
My Fucked Demon System

Damian was born without an ability which leads to a life of getting bullied until he strikes a deal which might not get him what he wants or it might get him exactly what he wants. With the power in his hands now Damian just needs to choose what he will do with it and why he wants to do it. This novel will/might be viewable on royalroad under the same title but with the author name of Shadow_flippy. :D

flippy_flop · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 3: Lottery?

20th of August 

Damian woke up to a system window right in front of him ' Yeah yeah I already know '

{ Daily mission }

{ 0/100 burpee's }

{ 0/100 squats }

{ 0/10km ran }

{ Reward: +2 to Strength, Endurance, and agility, 50 Exp }

Damian got up from his bed and started to get dressed while looking into his mirror across the room. 'Huh I seem to have gotten a bit more muscle on me, must be because of the points by the system I hope I don't get really big that's not my kind of look'.

As soon as he got dressed he went downstairs got some of the breakfast on the counter and then left before his parents or sister woke up to bother him. Damian ran to the park to start his daily mission 'It is currently 7 am and school starts at 9 am so that gives me a good hour and 50ish minutes to work with because I still gotta run to school which is about 1km so as long as I get 9Km I'll be fine '.

Damian immediately got down and completed his 100 burpees which took him only 20 minutes with proper breathing while the squats took him 30 minutes. 'I'll rest for 10 minutes then start on my running' Damian thought while breathing heavily on the ground 'It took me 2km to get here so I need a good 8km to level up which is my goal before going to school right now'.

After 10 minutes he started to run up and down the street for the next 50 minutes managing to get 7.5 km in. Damian was breathing heavily in the park while looking at his mission.

{ Daily mission }

{ 100/100 burpee's }

{ 100/100 squats }

{ 9.5/10km ran }

{ Reward: +2 to Strength, Endurance, and agility, 50 Exp }

Damian got up and picked up his bag then started to walk towards the school "It will be done about halfway through then I can see what it's like". "What's what like halfway through" Said Alice seemingly coming from nowhere causing Damian to be a bit shocked ' I couldn't even sense her wow I am really weak ' He thought while staring at her face. Damian thought about what to say but decided against saying anything at all and just kept on walking except for one little word halfway through " Claim ".

{ Daily mission }

{ 100/100 burpee's }

{ 100/100 squats }

{ 10/10km ran }

{ Reward: +2 to Strength, Endurance, and agility, 50 Exp }

{ Level up 1->2 }

{ Reward: +1 to all stats }

{ Special Reward!!! The first time levelling up has given you the item ( Lottery ticket ) }

Damian smiled weirdly when he saw the system windows appear one after the other ' I'll use that lottery ticket when I get home to be safe, Status '.

{ Name - Damian Locke }

{ Level - 2 0/200 }

{ HP - 150/150 }

{ MP - 180/180 }

{ Rank - D }

{ Ability - NULL }

{ Race - Lesser Demon }

{ Strength - 10 --> 13. Increases physical strength }

{ Endurance - 12 --> 15. Increases health, carry capacity, magic and physical resistance }

{ Intelligence - 17 --> 18. Increases MP, magic strength, decreases stress in certain situations }

{ Agility - 9 --> 12. increases speed and flexibility }

{ Charisma - 20 --> 21. increases chances for mind-related skills to work and resistance to mind attacks } 

{ AVERAGE - 10. }

{ Skills - Contract, Death }

Damian looked at his new status ' So my MP/Mana is ten times my intelligence, good to know that '. While Damian was looking through his status he felt a tap on his shoulder from Alice " What are you looking at so intensely there's nothing thier dummy " Alice said with a cute little smile on her face.

He sighed "It's nothing I just wasn't focusing " Damian spoke while thinking about something completely different ' Call me a dummy when I'm your master and I'll hit you till you bleed ".

They arrived at school and went to the classroom where Damian couldn't be bothered to pay attention so he pretended to be asleep and proceeded to talk to the system ' Hey system will I be able to get an ability sometime in the future or am I stuck as null? ' Damian asked the system while thinking about his status.

{ The lottery you got earlier host is the ticket to spin a wheel full of abilities some are good such as gravity, space control and time control while others are useless like being made out of brittle glass, being able to control slugs and having the power to summon a bug. These are all examples of course but you get the idea host. Abilities in the wheel are separated into 7 tiers, Nothing, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, and the last one is God. }

{ The tier's chances are as follows}

{ Nothing 23.9% }

{ Common 50% }

{ Rare 20% }

{ Epic 5% }

{ Legendary 1% }

{ Mythical 0.1% }

{ God ??? }

Damian listened to his system and was astounded ' I CAN FINALLY GET A ABILITY '. Damian almost felt like crying at this moment, due to not being born without an ability he has been constantly bullied and ridiculed but all that could disappear with a single ticket. ' If I get nothing I might punch your system ". 

As soon as the bell rang at the end of class Damian rushed up to the roof to have his recess in peace without all the people around him wanting to take their frustrations out on him "Ahhhh fuck it I'm just going to skip the rest of today I can't be fucked going ". He said while resting against the roof fence and thinking about what kind of ability he was going to get. 

Soon Damian fell asleep on the roof thinking about what was going to happen tonight.