
My Friend the Hunter

“What do you want?!” I yelled out, my brows furrowed in an uncomfortable position. “I want to be your friend.” The darkness responded. A slight rasp adding an eerie tone to the faceless voice. I felt myself grow uncomfortable as I stood in the caves dark center. My senses were on high alert as goosebumps raised upon my skin. “Why would I want to be your friend?” I asked. Nothing responded. I let out the breath I was holding and figured it was time to get out of this creepy place, but before I could turn and leave a somber voice echoed out. “Because I’m the last of my kind as well.” —— Maya is the last elf. Ever since a disease killed off her brethren, she was faced to navigate the world alone. However, when she stumbles upon an unknown figure, the stakes are raised and her world is about to change once again. WILL BE POSTED ON RoyalToad.com

Ayam_Bertal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Who are you?


I swiftly ran across the trees pant-less. The wind whipped around my legs as I glided through the forest. Figuring I had gained enough distance from my perpetrator, I crouched down on a branch to catch my breath.

I growled in annoyance as I looked at tiny scrapes making their way up my leg. If I had not been careless, I would not be in this situation. Twisting my neck side to side, I heard a satisfying crunch be emitted. I let out a sigh of relief and scanned the area from my elevated perch.

Focusing on my hands, I muttered out a surveillance spell. I watched as a flashing signal erupted not too far behind me. Whatever she was, she was able to keep track of me. I furrowed my brows in annoyance. She lacked speed, but seemed to catch on to my magical aura. Sighing, I picked myself up from my crouched position and pushed forward. Even with her tracking abilities, she would never be able to catch up.

As I continued further inside the tree-line, I spotted a flash of blue. I stopped and jumped down by a river. Carefully, I stepped in and quickly scrubbed down my cloak and body. This should throw her off my trail. With one last thorough scrub, I stepped out of the water and back into the trees. I shivered as the water clung and cooled my skin. This is what I get for not being cautious.


I was heaving and sweating, running was not one of my favorite hobbies. Eventually, I arrived at a dead end. A river ran in front of me and the magical trail seemed to stop at its edge. I could not help as a groan of irritation escaped my mouth. Whatever that thing was used the river to their advantage.

Frustrated and tired, I lowered myself to the ground. The pants were held loosely within my grasp as my heavy breathing began evening out. Whoever that was held a good amount of magic. A twinge of jealousy racked through myself as I berated my own abilities. If I were able to use magic I would have been able to catch up.

Trying to lighten my mood, I switched my train of thought. I racked my brain to what the figure could have been. It could have been a warlock or witch. They were magic users and often wore some kind of cloak. However, why would they have run away? Our peoples were and still are allied, as far as I knew. Lost in thought, I did not notice how my grip tightened on the pants. Even if this figure had gotten away, I had a feeling that we would be seeing each other again soon.

I came out of thinking and loosened my death grip on the pants. The soft grass against my back lulling away my worries. I gently smiled and closed my eyes, trying to forget the whole chase.

Relaxing into the ground I let out a yawn and stretched into a more comfortable position. The sound of rushing water created a tuneless song that blessed my ears.

Slightly cracking my eyes open, I looked up at the sky. The sun stared back at me and I squeezed my eyes back shut. It was midday. Cursing my stupidity for looking into the sun, I laid still. Normally, I would not let myself doze off in the middle of the forest. However, I was tired and irritated. I just needed to get my energy back and I would head back to my makeshift house. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.


Darkness surrounded me.

"Hello?" I called out. Silence was all that responded. Then, I heard a sweet song drifting through the dark abyss. It was captivating. I tried walking towards the melody, but I was frozen in place. The voice rang out a sorrowful tune in a language I could not understand. Suddenly, a bright light shun down and I winced. Blinking a couple of times to adjust my eyes, I looked up to see a girl. Her bottom half consisted of a fish-like tail. Suddenly, it clicked. She was a siren.

