
My Former

Standing at the bus stop, Eli was watching rain falling on the ground. How beautiful isn't it to see the cloud is sacrificing herself and pouring down continuously! The rain always creates a new world of fantasy for Eli since her childhood, it makes her lost all track of time and enjoy the time to see the rain as if somebody kept the tap open in heaven. But today she was not happy as usual; the rain reminded her of series of incidents. Unknowingly, alike the cloud, her eyes also released all its pain in form of tears. She stepped out of the bus stop and let the raindrops drench her and wash all her pains which she had been hiding for months.

After two hours she came home and directly made her way to her room to freshen up. After wearing a comfy dress, she rested her head on the head board and was staring at the ceiling when two drops of tears made their way. Her life has been really miserable, at first, her mother died when she was 6 years, but her father brought her up really well. He gave Eli all his love- the love of both the parents. However, she still felt the absence of her mother; her love, care warmth embrace and specially the motherly smell. But luck had devised something else for her, her father died two years ago in a road accident. She was left all alone in this wicked world, all alone to love and care about herself. Her apartment which was used to be her sweet home with all love and care of family was now just a structure. Her boss who became like her father-figure insisted her to marry his son for her good only but that marriage was a big FAILURE. Eli's boss wanted to give love and care to both Eli and his son, since alike Eli, his son, Jake also lost his mother at a very young age. He thought that they both need a support, assistance and most importantly love and care which they had been looking for, but though the plan was good it led them to suffer more.

After Mr Pratt's (Eli's boss) retirement, Jake succeeded him as an heir to the Pratt industries. Due to lack of love, Jake has always been cold person, never really felt for anyone. His only soft corner was for his father and that's why he had agreed to this arrange marriage. After the marriage, nothing really changed, instead of behaving like a couple, they behaved more like housemates. Their only connection was they were under the same roof, not even same room and they were inhaling the same air available in the house.

There were set of rules and regulations that both of them had to agree. For them the marriage was more like a deal, a contract. For instance, according to the set of decorum, Eli had to make breakfast and dinner for all the working days and Jake had to cook for the weekends. The duty of Laundry changed alternatively every month. Washing of dishes, cleaning of rooms and other house chores were the maid's duty. The thing that first hurt Eli was that, their first night of their wedding. The hurtful words of Jake stabbed directly into her already injured heart. Those words, 'I only married you only for my father, so you don't have to behave like my wife when you are with me, it is just a forced wedding for me. Just pretend to be my wife in parties, meetings- in public, they should not doubt about our true relationship. So don't expect anything from me, I hope, I made myself very clear.' Jake intentionally never wanted to hurt Eli, he just wanted to comfort her by telling that he don't have to pretend like a wife since he know it was a forced marriage for her too. It's true, that it was not easy for Jake to love someone or to open up to someone in the first place, the door of his heart was closed for long and it needed a lot more nourishment, mobilization to get him back to his original self. Jake wanted to give a chance to their relationship but dealing with contracts and confessing to someone needs different level of confidence. Instead of coming closer they parted ways to give each other spaces. But little did they know that the spaces were leading to unbridgeable gaps between their relationship. They cared for each other but did not dare to show that in fear of getting hurt and rejections. Eli, after their first night did not even smile at him, because each time she wanted to let go off her feelings and emotions, those painful words of Jake echoed in her ears which ultimately stopped her.

These small misunderstandings, lack of confidence for confessing to one other, ego, and Jake's cold personality ended up in their divorce. It has been two years they were separated and Eli resigned from their office as she was the secretary of the CEO and after Mr Pratt, Eli had to serve as Jake's secretary which was not possible for Eli after their divorce. Even though they did not have any contact, both kept information about each other's welfare. These two years after her separation were not easy for her since she had adapted herself to being with someone even if that person never cared about her. She again had to embrace loneliness which disappeared when Mr Pratt was there for her, moreover she had no shame or guilt to admit that Jake also became like her habit. In the meantime many changes took place; she heard that Jake was seen with a girl at hotels, Mr Pratt died due to a massive cardiac arrest. [The Pratt industry was a very famous industry and one of the richest in whole U.S, so it was quite natural for Eli to get their information since they were all over the weekly business magazines]. Jake remained same after their separation, he remained same cold, heartless, emotionless and workaholic person but...… even in that stony waste, a small sapling managed to grow. For Jake, Eli was not only a habit but something else to which he really can't explain. Jake could bet that he never felt that strange feeling for any one, since it was brand new for him he was not sure whether it was liking or just habit that he was bearing in his heart for Eli. The indirect care Eli took of Jake reminded him about his late mother and that was it for Jake. He insisted himself not to love her since he really wanted to let Eli go as he thought that she ,a exovert fun-loving charming girl can never fall for a heartless, emotionless man like him. Truly Jake was an over thinker.

