
My Fucked Demon System

Damian was born without an ability which leads to a life of getting bullied until he strikes a deal which might not get him what he wants or it might get him exactly what he wants. With the power in his hands now Damian just needs to choose what he will do with it and why he wants to do it. This novel will/might be viewable on royalroad under the same title but with the author name of Shadow_flippy. :D

flippy_flop · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 1: My request

(Note: MC is a bit fucked in the head and doesn't care about morals, Also this is my first time writing anything of this sort so I wouldn't mind criticism as long as it is helpful to me, thank you - GUY )

(Another Note: HAREM HAREM HAREM HAREM HAREM, you have been warned - GUY )

Year 2037, 19th of August

" DAMIAN " A shout was heard echoing down the corridor as a boy swiftly approached a tall and thin-looking boy. Everybody else in the corridor was already waiting for what was going to happen next while holding their phones out getting ready to record.

Damian looked around his shoulder just in time to see a fist flying at his face " Who the fuck said you could talk to the princess " the boy said as he kicked the weak student over and over in the stomach not caring about the red liquid being coughed up.

Damian looked up to see who it was ' Lucas Novelle, your average stupid bully that has nothing better to do than to pick on the weaker students '. Damian's stomach and throat burned with pain and the taste of blood mixed with his breakfast from this morning.

Lucas kept on kicking him over and over until eventually he got bored of it seeing no reaction from the boy, He squatted down to Damian and slapped his cheeks hard " ANSWER ME ". Damian coughed up more blood while looking at Lucas " I only talked to her for class notes " he said in a scratchy voice having sustained heavy damage to his stomach. ' If I only I had the power to torture this guy, the joy it would give looking through his dead eyes as I play around with my work ' Damian thought while trying not to shake and smile like a lunatic. 

Lucas punched him again in the face sending him flying down the corridor and ramming his back against the floor hard enough to break a rib " Don't you ever talk to my woman again "As soon as these words were spoken a heat swept over everyone in the hall causing everybody to sweat. " Lucas Novelle I don't ever recall being your woman let alone liking someone like your self that likes to someone such as your self that bullies the weaker students " Lucas nervously turned around shaking like a leaf going through a storm " h-hey Alice ".

Damian looked up to see a fuzzy figure confronting Lucas ' Alice Greenwood, Oldest of the Greenwood family, Cup size E, 178cm giving quite the strong figure, Beautiful, Strong, Smart and nonetheless a rare ability user. The dream girl of almost every guy and some girls at this school '. Damian saw Lucas passing out on the floor before passing out himself.

Alice walked past everybody then picked up Damian and brought him to the infirmary to be treated. " Mrs Denver I have a delivery " Alice called out through the door to the nurse who immediately took the boy to heal him. " If you keep on bringing him he'll get even more attention drawn to him by your little fan club " Mrs Denver said while looking overworked mainly signified by giant dark circles under her eyes.

Alice put on a little face with a stupid looking smile as she looked at Damian with a piercing gaze " Sorry but I can't help it, it's not my fault he was born without an ability ".

Ability is the term used for the mystical powers given to almost everybody when they are 13. Something determined from birth but only awakened due to unstable powers, with these abilities people can do amazing things like control the weather, turn people inside out, control blood, and even create stuff out of thin air. Abilities help people fight against other forces like elves, demons, dragons, gnomes, golems, puppets, giants and a lot more. Some people though are born without abilities but these people only make up about 0.01% of the population so they are normally ridiculed and bullied like an alien would be. Abilities determine your rank starting from F to SS these abilities can be trained over and over to increase your rank for better status and wealth.

Damian woke up in a pitch-black room with 2 white chairs facing each other, Damian looked at the chairs and saw a strikingly handsome guy with blood-red spiral horns on his head sat on one of the chairs then invited him to sit on the other. 

Damian sat down on the chair and looked at the what he assumed to be demon across from him "I am Damian Locke " as he held out his hand. Damian saw the demon smiling at him " I'm Matthias " then he proceeded to shake Damian's hand.

" What do you want Damian? " the demon spoke with his ash grey tongue filling the air with the scent of sulphur. Damian stared at him " Who are you and what can I get from you? ". The demon looked at him and sighed " I am the first ruler of hell or the underworld how ever you must call It and I can grant you anything with the right price ", Damian smiled and thought about something then asked, " Can you grant me power in exchange for my humanity ". Matthias was a bit surprised by his offer "Most humans wouldn't give that up so easily Damian, tell me what you want with this power I'm offering ".

Damian looked at him and answered truthfully " I want to make people scream and fear my name, I want people to grovel under my feet, I want people to beg for their life in front of me and most importantly I. Want. To. Hurt. People "

Matthias smiled ear to ear and his eyes started to roll back to reveal mini green skulls while he stuck his ash grey tongue out that proceeded to get longer and longer until it reached Damian " Granted Mr Locke " as Matthias spoke his tongue shoot forward and embedded itself into Damians brain through his nose which granted him free reign to add his own power into him as well as his request.

Damian fell asleep as he faintly heard 3 words { Welcome Mr Locke }