She looked towards me and gave me a warm smile. Her wavy brown hair cascaded down her back and her gray tail shimmered beneath the light. As I admired her, another voice began speaking. However, it was too far off to make out. I watched as she started to have a worried look. She began rapidly waving her hand, making a "go away" motion. I tried moving, but I was still stuck. Shrugging, I looked at her with a defeat. As she disappeared I did not miss the pitied look she sent my way. I tensed as another figure took her place.

A human appeared, I think? He had black hair that was styled in a crazed sort-of-way. He was tall. Everything is tall to an elf, but he seemed abnormally so. A cloak was around his shoulders and something about him lent me an uneasy feeling. I studied his cloak and thought to the figure I saw in the forest. The cloak in the forest held a blue hue, while this cloak was a deep red.

I looked into the man's eyes and he looked back into mine. Then, I sensed it. His magical aura was unmistakeable. It was overpowering and I could not help the scrunching of my nose as it invaded my senses. This human was a warlock. That is when I realized why the siren had appeared. To enter someone's dream, not only did you need a high understanding of magic, but you needed a sirens song.

"What do you want?" I questioned nervously. He kept his eyes on mine and I looked away. The prolonged eye contact making me uncomfortable.

"Can you sense it?" He asked. I looked at him with confusion, racking my brain for what he was referring to.

"If you're referring to your magic, yes I can sense it." I responded.

I watched as he walked closer to me. My heart began beating rapidly as I tried willing my body to move. He approached and knelt down to my height. I felt an overwhelming urge to run, but I could not. Tears pricked my eyes as I became frustrated at my body not responding to my will. His hand lifted and I felt his fingers brush against my cheek. A shiver rattled through my spine as I tensed. He brushed his hand down my cheek and dropped it on my shoulder. My heart felt ready to burst as he leaned forward.

"That's not what I was referring to." He huffed against my ear. Warm breath cascaded down my face and I let out a shudder.

"I… I don't know what you mean." I responded and he dropped his head into the crook of my neck. My senses were on high alert at this point. Butterflies were doing flips within my belly and all I wanted to do was escape.

Suddenly, a soft, wet feeling was placed upon my shoulder. Before I could linger to what it was, my body came back to me. I pushed the warlock away and started backing up. However, my feet tripped over one another and I fell onto my butt. Trying to scrambling up I was stopped by a heavy weight. Pushing against it, I tried wriggling my way out, but hands grasped my wrists and held them to the floor. All I could do was screw my eyes shut as I was held captive in this warlocks grasp.

"Can you sense it?" He asked again and I grew agitated.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I spat back at him. Forcing myself to glare into his eyes, I saw a fleeing emotion flash through them.

He stayed looking at my face, seemingly searching for something. I studied his face in return and noticed a faint scar running across his nose. A faint murmur escape his lips as he moved both of my wrists into his left hand. I stayed still with confusion evident across my features. Then, I felt his right hand move it's way down my body. A light caress cascaded down my torso as he stopped at my hip. My breathing hitched as my eyes widened in horror. What was he doing? After a few moments caressing my hip, he continued moving his arm down and stopped at my ankle.

The murmur became louder as he began chanting something. I laid quietly, hoping whatever was happening would be over soon. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my ankle and I jerked in his grasp. His hold on my wrists tightened as I tried to get away from the pain. Soon, his murmurs stopped and he brought his hand away from my ankle. A constant throb emitted from the area he had touched and my breathing was ragged as I tried getting rid of the pain.

"I'm sorry." He said, draping his body over mine. I was too out of it to respond. The throbbing of my ankle making me wince every so often. I wanted to reach down and soothe the pain, but he firmly held my wrists above my head. I felt as his forehead dropped to mine and I opened my eyes to look into his. His eyes had changed color. I felt as a growl reverberated through his chest and I shut my eyes in response. Again, I felt a soft, wet feeling being placed upon my shoulder and I shivered in response.

"Don't worry, I'll find you. I have to find you. And when I do, you're mine."


I jolted up terrified. The sun had moved further down west and was almost gone from the horizon. I rubbed my eyes awake and let out a nervous laugh. That was just a dream. It was just a messed up dream. As I tried pulling myself together, a flash of pain shot up from my right ankle.

