

Chapter two

First week

I sat down between Kath and ted then a Kyle circle was put in Ravenclaw. Tim who was sitting opposite me spotted the boy who try to help him find his kitty. I turn around I saw him on the griffdoor table he smiled and waved. Then the sorting was over as a Alice shelly went to with the griffdoor. Then Professor McGonagall got up "welcome one and all to Hogwarts we have hold up this long. And still be here for the next students. Right I like to remind you that the forbidden Forest is forbidden for obvious reasons. Or we have got a defence against the Dark Arts professor Ariel star here's hoping he be here longer then the rest. Now dig in said professor McGonagall then out of no where food appeared all over the table. Ted was telling about the other professor that they all been since his godfather been here. "Professor flitwick class are the best then you have professor binns his class your fall asleep in. Professor McGonagall is hard and hagrid brings in dangerous animals.

Oh yeah professor trelawney and professor firenza teach divination I hear it's pretty boring. Said ted. Kath told me she knew professor star, but only once that was on a chocolate frog card he was a card just mentioned. Tim was eating then said "their or so flying class too do you think you're be any good " ask tim. I and kath shook are heads but ted slime "am going to try out for qruittich next year I fly with my godfather and Ron all the time " said ted. "Cool my dad wants me to I hope I do well " said tim.

After dinner we walked down to the kitchen proceeding past the large still life that forms the entrance to the latter. A pile of large barrels is to be found stacked in a shadowy stone recess on the right-hand side of the corridor. When we got through the prefect show us to are rooms.

Though out the week we had Herbology which we learned about magic plants and how to look after them.

Astronomy classes were interesting learning about the stars. Charms was everyone person favourite class learning similar spell that help do everyday things. Flying didn't go well for me and kath like we prepared we were bad at it. Ted and Tim were great how every tim wasn't happy that maiden hooch, well be recommended them to hufflepuff qruittich capital for chase. History of Magic was just as boring and tried as ted said.

Potions was fun we learned mostly about potions, that could help with like hair loss,cuts and change colours of hair or fur. Transfiguration was really hard we only did thing like change a nail into a pin or quill into a pencil. Defence Against the Dark Arts was ok we learned about dangerous magic animals and how to recognize it and how to avoid them.

We didn't have much homework only History of Magic and Transfiguration. Ted ask if we wanted to see hagrid this weekend. We agree we had nothing else to do after all. So on Saturday afternoon we went to see hagrid he was feeding baby unicorns. "Ah ted do you and your friends want to give me a hand, l've been breeding out the forest it's been getting dangerous in their lately " said hagrid.

"Because of the spiders " ask ted I almost dropped the bucket of feeding. "Yeah I had to have them clean out because they been killing the other creatures and having more territory, professor McGonagall did ask me first but I knew I had no choice" said hagrid. We didn't know what to say so we continue to feed the unicorn, then we had home made pumpkin juice sitting next to hagrid hunt.

"What happened to the blast ended Skrewt hagrid " I ask "Forest good idea of a clean they seem to be useful surprisingly" said hagrid. Buckbeck was curled up with a female hippgriff "what her name " ask kath.

"Gemini and she pregnant your welcome to come down whenit happeneds" said hagrid . We all nodded then we walked back up to the castle to have dinner then we played wizard chess in the common room I was doing badly it got to a point that my prices didn't trust me. Then we went to bed on Sunday we had mostly a lazy day I did wish every week was like this oh how very wrong we were .