
My Five Beautiful Girlfriends Against the Spirit World

There was a young maiden whose name was Feng Xue. She was the child of the Phoenix Goddess. She used to live in seclusion in the Forbidden Land of the Northern divine region as the girl wasn't born with Nirvana flame, the same as her mother. Fang Xue was still considered to be the auspicious treasure of Heaven and envied by all. The area would have never lack of good fortune if she stayed there. The people of the Western divine region wanted to use her as a tool to get the blessings of heaven. When they came to confiscate her from the Forbidden land of the Northern divine Region, a young boy came for her rescue which was sent by the Dragon God. Phoenix goddess asked dragon God for a favor to save her child who was living in seclusion for which he sent his most capable son to protect. Jin Long fought with the people of the Western divine region a brutal war that shook heaven and earth. He slaughtered many and others ran away. The war ground was dyed by the bloodstream of immortal beings. This incident shook the whole divine realm and a shiver ran down people's spines. Fang Xue fell in love with Jin Long who also liked her in his heart. They went to Heaven's shrine and swore to the Supreme god to be together until eternity. This infuriated Dragon God as it was a disgrace for his blood to marry the Phoenix goddess's daughter who was not even born with Nirvana flame. "Jin Long, for staining our name you will be punished to reincarnate in the lower world. You will forget the girl for whom you disgraced the Dragon race." His father, the Dragon God announced the decision, and a golden light drowned the young boy's body like Heaven's turbulence. Jin Long disappeared as the golden light extinguished. After that Feng Xue shed her tears until Phoenix Goddess agreed to let her reincarnate again along with the person she loved. The goddess told her this might endanger her life as people of the Divine realm might create trouble for her. But Feng Xue was stubborn and was then reincarnated as Cang Xue in the Trasia country. This is the story of Jin Long who once wracked havoc in the Northern divine region for saving a girl named Feng Xue, the Auspicious treasure of Heaven. Join Yue Yan AKA Jin Long, in his Journey to reach the pinnacle of the world with his five beautiful Girlfriends. --------------------------------------------- Note: The synopsis doesn't do justice to explain the beauty of the story as it would spoil the novel. So give it a try if possible.

thewhitesnow · Eastern
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80 Chs

Heaven's Vow Glyph

She could understand why he didn't want to bother her with his problems. Meng long hid the issue from her since she joined the academy.

He suffered alone all these years from their disdainful treatment without complaining and telling her about it.

Xue Rou was just thinking about how to pursue him without being forceful.

"Meng Long, mother has left you in my care. If I'll not bring you with me then who would? Do you not consider me your family?" She asked with her serene voice.

"Big Sister Xue Rou, it would be wrong for a young maiden to live with another man. You know we are not even blood-related. You need to find a good man and marry him.

Don't be bothered with my business. I'll live happily in the Branch family of the Meng Clan." He said heartlessly as he didn't want to give her false hope.

"Meng Long, have you forgotten that I'm already your concubine?" She probed him with this question as he didn't leave her a choice.

"I haven't forgotten but Mother wanted Big Sister Xue Rou to be my concubine because she wanted you to get treated fairly in the clan house.

I don't want you to be bound by something that was fixed when we were children. You shouldn't worry about such superficial things to spoil your happy future." He spoke in a nonchalant voice.

"But Meng Long…" She was saddened by his stubbornness.

"Big Sister Xue Rou…It's not good to be carried by these emotions to destroy your happy life for the kindness given by someone.

Mother loved you unconditionally. Her love wasn't a business where you had to pay for her affection." His voice was cold but he was speaking the truth.

"You don't understand Meng Long… I want to bring you with me because after Mother left, you are the only family I have. I don't want to lose you for marrying another man.

If you don't find me worthy of being your woman then I'll stay unmarried but you will remain the only man this Xue Rou cherishes until the soul leaves my body one day." A voice filled with affection and determination sounded beside Him.

'What should I do to change her mind? Ahhhh…I have no choice but to tell her the truth. I can not hurt this sweet girl.'

He stood up from bed and went to the study table that was situated on the right side. He grabbed a notebook and a pen.

Meng Long started drawing a pattern on the paper with blue ink. Five circles were weaved together with some lines meeting in the center.

After finishing a paper, he started making another drawing with different patterns.

Xue Rou was gazing at him with a puzzled face. Her heart was in chaos because she didn't want to be separated from him.

She had grown up thinking that he would one day become her husband. Her maiden heart would never give up on him.

Xue Rou had noticed in the past that Meng Long adored her and she simply thought he was rejecting her now because he didn't want to be a burden when even his father abandoned him.

He put down the pen and notebook after tearing apart both of the papers.

He walked in front of her and spoke, "This is Heaven's Vow Glyph. You have to put a drop of your blood to activate it. After that just swear that you won't reveal the secrets I'll be telling you to anyone and won't harm me."

"What secrets?… And how can you say I'll harm you?" Xue Rou looked at him with scrunched eyebrows as her face was telling she was a bit offended by his words.

"Do it and I'll tell you why I can not come with you to your place at the academy." He responded with a confident smile while pointing to the Glyph.

She didn't hesitate as she wanted to prove him wrong and took the paper from his hand.

Her expression displayed her madness at him for thinking she would betray him or harm him.

"Please think twice before doing it. I don't want Big sister Xue Rou to be harmed.

The Heaven's Vow Glyph is very dangerous, if one breaks the swear their brain would freeze. They will become like vegetables." Meng long tried to pursue her from doing it as he didn't want this nice girl to be hurt because of his actions.

His predecessor loved her and he was merged with the Meng Long soul so it was natural for him to be worried about her.

"Would you take care of me if I fell into a vegetative state someday?" Her eyes were filled with complicated emotions.

"Ask me this question after knowing my secrets." He said to her with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

She took out a dagger with a red hilt from the Spatial ring and stabbed the sharp blade into the tip of her finger.

A few droplets of crimson blood fell on the Glyph which started crawling like ants and moved on the paper to cover it.

She said, "I swear to heaven I won't harm you in any way or tell anyone your secrets."

As if her voice put life into the paper, it floated into the air and started transforming into red vapor which eventually went towards her. It vanished near her creamy chest region which was home to her alluring twin peaks.

'Not knowing the truth could've saved her from getting hurt.'

Meng Long sighed as he didn't want her to choose this method and simply give up on it.

He chanted some words and the second paper in his hand turned into glimmering fireflies that flew around them and transformed into a glowing sphere that covered both of their figure inside.

This caused a stillness enveloping them both as she realized the sphere blocked any sounds from traveling inside or outside.

'What's his secret that makes him take so many safety measures? And when did he learn to inscribe glyphs that can only be done by an Expert Inscription Master.'

Her eyes were filled with puzzlement and care as if she was worried he would say he had some life-threatening disease. She was determined she wouldn't leave him no matter what Meng Long says.

He felt nervous as he knew this was going to make things complicated between him and the young maiden.

Although he wasn't the Meng Long she knew He still had his soul merged with him.

For some reason, his heart ached to think she would leave him after he told her the truth.


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Edited By: TheWhiteSnow