
My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game

So I've been playing this shitty dating game along with my friend. Why is it shitty? Well, none of the damn endings are happy! You're destined to get a sad ending no matter what choices you make. But for some reason, we couldn't stop ourselves from talking about it or searching for some other ending. Ah... but I guess it doesn't matter since both of us died saving some random people we never met. ...Wait, why did I reincarnate into the villain of the shitty dating game? And my friend reincarnated as the hero? Is this... a good thing? Fuck, Nathan why are you beating yourself up? We need to make a real plan here!

Disgrace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
254 Chs


Hearing Jess's voice made me think that this was rather convenient. After all, the person that was technically my half-dying father got me to pass a message along to Jess with his letter.

I would've preferred if he just sent another letter to Jess, but I guess that might've been a bit much to ask since it wasn't exactly easy for him to send the first one. It definitely was still his fault for not being concise in the letter, but still.

I intended on turning to Jess and telling her just that, but in the process of doing so, I suddenly froze, head partway turned and lips halfway open.

And it wasn't out of my own volition.

My grip on the paper had increased several times over, crumpling it up a bit. After a little while, I realized what was happening.

'Since when have you been awake, Bryson?'

It was the actual Bryson taking over control somehow. For some reason, while he was normally unable to take control, having extremely strong emotions seemed to increase his presence.