Eli joined in a less popular company to help them to be in the top ranks since she was a top student back in her college days and she really was an expert. Let me make myself very clear, Eli did not have any feeling for Jake, he was just like an habit as stated earlier but little did she know that Steve, who was the boss under whom Eli was working liked her more than a friend. To be honest, Eli too liked Steve as he was always focused on his business, even if they face loss, he never blamed anyone and never let anyone have the negative vibes, moreover he was not an workaholic like Jake. He knew how to spend time with his friends and relatives. Steve was introvert too but that didn't play a role of a hindrance between their relationship. Steve always tried to make Eli laugh when she was down, listened to her, spend time with her, which made her heart flutter and beat for him. For the first time Eli felt something different- the feeling of love, the essence of love from a person you adore. It was Valentine's Day eve, everywhere was lavishly decorated with red heart shaped balloons, rose petals, and smell of chocolates mingled with that of roses and made the whole atmosphere of New York more romantic. Romantic songs were all over, which were soothing, how badly Eli wanted to feel her loved one's hand on her waist, pulling her closer, without leaving any gap, how she wished to drown in those eyes while dancing in those songs. Eli's lips curved a small shy grin thinking about the moment. Everywhere you look there were love birds from age 8 to 80. Undoubtedly age is just a number to love and to be loved by someone. However little did she know that Steve had arranged a romantic dinner date for her in the backyard of his house, as he thought of asking her hand in marriage.

Steve brought Eli to his house by holding her hand for first time since she was blindfolded. Eli completely trusted Steve and so she did not even feel uncomfortable to go somewhere with her eyes closed. Steve made her sit on the chair and opened her blindfold. 'Wow! It's amazing sir, how did you plan so much?' Eli's jaw dropped while looking at the small yet romantic dinner date that Steve had planned. Steve was that one person who made her feel special after her father's death. Her eyes were glossy and she could not believe whether everything around her was dream or reality. She came back from her thoughts when Steve held her hands and there was a different warmth in those hands. Yes, Steve never even held her hands before as he respected Eli's discomfort when anyone specially a man hold her hand or touch her. 'May I , miss Eli? With your consent I proceed. And don't call me sir when we are not in the office, outside office you're not my employee.' Steve slowly caressed her hand and Eli shyly nodded as an YES to Steve's proposal. 'Thank you Eli for giving me a new chance to live in this world, for being there with me whenever I am down, to make me stronger and for bringing colours in my black & white life. You are both my strength and weakness, being with you, I found myself and lost too at the same time. Today, let the world know that MISS ELI REYNOLDS IS THE CAUSE OF MY EUPHORIA.' The sudden confession left dancing butterflies in Eli's stomach, never in her thousand dreams she ever thought that the person she loved would love her back and would arrange something so special for her. She immediately hugged Steve and cried her heart out on his shoulder. Steve did not stop her from crying, he wanted her to let go off all her pains that he has been hiding from the rest of the world in form of tears. It was a new start for them, so why would she keep all those pains of her past? Steve only ran his fingers through her open hairs which were being played by the wind and kept silence for some minutes.

' si- Steve , you know I am divorcee, so still you want to be with me and spend the rest of your life with me?' Eli said while still sobbing in Steve's embrace and gradually backing off.

'Stay like this, Eli, it's not a sin to be a divorcee, it's natural to like or not like someone, so don't stress over it. May be you were not meant for each other. Moreover you know that I am an widower, it was hard for me to move on from Emma ( Steve's late wife). However I got you, I love you maybe not more than Emma, but surely not less than her. I hope you understand that emma was my first love and first love always have a different place in our heart, I hope you don't mind me.'

