enslavement Kiss, Life Force Absorbtion, Shapeshifting, Charmed Eyes, Tantric Metabolism, Semi-Immorality, Absolute Beauty]

[Other Skills: Succubus's Enhancement: STR, DEX, DEF, AGI, VIT, INT, CHA (20x), Natural Weaponry: Wings, Bite, Tail]

'It's finally... over…' Her head went limp—she had fallen asleep. After spending 510 years slaughtering innocent humans and burning in hell for half a millennium, she hadn't had the chance to actually rest.

As she slept, the ground beneath her cracked and gradually a portal opened up, and when she was just about to fall into the portal, the chains tightened, constraining her from falling into the portal—they weren't necessarily alive, but their purpose was to keep her bound to the barren lands of hell for eternity, to never let her escape.

hat severed the chains, leading Aurora to fall into the portal with a sense of weightlessness.

On Earth, within the bathroom of Aurora and Amia's house, was Amia; she sat there naked in the bathtub alone.

"Hn! Aurora, I love you!" Rubbing her index and middle fingers against her clit, she was fantasizing about having sex with Aurora. After all, Aurora had been gone for a week, and her sexual urges couldn't hold on for too long.

"Keep going! Ahn… mmn."


About five minutes later, she stopped. She was out of breath and decided to take a break. Out of nowhere, she swiftly looked in a direction.

"I sense the movement of space… Could it be?"

Her eyes brightened up, and she jumped out of the tub and ran out of the bathroom, making her way towards the bedroom.

As she passed by the living room, Medusa and the three girls noticed. "Lady Amia! Why are you in such a rush?"

"…" Amia didn't answer and ran into the hallway, where the bedrooms were. The four girls followed after.

Amia was the first to reach the master bedroom and enter, followed by the four girls. On the bed lay a young, silver-haired woman with pale white skin.

"Aurora…! Your finally back!" Amia happily leapt onto the bed and cuddled with her.