I looked down in mortification. My ankle was covered by my pant leg and I was hesitant to lift it up. With a shaky hand, I forced myself to lift the fabric covering my right ankle. A purple colored heart was revealed. I touched it and expected pain, but nothing happened as I gently prodded at it. Looking at the river which raced beside me, I lifted my pant leg higher and dropped my ankle into the water. I scrubbed at the mark, but it stayed out. No matter how hard I tried, it remained stuck in my ankle. I pulled my foot out of the cool water and sagged in defeat. Whatever this was, I guess I would have to deal with it. I sent one last look towards the mark before covering my ankle back up. Standing up was no easy task. With this new pain in my ankle and from the events of earlier, my body was in heaps of soreness. Using a lot of effort, I lifted myself onto my legs and began walking back towards my home.

Walking at a steady pace, I noticed the silence which surrounded the forest. No birds or squirrels. Nothing seemed to be chittering about. I picked up my pace wanting to get this day over with. Something was not right, but I was not in the mood to find out what it was. Speed walking, with a slight limp, I hoped whatever was happening was just my own paranoia.

I stilled as I felt eyes staring at me and swiftly turned around. There was a troll. This day could not have possibly gotten any worse. An elves worst enemy stood right before me, glaring at me with its beady eyes. I was annoyed. Annoyed at the day and annoyed at my luck. Before I pulled out a blade from my belt, I noticed a deep red gash across the trolls chest. It bled from a scar slashed from its left shoulder to right hip. I looked back to it with pity. It then began slowly limping towards me. I tensed and clutched my knife, ready to pull it out. The troll looked to my hand and back into my eyes. It began opening its mouth to speak, but before it said anything, it fell.

I was at a loss. A troll, an elves worst enemy, laid seemingly lifeless in front of me. Yet, the very slight rise and fall of its chest showed it was still clinging to life. The troll was large and had greenish skin. I looked towards its right shoulder and sure enough there was a number. '54' presented itself across the trolls shoulder. I grumbled in debate. This troll had few days left, but I could not just leave it here to die.

I sized the troll up. Dragging the troll was out of the question. My house was still a mile away and the sun was close to setting. Also, I would consider myself strong, but carrying a troll five times my size was a little much. The sun casted a faint glow as the moon began taking its place. Feeling around my belt I felt the familiar bottle of healing salve. Taking it out, I placed some of the salve on my fingers. Cautiously, I approached the troll and leaned over its slowly rising chest. I rubbed the salve up and down along the scar. The scar was starting to heal over as I lifted my hands up. This healing salve worked wonders and it was the last bottle I had left. I only ever used it when I was in dire need. However, I could not let a being die under my watch. Even if it was troll.

Placing the cap back on the bottle, I eyed the depleting substance. The troll remained on the ground and I silently kept watch over it. Sunlight disappeared passed the horizon as the night took over. The steady rise and fall of the trolls chest remained as the cool wisps of the nights wind passed over my body.

I needed to get home, but I could not let this troll stay exposed and defenseless. It felt wrong. I stayed perched beside the troll on high alert for any danger. Noticing the trolls features change into a wince, I placed my hand on its forehead. The troll was burning up. Standing, I headed to see if there was any mud beside the trees. As I headed off, I heard movement behind me. My heart sped up as I tried to turn, but I was held in place. I felt two large arms squeeze me tightly and I was lifted from the ground.

This is what I get for being nice. This is what I get for helping a troll. I could feel hot, nasty breath on my neck and my breathing becoming rasps as the troll squeezed me harder.

"Hello lil' half-elf." It chuckled. "I'm in your debt." Before I could respond, the squeeze that encompassed me intensified and I passed out within the trolls arms.

I awoke to the smell of mushrooms, my stomach churned as I tried to move. Chains attached me to a wall. Frantically, I scanned my surroundings. I was in a small hut. A rug lined the floor and a simple door sat to the right of me. The smell of food made my mouth water.

As I looked at the ground, I noticed my healing salve pressed inside my belt. The memories from before came rushing back. I groaned and knocked my head against the wall behind me.

