
A Hogwarts Christmas

Chapter four


November feel longer then it was maybe it's because it the mouth before December. Hagrid sent us a letter after three weeks to tell us that the baby hippgriff was a boy. He or so had a thestral baby too it was a girl so that way we weren't fight over names. So me and katherine were trying to come up with for a name the baby thestral. As for Ted and Tim they were trying to come up with a name for the baby hippgriff. We were going to see hagrid at the end of the month.

We were in the library us girls had finish are homework and we were looking up thestral. To help us come with a name " so we stick to moonlight " ask kath.

I nodded " looked like it I don't want to come up with a name that means death nun of them looks like good name" I said. The boys who were sitting opposite us were still doing their homework. "Come guys help us out here " ask ted. "No you can't cheat " said kath " anyway have you boys come up with a name yet" I asked. " Yeah we were thinking of prongs, padfoot or falcon " said ted. " I like prongs where that from " I ask. " It's from my god father dad he was killed by Voldemort " said ted. " Oh yeah I forgot about that James and lily right" said kath. "He got famous for surviving not what anyone wants " said Tim.

When the weekend come we were walking down to the black forest with hagrid. We had a bucket of meat we were going to feed the thestral we hagrid we had agree with moonlight and prongs. Then hagrid asked who were staying for Christmas. " Yeah my grandmother well do a fit if I don't " said ted " Yeah same we always have the together"i said. "Me too " saidzaq kath "not me I don't think I stand a Christmas with my parents argue about me " said tim.

So we went home and tim stand at Hogwarts just when we were saying goodbye. Richard Brook and sister were argues "am standing I told them I was and you can't curse me you can't use magic in hallway" said Richard " Why are you being so difficult " said he sister who was grind her wand tightly. Then professor McGonagall walked out of the entrance hall. Richard ran behind her "I think your brother has made it clear he doesn't want to go with you " said professor McGonagall. He sister looked angry but she walked away all the same.

At Christmas morning tim came down the stairs with his presents. Then he heard a knock on the picture tim got up and opened the picture gate, in was the griffdoor boy and Richard who were carrying their presents. "I know we in different houses but is it ok if we open are present together" said the second year griffdoor tim open the picture gate. They their presents together near fire. And they spent the whole of Christmas time together. When I got back a week after January I find tim playing wizard chess Richard was watching tim and William.

Richard looked up when I sat down " I better get back to my house before my sister show up" said Richard. And got up and went back to his house. "Checkmate I better too next time " said William "definitely"said tim "had a good time " I asked. "Yeah I did you" Tim asked. I nodded as Ted and katherine come in.