
My friend Mirror

shadow_foxking · Horror
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2 Chs

Bye bye daddy

Hi I'm Zane and I'm 10 years old, we just moved to a new house. My mom and dad we're taking out a few things when I saw a mirror, it was pretty. It was one of those mirrors that you didn't have to hang on a wall, it had pretty red flowers on it and some butterflies.

I wonder how do the butterflies feel sitting there, with nowhere to go, and they just stay like there dead.....just like my sissy. But at least I don't think they're dead since butterflies aren't shiny just colorful.

"Mom, can I keep the mirror"

"Sure honey, dad and I will bring it to your room"


It was time for dinner, mom and dad sat beside me but they were busy talking about how they were going to get my sister back even though she's dead. "honey eat your food and for the love of god stop playing with it"

"But it's gross"

" just eat your damn food or so help I'll-"

"I'll be grounded"

her eyebrows tilted to make a sad expression, she looked away and quietly said "go to your room Zane". that's all she wanted, to be alone, to be sad, to be yelled at, dad always yells at her and she doesn't want me to see....maybe she just wants to protect me.


I hate being grounded it's boring, I'm in here for at least 3 days, but now I have a cool mirror. I like to play games, I pretend mirrors are TVs and I'm the star of the show, acting, singing, and even dancing.

I was just pretending to be a prince saving a princess when I heard someone "wait.....don't kill the dragon, it's cute and what if has a family or friends did you think about that?" I looked around but I saw nothing.

"I'm over here"

I looked at the mirror and saw the shadow of a girl, "uhhh....hi, I'm Zane"

"I'm....well I guess you can call me mirror"(yes I am aware that that's a silly name but I'm not that creative) "can I play with you"

"Sure but how are you goin-"

And just like that she came out of the mirror.


We had fun for hours, she's scared of my nightlight so we slept while cuddling. But in the morning she was gone, I guess she went back to the mirror, were friends now. But I'm still grounded so I can't leave. I slowly walk up to the door when I hear glass shatter...mom and dad were fighting again.

"I'm sick and tired of that boy, he never sleeps, he kept me up all night because of that stupid laughter"

"Calm down Evan he's just a kid"

"Oh so it's Evan now, how about I call Ella"

"Evan please"

"Move I'm going to give that kid a piece of my mind"

"Evan stop don't do this"



I heard him coming so i started to step away from the door, I saw mirror coming out again, I was scared *boom* my dad kicked the door down.


I froze not knowing what to do I stepped forward, he slowly raised his hand.


He moved his hand down with the full intention on making me fall, I closed my eyes and *thud*.....nothing I open my eyes and saw my dad's head missing and mirror covered in blood. I started crying as mirror left, why did it hurt...it feels like the pain I felt on my sister's death, it hurts more that a slap to the face.


All I could say at his funeral was "bye bye daddy", I should be happy but I'm not, I'm crying so much that it hurts. But I'm not happy or sad, I'm angry, I'm angry that he's gone and never said sorry about what he did, I'm angry that I never had the courage to tell him that he was wrong, I'm angry because my new friend just killed him.

Me and my mom walked back to the car slowly, she seemed happy but sad too, *click* I looked at the car mirror and saw her, she was watching me. Even though I can't see her face it feels like she's smiling, but that won't change the fact she did this she killed him.

But people don't see what I see, they think he had a heart attack they act like his head isn't missing, but I can. I hate this, why can't people see what I see it's so annoying.

*click* I walked to the door knowing that my new friend was waiting but now I'm going to give her a piece of my mind.

"Hey Zane I missed you"


" are you mad at me"


"Please talk I'm sorry"

" well sorry isn't going to justify the fact you killed my dad, what is your problem I let you into my life and you kill my dad"

"I- well he-he was going to hurt you and I just wanted to protect you and I was hungry"

" just leave me alone"


"Go right now"