
My Flame Story

Shua_aVi · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Mikoto the phoenix

Years earlier, In the city of Eldoria in the west continent, Mikoto's journey to master the blue flames began under the training of Master Dibs. Dibs, with his peculiar sense of humor and a penchant for mischief, made for an unforgettable mentor.

Mikoto: (determined) "Master Dibs, I'm ready to learn the ways of the flames."

Dibs: (chuckling) "Ah, young Mikoto, you've got spirit! But first, let's talk about the importance of understanding desires."

Mikoto: (confused) "Desires, Master?"

Dibs: (winking) "Indeed, desires are the fuel for blue flames. Let's just say I'm a man of…desires myself."

As Mikoto endured Master Dibs' unconventional training, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd chosen the right path.

One day, while practicing in the woods, Mikoto noticed Master Dibs behaving oddly.

Mikoto: (curious) "Master, what are you doing?"

Dibs had been caught red-handed, peering through the bushes with a mischievous grin.

Dibs: (flustered) "Oh, just admiring the wonders of nature, my boy!"

Mikoto: (unconvinced) "Nature, or…something else?"

Before Mikoto could decipher Dibs' motives, the situation took an unexpected turn.

As they continued their journey, they encountered a group of women washing clothes by the river.

Dibs: (grinning) "Ah, a chance to be of service! Ladies, let me help you with those delicate garments."

Dibs boldly approached, intending to assist but found himself in a compromising situation. He unwittingly reached for a garment's strap, mistaking it for a clothesline.

Woman 1: (angry) "You pervert!"

Woman 2: (furious) "How dare you!"

Dibs: (embarrassed) "I swear, it was an honest mistake!"

The women's furious slap dibs

Later,as mikoto strolled through a bustling city, he noticed a commotion up ahead. A little girl was in danger, cornered by a menacing figure in dark attire, a rogue adventurer with a menacing yellow flame.

Mikoto: (determined) "Hold on, little one. I won't let anything happen to you."

The rank A rogue adventurer sneered, a sinister grin on his face.

Rank A Rogue Adventurer: "You think you can stop me, kid? You're in way over your head."

The battle began, and the two clashed with incredible ferocity. Mikoto's blue flames danced gracefully in the air, while the rogue adventurer's yellow flames burned hot and wild.

Rank A Rogue Adventurer: "Impressive, a blue flame user eh?, but I have a trick up my sleeve."

With those words, he unleashed a barrage of yellow flames that trap Mikoto. The intense heat threatened him, and for a moment, it seemed like Mikoto might be defeated.

But just as the flames reached their peak, a figure appeared out of nowhere, a man with a distinctive red flame burning in his left eye. It was Dibs, stepped in and blocked the rogue adventurer's attack.

Rank A Rogue Adventurer: "red flames in the left eye, could it be your the "red eye adventurer" a a aa rank SS adventurer"

As Dibs battled the rogue adventurer, he simultaneously imparted a lesson to Mikoto.

The rogue adventurer was enraged on Dibs by his disrespectfulness

Rank A Rogue Adventurer: "Focus on me, you fool!"

But Dibs didn't need to use the red flames on his eye. With a simple gesture, his red flame surged, creating a shockwave that shattered the rogue adventurer's defenses. The rogue was left stunned and defeated.

Rank A Rogue Adventurer: (questioning) "How… How could a mere red flame defeat me?"

Dibs: (wise) "It's not the color of the flame that matters, but how you wield it. Remember that, Mikoto."

Eventually the enemy was defeated easily captured him

While going home

Mikoto: "perverted old man, why does he called you the "red eye adventurer"

Dibs "dont called me that you fool"

Dibs explaining him that by using his red flame on his left eye he can see the 30 seconds in the future . Under Dibs' guidance, Mikoto continued to grow as an adventurer, fueled by the knowledge and training of what dibs teaches him.

A years later

Mikoto's determination knew no bounds. He dedicated himself tirelessly to mastering the red flame. His progress was astounding, and within just one year, he ascended to the prestigious rank of A adventurer.

Guild Master: (impressed) "Mikoto, reaching Rank A in such a short time is truly remarkable. You're a prodigy among prodigies!"

Yet, Mikoto understood that his journey was far from over. He yearned for greater challenges.

One day, during a perilous quest, Mikoto crossed paths with two exceptional adventurers, Lida and Mickey. Though they held the rank of C, their mastery over the blue flame caught Mikoto's eye.

Mikoto: (impressed) "Your control over the blue flame is remarkable. How about we join forces and tackle quests together?"

Lida: (grinning) "Sounds like an adventure!"

Mickey: (enthusiastic) "Count me in!"

Together, they formed a formidable trio, combining their unique abilities and strengths. Through countless adventures, they honed their skills and ascended to the coveted rank of A.

Their synergy and blue flame mastery earned them a legendary reputation. Townsfolk and fellow adventurers began referring to them by a distinctive three-word code name: the "Azure Flame Trio."

Guild Members: (whispering) "Have you heard of the Azure Flame Trio? They're amazing"

Mikoto: (proud) "We've become known as the Azure Flame Trio. It's an honor to fight alongside you both."

Lida: (confident) "Together, we're unstoppable."

In their most daring quest, they confronted a nefarious Rank A criminal organization. Their adversaries were ruthless, but the Tri-Flame Trio was determined to bring them to justice.

Mikoto: (determined) "Your reign of terror ends here!"

Lida: (confident) "We'll protect this city from scum like you!"

Their united strength and teamwork prevailed, dismantling the organization and bringing its leaders to justice. The city celebrated their heroic feat.

Their most epic challenge came in the form of a colossal three-headed dragon. In the heat of battle, the beast's fiery breath gravely wounded Lida.

Lida: (struggling) "I can't go on… I'm too injured…"

Mikoto's blue flames surged with his power, manifesting as brilliant azure wings. He wrap Lida, his flames healing her wounds and granting her strength.

Mickey: (amazed) "Mikoto… You're like a phoenix!"

Their combined strength allowed them to emerge victorious, and they vanquished the formidable dragon.

For his incredible healing powers and their triumphant victories, Mikoto earned the title "Mikoto the Phoenix."and the name of the Azure Flame Trio become known all over the continent.

To be continued …