'Not at all Steve, I know, but you are my first love and hope so my last. I want to grow old through ups and downs of life, holding your hands and depending on your shoulder. I love you too.' She looked up at the sky and said in her mind, 'Thank you Emma, for this amazing gift you left behind for me, I will try to protect him no matter what.' Her lips curved a smile and she once again hugged Steve and they shared a kiss full of passion and love, they hold for each other.


Eli and Steve had been dating for 1 year now, both of them are happy with each other even through pain, provocation and arguments. Eli has already agreed to marry Steve and it was their marriage. Both of them were orphan because in the accident in which Eli's father lost his life, in the same accident Steve lost his wife, Emma and his parents who were going to him to his office, so one of their senior co-worker volunteered to lead Eli through the aisle and hand her to the love of her life, Steve. Eli was looking at the mirror and was looking at her reflection to check whether everything is perfect or not, from make-up to hair, from dress to ornaments. However she was not feeling good inside her heart, her mind was casting a gloom of unknown fear, which she cannot ignore. She was having a pessimistic feeling that something wrong was going to take place that day. Steve was very much excited to marry Eli as she once again light him up inside after Emma. He was driving his car and thinking about Eli when BANG ! ...............….

'Somebody call the ambulance.' 'Anyone has water?' 'Is it Mr Steve Park? Ouu so sad he has his wedding today and he had an accident?' Yes, Steve had an accident and his car is completely damaged, but Steve's heart was still beating. Beating only for Eli so that he could tell her how much he loved her, and also to say sorry for breaking the promise to be together with her forever. Meanwhile, Eli was feeling uncomfortable, anxious and nervous since Steve was not attending her calls and most importantly he was late which was quiet unusual for a punctual and responsible person like Steve. 'Ma'am ! I am sorry to inform you that …that si-sir had an accident and he is admitted to the hospital.' , a junior colleague informed Eli only to make her fall on her knees and made her heart stop for a second, she was shocked completely zoned out and was just looking blankly at the colleague. The colleague helped Eli to stand up and face the tragedy and took her to the hospital as fast as she could.


Eli waited in front of the operation theatre, eagerly waiting for the doctors to come out and say something about his health. It has already been an hour or more but no response from the OT. Eli lost all track of time and was sitting there like a statue without crying, talking not even praying. After few minutes, the doctors came out, but their expressions were illegible. Their head were hanging low and they were not getting words to comment about Steve. One of the employees asked one of the doctors about the operation and he just nodded in negative. 'We are extremely sorry to inform you that we couldn't save Mr park, his heart is beating but he will not make it after an hour, so anybody who wants to meet him can meet now, we are very sorry for your loss, he had already lost a great amount of blood before coming here and suffered internal injuries and now it is leading to multi-organ failure so we couldn't do anything even though we tried our best.' Without any response, Eli entered the OT, without the doctor's permission and burst into tears. 'LIAR, YOU ARE AN LIAR *sob* YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, *sob* HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT YOU? YOU ARE SELFISH, I HATE YOU MR STEVE PARK, I HATE YOUUUUUU.' Eli fell on the floor and was crying bitterly she can't digest the fact that the person with whom she was going to get marry just lost his life in front of her eyes. 'Why god, why? Why you have to take everything from me, first my parents and then Steve, the only one I had in my life?' In the meantime, Steve got his senses after that he was shifted to ICU. 'Eli I am sorry to leave you , to break your promise of never leaving your side but I had no way, our way parts from here, from today. Our path is till here, goodbye my love, get someone who can love you more than I could take care of you more than I took, respect you, value you and will never leave you as I am doing, once again I am sorry Eli.' Deep sigh and the lifeline went straight. The tear which Eli was holding for the time being made its way through her rosy cheek and she hid her face in Steve's neck, hugging him as there was no tomorrow. Truly, there is no tomorrow for THEM, not for Steve, only for Eli. The scene was more pathetic than tragic ending movies. Employees came and parted them. The soon to be bride of Mr Steve Park, miss Eli, who was wearing a beautiful white grown-all ready to start a new chapter of her life with the person to whom she owe the most in terms of love was now changed herself in a black outfit to go in his funeral. The scene was too tragic to be explained, Eli was not crying anymore, she convinced herself that Steve is at better place now with his first love, Emma who surely can love him like she did and care him and will protect him, which she could not. Her heart was not only broken but badly injured and it will take time for her to get back to her original fun loving form. Eli only smiled once last time seeing Steve in the suit which they both chose for their wedding, laying inside the coffin. No doubt after death, Steve looked more handsome as if some angel showered him with infinity beauty. Eli captured the last glance of his fiancé before they closed the coffin and buried him. A tear drop cascaded and she left the place smiling once more looking at the grave on which the epitaph,