"I'm so stupid." I told myself. After a couple of moments reprimanding myself, I noticed the purple mark on my ankle. It was glowing. A faint glow pulsated around it and I glared at it with contempt.

A loud noise startled me out of my gaze. I turned towards the door and watched as the troll had I saved made an entrance. They held a small bowl in their hands and my stomach growled at the thought of food. I grew embarrassed as my stomach began a series of unflattering noises.

"I saved your life." I told the troll. My face twisted in anger. "That was obviously a mistake."

The troll shrugged in response. I scowled with irritation. Bringing the soup to my face, the troll squeezed open my cheeks as they poured it into my mouth. I could not help but to swallow as it made its way into my mouth. I moaned as the soothing soup made its way down my throat. The troll grumbled in approval and brought the bowl back down.

"You trying to fatten me up and eat me?" I asked. The troll scoffed and let out a small sigh.

"Ok yeah, I know your chained up and I almost squeezed you to death, but that was all for a good reason." The troll responded. I rolled my eyes and looked at the troll accusingly.

"And what would that reason be?" I questioned mockingly. The troll rolled its eyes and looked down to the mark on my ankle.

"I put a barrier around that mark of yours." The troll said looking back up to me. I looked at the troll in bewilderment.

"Why was that necessary?" I guffawed and watched as the trolls eyebrows raised slightly.

"Do you not know what that mark means?" The troll inquired and I just stared in confusion.

"Well, now it makes sense." The troll responded with a shake of their head.

"What makes sense?!"

"Your predicament." I was about to speak again when the troll cut me off. "The mark on your ankle is a soul bond. It is when soulmates come together to form a forever pact with one another. Whoever gave you this mark is your soulmate and they obviously didn't warn you about the marks side effects."

I stood limply in the chains dumbstruck. That man from my dream was what? My soulmate? No. This had to be a joke. I laughed maniacally and the troll gave me a strange look.

"You're joking right? A soulmate? Soulmates are only in fairytales." I responded. The troll looked me up and down and then rubbed their temples.

"Look, whoever gave you this mark is stupid. Especially since you were obviously unaware of its meaning. Where are they anyway?" The troll asked. I tensed and bit my lip as a small comfort while receiving this information.

"He met me in a dream." I replied. The troll froze and looked at me in shock.

"You've never seen him face to face?"


I looked on nervously as the troll quickly dropped to my ankle.

"Whoever did this to you has a death wish." The troll murmured as I felt a push of magic surround my ankle. I watched the troll place a stronger barrier around the mark and I hung in trepidation.

"Why is that?" I inquired, not sure if I wanted the answer.

"If you hadn't come across me, you and him would be dead in two days. Once soul bonds are formed, physical contact is needed at least once every three days. However, with this barrier over your mark, I prolonged your death date for at least another month. Now, I could get rid of the mark since it seems you haven't completed the bond, but…"

"Yes!" I blurted out. The troll stopped and eyed me up and down. "Please, could you get rid of the mark?" I inquired.

"Yes, but it'll take me a week." I slumped at the trolls response and pulled at the chains.

"Why am I in chains?" I questioned accusingly.

"I needed you restrained while I took care of your ankle. I didn't have anything else to keep you from squirming." The troll replied matter of fact. I looked at the troll expectantly and they stared back. "Oh, you want me to take them off?"

"Yes, I want you to take them off!"

I watched in agitation as the troll slowly fished out keys from their pocket. Short grumbles escaped from under my breath as I looked at the troll taking its time walking over to my chains. I heard a cling and my arms dropped. Rotating my wrists, I massaged the sore flesh and silently nodded my thanks.

"Anyways, I wanted to thank you for saving my life back in the woods." I heard the troll hesitantly say.

"Your welcome." I responded. Looking down at my feet I nervously muttered back, "thank you for taking care of the mark."

The troll huffed out a welcome and I looked back up to meet their gaze.

"By the way,the names Tobi." The troll mentioned holding out their hand.

"Maya." I stated back, taking Tobi's hand and shaking it.

Who would have thought. An elf and a troll getting along.
