
I’m a nerd

Being the only female child in the adam's family is worse than a nightmare because all the other males will sometimes make you feel like shit and other kids at school will think you're a nerd so every single day of my life is actually half spent in my room.

"Kitty! Will you come down here it's past 8"

Oh that's my mom, and I know what I have to do after hearing that sound of her voice which literally comes once in every five days of the week. As I ran down the stairs I heard voices coming from ben's room, Ben is my older brother who just got out of college "oh right, am not going to get scolded after all" but what were they arguing about? As I walked closer to the door my phone started beeping endlessly "god it's Lydia, she's gonna kill me…mom am off!"

I rushed into the classroom luckily am just five minutes late

"Please be more punctual next time miss adams" my biology teacher Mrs pin said

I walked to my sit looking everywhere for Lydia where must she be! I texted her a few times but she didn't reply

"Hey nerd! Can you stop texting it's really annoying" a guy said at my back

Well, I accept the fact that I was a nerd because I am the top student in brevre high school I'm kinda obsessed with books and histories and plants and science so yeah am a nerd

"Am at the garden behind weems office get your ass right here now" Lydia just texted back

"Huh, excuse me Mrs pin can I huh use the restroom I don't feel okay" I pleaded

"Sure miss adams"

I came out of the classroom and ran straight to the garden to meet Lydia

"What the hell is wrong with you Lydia exams are in a few weeks I can't skip classes" I yelled at her

"Me neither, kitty my friend called and she said that she spotted ben in a club last night"

"Definitely not my brother" i denied

Ben is also a nerd like me he is an introvert also so what would he be doing in a club

"It's him kitty! Ben adams does that name ring a bell"

"My brother don't go to parties or friends day out why on earth would he go to a club..and besides do you mind telling me what your friend was doing in a club?

"Come on kitty focus! This isn't about my friend"

"Well Yh! I heard my mom and ben arguing this morning so maybe she knows already"




"You know you can actually tell me this after the biology class right?

"Yh, I know sorry"


"So tell me, where are you going spend your summer"

This is going to be the first time I intend to spend my summer outside home I haven't told my mom yet but I know she won't agree because she wants all our summers to be spent with family and literally am tired of that because I have no female friends of my age to tag along with

"Are you coming to spend the summer with me and friends? Pls don't say no"

"Lydia you know my mom"

"Yh I guess I do"

I don't think I can ever forgive my mom if I miss this only chance of fitting in with the other kids.