'Mr Steve Park


Hope you will be happy there with Emma' was written.


Eli came to earth when her stomach growled and reminded her that she did not eat since afternoon, due to lot of pressure in her office. Yes, she works in Steve's office and handle it like Steve used to. Though she was not the CEO of the office, but she used to fulfil all the obligations and responsibilities of a chief executive officer. In these months after Steve left her, she always felt the presence of him all around her, through breeze, rain drops or maybe just through pictures or photos, even falling of a leaf reminded Eli of Steve, as he also fell like a star from her milky way. She came out of her apartment and made her way towards a nearby restaurant to treat herself a dinner after successfully handling a troublesome client and convincing them to invest in their company. Really it was terribly exhausting day for her. Eli entered into that restaurant after exactly 8 months, because last when she came here, Steve was there with her and they met here to go for shopping. Her eyes suddenly became glossy remembering those moments she spend with Steve but she quickly hid those. She ordered her menu and was scrolling through her phone when a news caught her attention and her eyes widened in shock. The headline of the news read 'PRATT INDUSTRIES DECLARED THEMSELVES AS BANKRUPT AND THE AUCTION EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY.' Eli could not believe her eyes what she saw, the top most industry declared themselves as bankrupt? How is it possible, Jake was an expert and he was awarded the CEO of the year just a year back and now it all ruined, there must be something which made the once glorious industry shatter into pieces like house of cards. She was busy thinking when the singer of the restaurant said that that was the last song for the day which indirectly indicates all the customers to leave. 'Can I call you baby? Can you be my friend? Can you be my lover up till the very end?.........' Eli left the place for her house after paying her bills.

Next morning as usual she headed off for her office and was busy when few of her employees' conversation grabbed her attention it was about Pratt industries. They were comparing the industries to the mighty Titanic ship. Eli immediately made her way to her room and called her secretary to include her name as a candidate for the auction of the Pratt industries. 'It was Mr Pratt's dream, I can't just let it go like that, I have to save it no matter what and how much it costs.' Saying this Eli drowned herself in her work. The day was Wednesday and Eli was all ready to buy the industry at any cost. 'Starting from 2000 crore!' it started and the last price was 4000 crore which was obviously stated by Eli and she won the auction, Pratt industries now merged with Park industries. Eli's eyes were roaming around was looking for someone's presence. Yes she was looking for Jake but he was nowhere to be seen. She asked one of the old employees about Jake because she did not know the rest as they were all newly hired. He said that Jake was not in the proper state to face anyone especially the media, so he hid himself somewhere, far away from the hustle-bustle of life. Eli sighed and asked for his location though initially he did not want to but after much request he did as he knew her very well.

