


I woke up and i saw no one beside me ,i was confused,i looked at the time and i wasn't late either then where is Fero,i get out of bed and look in the bathroom, he was not there also ,i tried to call him but his mobile was off,i quickly took shower and wore my casual clothes and went downstairs,i saw mom in kitchen ,i went towards when she noticed my presence ,she look at me and smile

MOM: Good morning..(she said while chopping some veggies,i also starts to help her ) 

SCARLET: Mom (she looks at me) Do you know where is Fernando? (She shook her head confusingly) 

MOM: Is he not in his room ? (She asked and I shook my head) this brat …(she sigh) 

SCARLET: He didn't even inform me about anything ,and now  his phone is also off (I said confusingly and with annoying look) 

Mom was about to say something but my phone rang and I saw the caller id and smiled instantly,my hubby was calling me ,I quickly accept his call