
My Forever with you

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey" .......... " Its feels so nice under the sky, hey look.. there are so many star's in the sky"she said pointing at the stars "But i'm more interested in my moon" he said looking at her. ............ Elena's life has always been limited to herself, completing her studies she wanted work for fulfilling her dreams. Being the only child she was always pampered by her parents. Under their guides she never knew of the outside world. she wanted to experience every thing from love to life. Lucas Thomson, known for his playboy image never wanted to have a serious relationship. He treated women like piece of cloth, changing after having fun with them. The only heir of PM Enterprises, he had everything from good looks to money. But what will happen when he starts getting attracted to a girl who have never had any experience in love? ................ "Wh- what do you want? " she said stammering. "Your heart"he said looking at her intently. " why? "she said looking in his eyes. " Because i want it to beat for me as my beats for you... " taking her hand he place it on his heart for her to listen. ............ Come join me with the journey of Lucas and Elena from how they fall in love and experience new turns in their lives. P. S: This cover doesn't belong to me credit to the respected owner. You can follow me on Instagram:@ author_ akshaya

akshaya_vanne · Urban
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335 Chs


Elena was sleeping, when she heard sniffing sound. She opened her eyes and sat on the bed. As she was trying to wake herself up ,but she heard the sound getting louder.

Turning her head she saw Lucas who was having a nightmare and because of it he was crying. Getting from the bed she went to his side and sat next to him.

Lucas has been crying and saying at the same time"Mom.... please no mom... " he kept calling and cried.

"Mom please don't leave me.... please" he said again.

Elena who was sitting next to him tried to wake him up, but he was not listening to her.

"Sir... are you alright? " she saw him crying like a small child. When he didn't listen to her, she started shaking his shoulder and shouted "Lucas.... wake up! " she called loud for him to hear her and said to stop scaring her.

Lucas opened his eye wide, breathing heavily he was still in his trance, when Elena called him again he was brought back to his senses.

Without thinking anything, he got up and pull Elena to a bone crushing hug. He was shaking as if he was scared of something, hiding his head under the crock of her neck he started crying.

Elena was silent all this time and kept caressing his back to calm him down. He had a dream which was so bad that made him cry out loud.

After sometimes the sound stop and she could hear his soft breathing. Lucas went back to sleep after crying his heart loud out.

Placing his head back on the pillow she made him sleep,as she was about to leave when he hold her hand.

Lucas held her hand so tight ,even though she tried to break it free, as if he was afraid to leave it. After giving up her struggle she let out a sigh and again sat back next to him and lightly brushed the back of his hand.

"don't leave... hmm... please"he murmured and went back to sleep.

Elena kept looking at the sleeping Lucas, earlier how he was crying, she knew there must be something happen which he was traumatized of or else why would he keep crying for his mom asking her not leave him.

As she kept looking at his face, her hand automatically went to trace his dried tears "Don't cry...you don't look good when you cry"she murmured. He look so vulnerable, and messed.

" What's bothering you" she caressed his cheeks and bent down to kiss.






Henry was waiting for Elena to reach home, even though she had informed him about her stay, still he was impatient. A father protectiveness because he would have worried less if she was with Maira, but she was with Lucas and that was bothering him more.

"Stop stressing... and stop walking my legs are paining seeing you walking back and forth" Blake was enjoying his friends being stressed. He knew why he was so worried and he wanted to tease him.

"I can't trust your son... " he stop him front of Blake and started his breathing exercise.

"I would be happy if something happen between them" he clapped his hands him excited.

"what? what did you say" Henry frowned at his comment.

"Henry let the girl enjoy her life, she is grown up and will have to meet people" Blake took the news paper and started reading it, "You are worrying too much, she has just started working and her position needs her to travel".

Julian who brought their breakfast , started placing on the table" You both, stop with your nonsense and get you ass on the table now"

"Honey, how can you call by stress nonsense" he went and took the chair to seat.

"Henry you know she is not alone, Lucas is there with her, so stop being too protective okay" she said placed the toasted bread on his place and omelet on Blake's plate.

"Thats what i am scared of..." he huffed and pointed his finger towards Blake"I can trust his son".

"Hey why are you pointing at me, its not that I asked him to stay there" he pouted and started eating his breakfast.

"But honey don't you think we should introduce them, its better if they know that you and blake are friends" Julian was fed up of Henry's useless worriness.

"I told him the same, but he is not listening" Blake also wanted the same but Henry being a protective father want Lucas to stay miles away from his daughter.

"See Julian, i really want Elena to be my daughter in law and i think she can change Lucas behavior" Blake was very concerned about his son and he really wanted him to be serious and not to destroy his life with useless things.

"Then get someone else, i won't give my daughter to you" Henry said with angry face.

"Stop it Henry! " she shoutout making him look like scared cat.

"Does the boy still has the nightmare? " she asked looking at Blake.

Blake who was eating stopped and looked at Henry and then to Julian, "hmm, he still does" he answer about his son's problem.






Lucas woke up with a certain person snuggling closed to his chest. Elena was sleeping on his chest still holding his hand. She didn't knew when fell asleep.

Lucas kept looking at the sleeping beauty with his eyes softly gazing her, he remembered how she called him to come out of his dream and he hugged her and cried.

Lucas cupped her cheeks with his hand and brushed his thumb softy, his thumb traced her juicy lips making him hard down there.

Lucas was smitten by her beauty and her smile from the time he had seen her, but being inexperience in the field of love he himself didn't know when did she became so important to him. Her single stare would make him go crazy like a fan girl. Her smile would give him butterflies in his stomach and now after yesterday night he was sure that her embrace was his peaceful place and he wanted to stay there.

He slowly bend down to kiss her lips when Elena stirred in her sleep. He closed his eyes and pretend to be asleep, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

Elena slowly opened her eyes only to find her on Lucas chest, she lifted her head to look at him. She saw that he was still asleep, his face was not like yesterday, it was calm.

"He has beautiful eyelashes" she touch his eyes"he is handsome "she said absentminded.

Lucas was listening her, but was controlling not to scare her or else she would push him.

"How can person be so beautiful" she said tracing her finger from his nose then to his lips.

"Do you want to kiss them? " Lucas couldn't hold it any long and finally spoke.

Elena eyes open wide knowing that he was awake all the time and was listening to her silently. She wanted to run away and hide herself somewhere.

She tried to break free from his embrace but Lucas kept holding her tight not wanting to leave her.

"Do you want to kiss them, Miss Carter" he again asked making her look at him.

"I-i didn't mean to wake you up sir" she stammered.

"Lucas, you called me Lucas" he said caressing her face.

Elena was again hypnotized by his blue eyes, and his words were making her weak.

Before she could say anything, the door knocked getting them out of the trance.She push him back and got down from the bed and rushed into the bathroom.

Lucas was smiling at her running figure, he could help but kept looking at her even when she closed the bathroom door.

Elena leaned on the door and calmed her beating heart, it was pumping so fast that she felt she would faint.

"What is doing to me..."she bite he lips to control her temptation.

Lucas was smiling like a fool, when his phone started ringing. With the smile still on his face he took the call

" Sir, I have your clothes and the car has also arrived "Ron was told to send the car on time in the morning and he did his job.

" hmm... okay" saying this he cut the call and opened the door to talk his clothes that had arrived and went to the other bathroom.

Let me know how was the chapter and keep supporting me ☺☺☺☺

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