On that day, Eli reached the place which was in the outskirts of New York without her personal car and her secretary. She rang the bell twice, even knocked at the door but got no response so she peeped through the half-opened window to see Jake, sleeping half on the couch and half on the floor. Seeing that sight Eli's heart clenched, after all the one who took birth with silver spoon in his mouth, is now sleeping uncomfortably on a small couch in an old house. Eli dialled Jake's number and waited for him to answer. He answered without seeing the caller Id and started saying, 'Now at least give me peace! I want to live now stop bothering me, I lost everything for you, now go out from my already messed up life.' He declined the call before Eli's reply. So she started to knock at the door roughly and Jake finally opened it and was shocked. 'Hey! Long time no see? How are you? Come inside please.' Eli went inside and made her comfortable on the couch and look straight into Jake's light brown doe eyes. 'What happened Jake? How all it happened? This company, just collapsed? How? I just can't believe it, you were such a hard working CEO, then why ....' Before she could complete Jake broke down into tears. 'Eli, I messed up, I lost everything in my life, I am left with nothing now, I am just a trash now, I am just a failure, as a son as a husband as a good CEO and as everything...…' Eli couldn't understand what she should do , so she just patted his shoulder to calm him down but his next action made her froze. He HUGGED her for the first time. But Eli did not return it back instead pushed him slightly, because she was really feeling awkward due to his sudden action. Jake realized that he has crossed his limits so he pulled away and shift his gaze towards his fingers. There was pin drop silence in the room. 'Jake I think, I can help you out with your professional glitches since I am the one who bought your company, so we are partners now.' She smiled a bit before extending her hand for a handshake. After the handshake they were discussing about their company how would they start all over again. It was a month and Jake became the unofficial CEO of the park industries and Eli being his assistant. They became the hot sensation of the social media with uncountable hashtags, posts saying that the BUSINESS TYCOON 'THE PRATT COUPLES' ARE BACK. They thought that they got back together after Eli bought their company, but the real fact was that they were just business partners and after Jake retrieve all his lost merchandize they would work as separate companies as before. Till then, Jake have to depend on Eli.

These months were too tiring for both of them; it was not easy for both of them to recover a company to its glorious form which was running in huge losses and high debts. They had to work extra time, had to put 200% more effort, countless sleepless nights, stress, weakness, projects and so on and so forth but they did not choose to quit or to abandon it. Eli had to handle two companies at the same time, the park industries was a successful one , so they used to utilize the profit as their resource of money for the Pratt industries. This was how they were carrying out. They were undoubtedly worn out but their willpower was undeterred. After two-three months, their struggle, hard work started showing some results which were their hopes in darkness. Everything started working smoothly, Jake's anger issues decreased a bit, but majority remained the same, Eli had no way but to co-operate with those.

One fine evening, Eli was zoned out for some reasons; her mind was completely occupied with memories of her parents, Mr Pratt and mostly of Steve. She was still in the process of moving on from Steve but the more she try to ignore his memories, the more she fall for him. In these months, due to tremendous work pressure, she didn't get much time to spend me-time, which somewhat prevented her from thinking about Steve and all who left her. Eli took out her phone and thought of sending a voice message, to whom? To Steve, even though he is never going to open the chat. 'Steve, I c-can't take this pressure anymore,........ I think I am collapsing; everything is going to be ruined. After you left me, I have no one to share my pain, sorrow, happiness, anger with. I am feeling very low these days; these months were like the worst days of my life...... I am only surrounded by works, meetings, projects and important business calls. Why did you leave me, why does everyone whom I love have to leave me? A-am I that unworthy, incapable to keep you all with me? I have nobody beside me, sometimes I feel that why am I here in these world? But you know I can't quit, I am only doing everything for Mr Pratt, he was the reason I am here, alive, how can I forget what he had done to me to save me, gave me a new life with the love of a father? I can't see his dream shattering like this.' Eli was shaking while crying with her heads hanging low and back facing the main entrance of the cabin. After sending the message she was taking glimpses of the night view of the city from the glass window right in front of her seat, but little did she know somebody overheard her conversation. 'May I come in?' Jake knocked at the door before entering, and Eli wiped her tears off and regained her 'corporate look'. Crimson tinted nose tip, eye bags under both of eyes were making things crystal clear that she was crying. She was now facing him, biting her lower lips to prevent her from breaking down again. Since Jake heard everything and saw her crying for the first time, he thought of asking her and moreover he wanted to know who was 'Steve'.

'First of all, I am sorry for eavesdropping, and secondly why were you crying? Is there something bothering you recently? Are you too much stressed, then you can take a break in the weekends, I can manage it. And if you don't mind, may I know who is Steve?' Jake said with concern yet straight face.

'Jake, it's my personal matter, so stay away from this; I don't like strangers interfering in my life.' Eli said while fidgeting with her hands. Her voice was cracking yet she somehow succeeded in conveying her saying in a firm voice.

'I do respect your privacy, but since we are working together for months now so I feel that there should be transparency between us, which will help us to cooperate with each other easily. Though I know, it never mattered to you, so did to me, but I was your ex-husband and I think there is no harm knowing Steve.'

