


Fiza's POV:

/"D- Don't come any closer./" I warned him.

Stop stuttering idiot..!

/"And what if I come?/" His eyes shone with a mischievous glint.

/"I am warning you?/" I raised my index finger to him.

/"Warning your husband?... well that's not very nice./" He said placing both hands on walls either sides of me.

/"W-what are you doing?/" I panicked and lower my head as his body hovers mine.

/"Taking a closer look at my ugly wife. Maybe I could find something that holds my interest and entertains me the time I spend with you./"

How mean!

Fine, I am not pretty but that didn't mean someone can call me ugly. My fist clenched and the next moment I hit my head on his devilishly handsome face with full force. He stumbled back holding his nose.

/"What the hell? Are you really a madwoman?/" He yelled in pain.

Poor him... it must hurt badly!

/"This is not madness dear hubby. It is called self-defence./"