
My Flame Story

Shua_aVi · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Flames of Darkness

The group was standing near a mysterious portal hidden deep in the forest. Leroy was very excited to explore it.

Leroy: (enthusiastic) "I can barely contain my excitement! The possibilities that lie beyond this portal are endless. Let's not waste another moment—let's journey forth!"

Joshua and Lara shared a contemplative exchange, their gazes reflecting their inner thoughts. They understood the gravity of the decision they were about to make.

Joshua: (cautious) "Leroy, we must approach this with caution. We know nothing about where this portal leads, and the unknown can be treacherous."

Lara: (thoughtful) "Yet, Joshua, we must also remember that as adventurers, growth often comes from embracing the unknown. There could be untapped opportunities awaiting us on the other side. Perhaps this is a path worth exploring."

As their debate continued, a sudden shift in the atmosphere sent shivers down their spines, chilling the very air they breathed. From the depths of the surrounding shadows, a figure emerged—a presence both unexpected and ominous, shattering their deliberations.

Unknown Figure: (whispering) "You adventurers should have stayed within the safety of your homes."

The figure conjured a gleaming white swordflame, its brilliance standing in stark contrast against the eerie darkness that enveloped them. This intrusion sent a wave of alarm through the party, leaving Leroy startled and the rest of the group on high alert.

Leroy: (startled) "Who are you?"

Joshua: (alert) "Stay on guard, everyone. We're in the presence of an unknown entity, and we have no insight into their intentions."

Lara: (concerned) "This situation is dire. Be cautious."

Tragedy struck swiftly, before anyone could react. Ken, a member of their party, fell lifeless to the ground, while the radiant white swordflame left Joshua's left eye searing in pain.

Joshua: (in pain) "Aargh!"

Despite Leroy's valiant attempt to shield his companions, he too succumbed to the relentless strikes of the unknown figure.

Lara: (terrified) "No, this can't be happening! What is this madness?"

Standing with only one functioning eye amid the chaos, Joshua's focus shifted to the item in the figure's hand—a chain. It was a crucial realization; this figure could well be the criminal Mikoto had been pursuing.

As the unknown figure advanced menacingly toward Lara, her injuries growing ever more severe, it seemed as if their fate was sealed. The figure raised his weapon, poised to deliver the final, fatal blow.

Yet, in the darkest of moments, an extraordinary transformation unfolded. Joshua's flame, driven by a power hitherto unknown to him, began to change. It morphed into a deep black hue, extinguishing the flames around them as it spread. Darkness engulfed the scene, leaving only the eerie glow of Joshua's newfound and mysterious power.

Unknown Figure: (astonished) "What is this?"

In the face of this unexpected and formidable metamorphosis, the confrontation took on an entirely new dimension. The unkown figure, taken aback by the sudden darkness that shrouded him, found himself pitted against a transformed Joshua.

Joshua: (defiant) "You won't escape the consequences of your actions."

The two clashed, their flames representing a stark contrast between the abyssal darkness and the pristine light—who shall be victorious?

**To be continued...**