'Well, if you are talking about transparency, then I think you should know about Steve. He is my first love, probably my last.' Hearing this Jake's heart ached, but he faked his smile, nodded his head gesturing her to carry on and asked her why aren't he there with her.

'He was the CEO of the park Industries, I joined as his secretary, later from friendship, it turned into a relationship, but then…..(Eli took a deep sigh before continuing) he left me. Eli started shedding tears.

'W-why did he leave you?' Jake was stuttering because of nameless nervousness.

'Because his ex-wife loved him more than me.' Eli gave a small sad smile.

'So you fell in love with a married man and he had an extra-marital affair?' Before Jake could complete Eli slapped him hardly on his face and broke down in tears. 'He passed away *sob* while coming to me on the day of our*hiccups* marriage.' Eli hid her face while sobbing bitterly. Jake was taken aback by both Eli's action as well as confession. However Eli's broken fragile figure made the stone hearted man's eyes, moist. He hugged her tightly as if end of the world. But to his greatest astonishment, Eli hugged him back while crying on his shoulder. They slept in each other's warmth embrace; they felt differently safe and comfortable in that position. It was next morning when they open their eyes and look into each other's reflection. They were locked into each other's soul's eyes which were interrupted by a knock at door and they pulled away like two same poles of magnets repel. They patted their dresses to get rid of the creases on their suits got ready to face the one standing on the other side of the door. The employees smiled and informed them that Miss Eli has a meeting call on hold. Eli hurriedly went to pick up the call. After sometime, Eli was so excited and was jumping from inside out of happiness that she jumped on Jake in front of everyone. No wonder, Jake's eyes popped out of his sockets. 'JAKE, JAKE, Jake!!!!! I am so happy today, you know? We got calls from two top most industries, one from Miss Kylie Brownie and one from Korea's Mr lee, and guess what, they want to invest in our company.' Jake was initially happy but after a while it turned blank. 'W-who? Miss Kylie? Cancel the deal with her right now, tell her either that we are not interested or we got someone bigger and better investor than her.' Jake said in visible anger in his eyes.

'But why will I tell that? She is such a famous established entrepreneur and it was she who approached us all by herself, am I a dumb to reject her proposal?' Eli also burst in anger.

'Since I am the CEO, I think I have the right to decide this, so follow my decision.' Jake said deeply.

Eli stormed out of the hall with a cold face by saying 'Sure sir'

The spark that dazzled in the heart of the boss and his secretary for each other, started to cool down. That evening meant nothing to them now, Eli rarely talks now, Jake wanted to clear the clouds between them, but ended up getting ignored by her. However one day, the sun showed his face amidst the mist and fog of misunderstanding. It was an important meeting and only ten minutes were left but there was no sign of Jake. Eli was continuously walking up and down the hall and was biting his nails, she was very nervous because of Jake being late. The day ended but neither Jake came to office nor did he pick any phone calls from office. All the meetings were rescheduled and all the employees had a half day. But Eli finished all her works and thought of once visiting Jake's house while returning. She went there and rang the calling bell, knocked the door but received no response from Jake's end. Eli was shaking out of fear, her mind couldn't think of anything except Jake. She was now thinking of the worst, maybe he had an accident or he was murdered or blah blah blah. Eli thought of taking help of the staffs of their office and informing the police about his sudden disappearance.

72 hours have passed but still no news of him, it seem that he vanished into thin air. In these days Eli couldn't focus on any other things, be it her project, meeting, her livelihood, importantly she forgot about her own existence. Before Jake's second arrival in Eli's life, she got used to live alone and to become independent but when Jake entered her life, she changed. She started depending on Jake, though they behaved like strangers with each other, she saw Jake as her real friend, who can protect her and who she could trust. Eli became pale and weak, but obligation comes first; she cannot compromise anything for a company which is sinking. She could not afford to lose every effort they put in 6-7 months to save the ship from sinking. One day Eli was returning from her office when a couple caught her attention. They were holding hands and walking, more like that the girl was supporting the man to walk along the street. The back of the male was kind of familiar to Jake. She stopped the car and decided to see the face of the man, she did as she thought and to her bewilderment, the man was JAKE! Eli's jaw dropped and without further thought she hugged him and burst into tears on the crook on his neck. 'I missed you Jake, please come back!' Eli said while crying. The girl, who was beside the man pulled her away and slapped her hardly and told her, 'HOW DARE YOU TO DO THAT TO MY HUSBAND? Who are you? And he is not Jake!' Eli's eyes were popping out of her socket and she took a short glance at the man, confused. She couldn't believe that, that the man was not Jake but his look-alike, she left from their without protesting.

Eli now was standing by the bridge, resting her hands on the cold steel railing, letting the cold breeze play with her hair and to calm her down. There were only few people on the road as it was quiet late at night. She was in her deep thoughts when somebody placed a hand on her shoulder and tapped it. Eli blankly turned around to find...JAKE? Eli thought that the figure standing in front of her was either her hallucination or her imagination. Her eyes were still as if it was too hard for her to digest that Jake is standing. Jake understood her position and so he waved his hand and shook Eli's shoulder, that is when she realized that no that man is true. His hair was all ruffled, white shirt was covered with blood stains, a deep scar on the bottom lip & forehead, dirt all over his face and he was heavily panting. He gulped down the lump in his throat and started running holding Eli's hands towards her car. Without thinking twice Eli's feet began to run as fast as his heart was beating after seeing Jake after so many weeks that to all in a devastated way. Jake opened the door for Eli and took a seat beside her and gestured her to drive, while drinking water. 'Jake, now tell me what happened? Why were you running, who did this to you, from whom were you running and….' Soon Eli realized something heavy on her shoulder. It was Jake who lost his conscious and fell on Eli's shoulder. Eli decided to call the family physician to her house to check Jake up.

After the check-up, doctor prescribed some medicines, and made a diet chart as he was very weak and was mentally stressed. He also suggested her to take extra care of him and to keep him away from any sort of stress or anything which could exert pressure on his brain. Jake gained his senses after almost 12 hours and the first thing he saw that Eli was sitting on the bed right beside him supporting his upper body on the headboard and was sleeping. Jake smiled a bit and tried to get up, but his movements made Eli wake up. 'Do you need anything Jake? Oh! By the way, good morning.' Eli smiled which mesmerized Jake and he couldn't move his eyes from her face. The birds' chirping made him come back to her senses and he looked away, feeling embarrassed. 'No, I don't need anything.' Jake said and left her for the washroom. Eli asked him, whether she could help her but he refused. Eli was so curious to know about Jake's escape rather his kidnaping but as doctor said not to put any stress, she backed off. She decided to wait until Jake himself reveals everything to her. It has been two days, and Jake was here in Eli's house, though Jake wanted to return to his house, Eli prevented him. Jake wanted to clear all the doubts but something was stopping him and that is the fear of losing Eli once again. However Jake decided to reveal everything, no matter what would be the consequences. Jake invited Eli for a car ride to tell her everything.

'Eli, I don't know how will you react after hearing this, but as your friend and your business partner I think there should be no secret in between us. So….. actually Eli, when you divorced me I felt an emptiness in my heart, I realized that you were a part of my life, I was ashamed of my behaviour, but I couldn't apologize at that time because I had no courage to face you after…what I

did. You remember talking about Kylie? Why I had cancelled the deal with her? There was a reason behind it; I think the right time have arrived to share this with you. Kylie was my childhood friend, after our divorce, I contacted her to spend time with her, because as you know I never had any friend, but she tried to get close to me. Without knowing her true motive, I got too close to her, but she misused my trust on her. Kylie named our friendship as relationship and spread false rumours about us to get attention. She even said that you divorced me because you came to know about me having extra-marital affair with her behind your back. When things were getting out of the hand and I was trying to get away from the trap, she photo shopped my pictures and started spreading fake news that I used her for my personal need and you know... nobody believed me, even my father passed away hearing this, soon my company began to run in loss and ..... kylie did everything to get recognition so that people invest on her company out of pity and sympathy and gain my position.' Jake sighed deeply and stopped the car and put his head on the steering wheel, closing his eyes. 'Kylie even kidnapped me and tried to murder me so that her dark truth remain hidden forever.' Eli couldn't believe what she heard, can a girl hurt her own self-respect to get attention and to bring down a respectable person? Eli's mind was occupied with all thoughts which was interrupted by a sniff. She turned her head to find that Jake's face was red due to crying. She hugged him tightly as her life depends on that hug. Though the series of things that happened to Jake were just pre-planned but somewhere deep inside Eli's heart, she was blaming herself for Jake's misfortunes.

However things between Jake and Eli began to change, she again started her silent treatment on Jake. Though Jake tried his level best to talk with her but she ignored him as if he doesn't exist or talk with him as she treats her employees. This behaviour was killing Jake, he began to think that he was unworthy of everyone's love; he was just a curse in anyone's life. Jake started to work like a human-robot, without any expression, lead a insalubrious lifestyle, drinking till throat. Eli noticed everything but she remained firm. Days passed and Eli became Kylie's best friend, which Jake knew as they were deliberately showing their friendship in public especially in front of Jake which broke his heart into pieces, because he thought that Eli is not like others who would leave him when he need them the most but he was proved wrong. Jake thought of committing suicide but somewhere he lacked the courage to do so.

'So Kylie, we are going to hack Pratt Industies' computers and have you already hired people who would steal those files? But remember that nobody should know this. No one should suspect me, is that fine with you?'

'Of course Eli! Nobody is gonna suspect you, we are always on the safe side my princess.' Kylie laughed and Eli joined her.

After few days, police reached Kylie's office and they swayed their handcuffs in front of Kylie's face, her facial expression transformed from happy to that of shock. 'Officers? May I know why you are here?' she said raising her eyebrow. 'You are under arrest Miss Kylie for trying to ruin a respectable citizen and attempt to murder Mr Jake Pratt.' The police said as he commanded one of his female officer to arrest her.

'STOP IT! I said stop it officer, do you have any proof, any arrest warrant? I can launch a case against you for spoiling my reputation.'

'I have proof miss Kylie and here (showing her the arrest warrant) I have the warrant also so let us continue our work, please co-operate.'

Before the female officer could take Kylie, she came and faced Eli with pleading eyes, 'Eli, save me, if today they arrest me then I will not spare you, I will make sure you accompany me to the prison, because you were also involved in the plan.' Eli held Kylie's chin and Eli's pouty lips suddenly plastered a smirk, 'I am so sorry my best friend, my partner in crime, I am so sorry to betray you, but I think it's justified. Since you started the game, I thought that it's my responsibility to finish it. Checkmate Miss Kylie.' Saying this Eli let go off her chin and was about to slap her when somebody caught her hand and slowly put it down Kylie's eyes widened at the sight of the dashing man standing right beside Eli holding her hand. It was JAKE. 'Officer arrest her now and Eli, my love don't slap her I don't want you to touch her, she is just a witch.' Eli's eyes also popped out from her socket at the view of Jake, because she did not inform anything about this to Jake.

'I know everything Eli, how you tricked Kylie and recorded her confession and submitted to the police as an evidence against her (pointing towards Kylie), somebody told me.'

'I am sorry for not informing you anything about this plan and hurting you, knowingly. But I wanted the plan to be full-proofed; so that nobody can understand that it was just an act. But how did you know that?'

'Top secret ma'am. Now come with me (holding her hand) and almost drag her towards his car.'

'Where are you taking me, are you kidnapping me?' but her question gained no response. Soon Jake made Eli wear a blindfold and guided her towards somewhere. After sometime Jake opened her blindfold and Eli's vision became blurry due to tears. The scene reminded her of Steve, this was how Steve proposed her, candles, heart-shaped balloons, rose petals all around with vanilla scent mingled in the air. However the only change was that there was fairy lights shaped in form of letters saying, 'WILL YOU BE THE CAUSE OF MY EUPHORIA, AGAIN?' Eli wasted no time and hugged Jake and cried on his shoulder. 'Yes, Mr Jake, I am all ready to be your Mrs Pratt, again.'

This is how Eli and life gave another chance to Jake which he utilized to the fullest. The new chapter of their life began. Second chances are only for those who deserve it. Believe in time and love someday from somewhere the owner of your heart will come in front of your eyes.